nir_variable *var;
} nir_deref_var;
+/* This enum describes how the array is referenced. If the deref is
+ * direct then the base_offset is used. If the deref is indirect then then
+ * offset is given by base_offset + indirect. If the deref is a wildcard
+ * then the deref refers to all of the elements of the array at the same
+ * time. Wildcard dereferences are only ever allowed in copy_var
+ * intrinsics and the source and destination derefs must have matching
+ * wildcards.
+ */
typedef enum {
+ nir_deref_array_type_wildcard,
} nir_deref_array_type;
typedef struct {
fprintf(fp, "%u + ", deref->base_offset);
print_src(&deref->indirect, fp);
+ case nir_deref_array_type_wildcard:
+ fprintf(fp, "*");
+ break;
fprintf(fp, "]");