in the class for later use. this to avoid problems with yield
# go through all iterators in lock-step, advance to next remap_idx
- srcstep, dststep, substep = self.get_src_dststeps()
+ srcstep, dststep, ssubstep = self.get_src_dststeps()
# get four SVSHAPEs. here we are hard-coding
SVSHAPE0 = self.spr['SVSHAPE0']
SVSHAPE1 = self.spr['SVSHAPE1']
- srcstep, dststep, substep = self.get_src_dststeps()
+ srcstep, dststep, ssubstep = self.get_src_dststeps()
pred_dst_zero = self.pred_dst_zero
pred_src_zero = self.pred_src_zero
vl = self.svstate.vl
offsmul = yield self.dec2.in1_step
log("D-field REMAP src", imm, offsmul)
- offsmul = (srcstep * (subvl+1)) + substep
+ offsmul = (srcstep * (subvl+1)) + ssubstep
log("D-field src", imm, offsmul)
elif op == MicrOp.OP_STORE.value:
# XXX NOTE! no bit-reversed STORE! this should not ever be used
- offsmul = (dststep * (subvl+1)) + substep
+ offsmul = (dststep * (subvl+1)) + ssubstep
log("D-field dst", imm, offsmul)
# bit-reverse mode, rev already done through get_src_dst_steps()
if ldstmode == SVP64LDSTmode.SHIFT.value:
log("SVSTATE_NEXT: post-inc")
# use actual src/dst-step here to check end, do NOT
# use bit-reversed version
- srcstep, dststep, substep = \
- self.new_srcstep, self.new_dststep, self.new_substep
+ srcstep, dststep, ssubstep = \
+ self.new_srcstep, self.new_dststep, self.new_ssubstep
remaps = self.get_remap_indices()
remap_idxs = self.remap_idxs
vl = self.svstate.vl
subvl = yield self.dec2.rm_dec.rm_in.subvl
- end_sub = substep == subvl
+ end_sub = ssubstep == subvl
end_src = srcstep == vl-1
end_dst = dststep == vl-1
if self.allow_next_step_inc != 2:
subvl = yield self.dec2.rm_dec.rm_in.subvl
srcstep = self.svstate.srcstep
dststep = self.svstate.dststep
- substep = self.svstate.substep
+ ssubstep = self.svstate.ssubstep
sv_a_nz = yield self.dec2.sv_a_nz
fft_mode = yield self.dec2.use_svp64_fft
in1 = yield
- log("SVP64: VL, subvl, srcstep, dststep, substep, sv_a_nz, "
+ log("SVP64: VL, subvl, srcstep, dststep, ssubstep, sv_a_nz, "
"in1 fft, svp64",
- vl, subvl, srcstep, dststep, substep, sv_a_nz, in1, fft_mode,
+ vl, subvl, srcstep, dststep, ssubstep, sv_a_nz, in1, fft_mode,
# get predicate mask (all 64 bits)
srcmask = dstmask = get_predcr(self.crl, dstpred, vl)
if sv_ptype == SVPtype.P2.value:
srcmask = get_predcr(self.crl, srcpred, vl)
- # work out if the substeps are completed
- end_sub = substep == subvl
+ # work out if the ssubsteps are completed
+ end_sub = ssubstep == subvl
log(" pmode", pmode)
log(" reverse", reverse_gear)
log(" ptype", sv_ptype)
while (((1 << dststep) & dstmask) == 0) and (dststep != vl):
log(" skip", bin(1 << dststep))
dststep += 1
- # and reset substep back to zero
- substep = 0
+ # and reset ssubstep back to zero
+ ssubstep = 0
- substep += 1 # advance substep
+ ssubstep += 1 # advance ssubstep
# now work out if the relevant mask bits require zeroing
if pred_dst_zero:
pred_src_zero = ((1 << srcstep) & srcmask) == 0
# store new srcstep / dststep
- self.new_srcstep, self.new_dststep, self.new_substep = \
- (srcstep, dststep, substep)
+ self.new_srcstep, self.new_dststep, self.new_ssubstep = \
+ (srcstep, dststep, ssubstep)
self.pred_dst_zero, self.pred_src_zero = pred_dst_zero, pred_src_zero
log(" new srcstep", srcstep)
log(" new dststep", dststep)
- log(" new substep", substep)
+ log(" new ssubstep", ssubstep)
def get_src_dststeps(self):
- """gets srcstep, dststep, and substep
+ """gets srcstep, dststep, and ssubstep
- return self.new_srcstep, self.new_dststep, self.new_substep
+ return self.new_srcstep, self.new_dststep, self.new_ssubstep
def update_new_svstate_steps(self):
# note, do not get the bit-reversed srcstep here!
- srcstep, dststep, substep = \
- self.new_srcstep, self.new_dststep, self.new_substep
+ srcstep, dststep, ssubstep = \
+ self.new_srcstep, self.new_dststep, self.new_ssubstep
# update SVSTATE with new srcstep
self.svstate.srcstep = srcstep
self.svstate.dststep = dststep
- self.svstate.substep = substep
+ self.svstate.ssubstep = ssubstep
self.namespace['SVSTATE'] = self.svstate
yield self.dec2.state.svstate.eq(self.svstate.value)
yield Settle() # let decoder update
srcstep = self.svstate.srcstep
dststep = self.svstate.dststep
- substep = self.svstate.substep
+ ssubstep = self.svstate.ssubstep
vl = self.svstate.vl
subvl = yield self.dec2.rm_dec.rm_in.subvl
log(" srcstep", srcstep)
log(" dststep", dststep)
- log(" substep", substep)
+ log(" ssubstep", ssubstep)
log(" vl", vl)
log(" subvl", subvl)
mvl = self.svstate.maxvl
srcstep = self.svstate.srcstep
dststep = self.svstate.dststep
- substep = self.svstate.substep
+ ssubstep = self.svstate.ssubstep
rm_mode = yield self.dec2.rm_dec.mode
reverse_gear = yield self.dec2.rm_dec.reverse_gear
sv_ptype = yield self.dec2.dec.op.SV_Ptype
log(" rm.subvl", subvl)
log(" svstate.srcstep", srcstep)
log(" svstate.dststep", dststep)
- log(" svstate.substep", substep)
+ log(" svstate.ssubstep", ssubstep)
log(" mode", rm_mode)
log(" reverse", reverse_gear)
log(" out_vec", out_vec)
def advance_svstate_steps(self, end_src=False, end_dst=False):
subvl = yield self.dec2.rm_dec.rm_in.subvl
- substep = self.svstate.substep
- end_sub = substep == subvl
+ ssubstep = self.svstate.ssubstep
+ end_sub = ssubstep == subvl
if end_sub:
if not end_src:
self.svstate.srcstep += SelectableInt(1, 7)
if not end_dst:
self.svstate.dststep += SelectableInt(1, 7)
- self.svstate.substep = SelectableInt(0, 2)
+ self.svstate.ssubstep = SelectableInt(0, 2)
- self.svstate.substep += SelectableInt(1, 2) # advance substep
+ self.svstate.ssubstep += SelectableInt(1, 2) # advance ssubstep
def update_pc_next(self):
# UPDATE program counter
def svp64_reset_loop(self):
self.svstate.srcstep = 0
self.svstate.dststep = 0
- self.svstate.substep = 0
+ self.svstate.ssubstep = 0
log(" svstate.srcstep loop end (PC to update)")
self.namespace['SVSTATE'] = self.svstate