fmap is encoded in XO and is 4 bits
crrweird: RT,BFA,M,fmsk,fmap
creg = CR{BFA}
RT[63] = result # MSB0 numbering, 63 is LSB
If Rc:
CR0 = analyse(RT)
When used with SVP64 Prefixing this is a [[sv/normal]]
SVP64 type operation and as such can use Rc=1 and RC1 Data-dependent
fmap is encoded in XO and is 4 bits
mfcrrweird: RT,BFA,fmsk,fmap
creg = CR{BFA}
RT[60:63] = result # MSB0 numbering, 63 is LSB
If Rc:
CR0 = analyse(RT)
When used with SVP64 Prefixing this is a [[sv/normal]]
SVP64 type operation and as such can use Rc=1 and RC1 Data-dependent
fmap is encoded in XO and is 4 bits
mtcrrweird: BF,RA,M,fmsk,fmap
a = (RA|0)
if M:
result |= CR{BF} & ~fmsk
CR{BF} = result
When used with SVP64 Prefixing this is a [[sv/normal]]
SVP64 type operation and as such can use RC1 Data-dependent
mtcrweird: BF,RA,M,fmsk,fmap
reg = (RA|0)
if M:
result |= CR{BF} & ~fmsk
CR{BF} = result
Note that when M=1 this operation is a Read-Modify-Write on the CR Field
BF. Masked-out bits of the 4-bit CR Field BF will not be changed when
the EQ bit from the source may only go into the EQ bit of the
destination (optionally inverted, set, or cleared).
mcrfm: BF,BFA,M,fmsk,fmap
result = fmsk & CR{BFA}
result |= CR{BF} & ~fmsk
result ^= fmap
CR{BF} = result
When M=1 this operation is a Read-Modify-Write on the CR Field
BF. Masked-out bits of the 4-bit CR Field BF will not be changed when
crweirder: BT,BFA,fmsk,fmap
creg = CR{BFA}
bf = BT[2:4] # select CR field
bit = BT[0:1] # select bit of CR field
CR{bf}[bit] = result # aka the usual "CR[32+BT] = result"
When used with SVP64 Prefixing this is a [[sv/cr_ops]] SVP64
type operation that has 5-bit Data-dependent and 5-bit Predicate-result
**Example Pseudo-ops:**
mtcri BF, fmap mtcrweird BF, r0, 0, 0b1111,~fmap
mtcrset BF, fmsk mtcrweird BF, r0, 1, fmsk,0b0000
mtcrclr BF, fmsk mtcrweird BF, r0, 1, fmsk,0b1111
**crrweird: RT, BB, fmsk.fmap**
for i in range(VL):
if BB.isvec:
creg = CR{BB+i}
iregs[RT+i//8][63-(i%8)] = result
iregs[RT][63-i] = result # results also in scalar INT
Note that:
the limit. Any parts of the destination elements not containing
results are set to zero.
for i in range(VL):
if BB.isvec:
creg = CR{BB+i}
# exceeding VL=16 is UNDEFINED
idx, boff = 0, i
iregs[RT+idx][60-boff*4:63-boff*4] = result
# Predication Examples
Take the following example:
r10 = 0b00010
sv.mtcrweird/dm=r10/dz cr8.v, 0, 0b0011.0000
Here, RA is zero, so the source input is zero. The destination is CR Field
8, and the destination predicate mask indicates to target the first two
[[!tag standards]]