Address Address, desc="Physical address for this request";
PersistentRequestType Type, desc="Type of starvation request";
MachineID Requestor, desc="Node who initiated the request";
- MachineType RequestorMachine, desc="Type of machine who requested";
NetDest Destination, desc="Destination set";
- MachineType DestMachine, desc="type of destination component";
MessageSizeType MessageSize, desc="size category of the message";
AccessModeType AccessMode, desc="user/supervisor access type";
PrefetchBit Prefetch, desc="Is this a prefetch request";
Address Address, desc="Physical address for this request";
CoherenceRequestType Type, desc="Type of request (GetS, GetX, PutX, etc)";
MachineID Requestor, desc="Node who initiated the request";
- MachineType RequestorMachine, desc="Type of machine who requested";
- MachineType DestMachine, desc="Type of destination machine";
NetDest Destination, desc="Multicast destination mask";
bool isLocal, desc="Is this request from a local L1";
int RetryNum, desc="retry sequence number";
Address Address, desc="Physical address for this request";
CoherenceResponseType Type, desc="Type of response (Ack, Data, etc)";
MachineID Sender, desc="Node who sent the data";
- MachineType SenderMachine, desc="component that is sending";
NetDest Destination, desc="Node to whom the data is sent";
- MachineType DestMachine, desc="What component receives the data";
int Tokens, desc="Number of tokens being transfered for this line";
DataBlock DataBlk, desc="data for the cache line";
bool Dirty, desc="Is the data dirty (different than memory)?";