-bitmask extract with reverse. can be done by bitinverting all of RA and getting bits of RA from the opposite end.
+bitmask extract with reverse. can be done by bitinverting all of RB and getting bits of RB from the opposite end.
+when RA is zero, no shift occurs. this makes bmextrev useful for
+simply reversing all bits of a register.
-msb = rb[5:0];
-rev[0:msb] = ra[msb:0];
+msb = ra[5:0];
+rev[0:msb] = rb[msb:0];
rt = ZE(rev[msb:0]);
uint_xlen_t bmextrev(RA, RB, sh)
- int shamt = (RB & (XLEN - 1));
+ int shamt = XLEN-1;
+ if (RA != 0) (GPR(RA) & (XLEN - 1));
shamt = (XLEN-1)-shamt; # shift other end
- bra = bitreverse(RA) # swap LSB-MSB
+ bra = bitreverse(RB) # swap LSB-MSB
mask = (2<<sh)-1;
return mask & (bra >> shamt);