TIMESPEC "TSphy_tx_clk_io" = FROM "GRPphy_tx_clk" TO "PADS" 10 ns;
TIMESPEC "TSphy_rx_clk_io" = FROM "PADS" TO "GRPphy_rx_clk" 10 ns;
-NET "asfifo*/counter_read/gray_count*" TIG;
-NET "asfifo*/counter_write/gray_count*" TIG;
-NET "asfifo*/preset_empty*" TIG;
NET "{dviclk0}" TNM_NET = "GRPdviclk0";
TIMESPEC "TSdviclk0" = PERIOD "GRPdviclk0" 26.7 ns HIGH 50%;
dviclk0=platform.lookup_request("dvi_in", 0).clk,
dviclk1=platform.lookup_request("dvi_in", 1).clk)
- for d in ["generic", "m1crg", "s6ddrphy", "minimac3"]:
+ for d in ["m1crg", "s6ddrphy", "minimac3"]:
platform.add_source_dir(os.path.join("verilog", d))
platform.add_sources(os.path.join("verilog", "lm32", "submodule", "rtl"),
"lm32_cpu.v", "lm32_instruction_unit.v", "lm32_decoder.v",
from migen.fhdl.specials import Instance
from migen.fhdl.module import Module
from migen.genlib.record import Record
+from migen.genlib.fifo import AsyncFIFO
from migen.flow.actor import *
from migen.flow.network import *
from migen.flow.transactions import *
data_width = 2+2*3*_bpc_dac
- fifo_full = Signal()
- fifo_write_en = Signal()
- fifo_read_en = Signal()
- fifo_data_out = Signal(data_width)
- fifo_data_in = Signal(data_width)
- self.specials += Instance("asfifo",
- Instance.Parameter("data_width", data_width),
- Instance.Parameter("address_width", 8),
- Instance.Output("data_out", fifo_data_out),
- Instance.Output("empty"),
- Instance.Input("read_en", fifo_read_en),
- Instance.Input("clk_read", ClockSignal("vga")),
- Instance.Input("data_in", fifo_data_in),
- Instance.Output("full", fifo_full),
- Instance.Input("write_en", fifo_write_en),
- Instance.Input("clk_write", ClockSignal()),
- Instance.Input("rst", 0))
+ fifo = AsyncFIFO(data_width, 256)
+ self.add_submodule(fifo, {"write": "sys", "read": "vga"})
fifo_in = self.dac.payload
fifo_out = Record(_dac_layout)
self.comb += [
- self.dac.ack.eq(~fifo_full),
- fifo_write_en.eq(self.dac.stb),
- fifo_data_in.eq(fifo_in.raw_bits()),
- fifo_out.raw_bits().eq(fifo_data_out),
+ self.dac.ack.eq(fifo.writable),
+ fifo.we.eq(self.dac.stb),
+ fifo.din.eq(fifo_in.raw_bits()),
+ fifo_out.raw_bits().eq(fifo.dout),
- self.comb += fifo_read_en.eq(pix_parity)
+ self.comb += fifo.re.eq(pix_parity)
def sim_fifo_gen():
while True:
+++ /dev/null
- * This file is based on "Asynchronous FIFO" by Alex Claros F.,
- * itself based on the article "Asynchronous FIFO in Virtex-II FPGAs"
- * by Peter Alfke.
- */
-module asfifo #(
- parameter data_width = 8,
- parameter address_width = 4,
- parameter fifo_depth = (1 << address_width)
-) (
- /* Read port */
- output reg [data_width-1:0] data_out,
- output reg empty,
- input read_en,
- input clk_read,
- /* Write port */
- input [data_width-1:0] data_in,
- output reg full,
- input write_en,
- input clk_write,
- /* Asynchronous reset */
- input rst
-reg [data_width-1:0] mem[fifo_depth-1:0];
-wire [address_width-1:0] write_index, read_index;
-wire equal_addresses;
-wire write_en_safe, read_en_safe;
-wire set_status, clear_status;
-reg status;
-wire preset_full, preset_empty;
-reg [data_width-1:0] data_out0;
-always @(posedge clk_read) begin
- data_out0 <= mem[read_index];
- data_out <= data_out0;
-always @(posedge clk_write) begin
- if(write_en & !full)
- mem[write_index] <= data_in;
-assign write_en_safe = write_en & ~full;
-assign read_en_safe = read_en & ~empty;
-asfifo_graycounter #(
- .width(address_width)
-) counter_write (
- .gray_count(write_index),
- .ce(write_en_safe),
- .rst(rst),
- .clk(clk_write)
-asfifo_graycounter #(
- .width(address_width)
-) counter_read (
- .gray_count(read_index),
- .ce(read_en_safe),
- .rst(rst),
- .clk(clk_read)
-assign equal_addresses = (write_index == read_index);
-assign set_status = (write_index[address_width-2] ~^ read_index[address_width-1]) &
- (write_index[address_width-1] ^ read_index[address_width-2]);
-assign clear_status = ((write_index[address_width-2] ^ read_index[address_width-1]) &
- (write_index[address_width-1] ~^ read_index[address_width-2]))
- | rst;
-always @(posedge clear_status, posedge set_status) begin
- if(clear_status)
- status <= 1'b0;
- else
- status <= 1'b1;
-assign preset_full = status & equal_addresses;
-always @(posedge clk_write, posedge preset_full) begin
- if(preset_full)
- full <= 1'b1;
- else
- full <= 1'b0;
-assign preset_empty = ~status & equal_addresses;
-always @(posedge clk_read, posedge preset_empty) begin
- if(preset_empty)
- empty <= 1'b1;
- else
- empty <= 1'b0;
+++ /dev/null
- * This file is based on "Asynchronous FIFO" by Alex Claros F.,
- * itself based on the article "Asynchronous FIFO in Virtex-II FPGAs"
- * by Peter Alfke.
- */
-module asfifo_graycounter #(
- parameter width = 2
-) (
- output reg [width-1:0] gray_count,
- input ce,
- input rst,
- input clk
-reg [width-1:0] binary_count;
-always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin
- if(rst) begin
- binary_count <= {width{1'b0}} + 1;
- gray_count <= {width{1'b0}};
- end else if(ce) begin
- binary_count <= binary_count + 1;
- gray_count <= {binary_count[width-1],
- binary_count[width-2:0] ^ binary_count[width-1:1]};
- end