--- /dev/null
+/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc*-*-* && ilp32 } } } */
+/* { dg-options "-O2 -mpowerpc64" } */
+ * (below is inlined and simplified from previously included headers)
+ */
+struct fltcom_st {
+ short fltbuf[950];
+} fltcom_ __attribute__((common)) ;
+#define CM_PLIBOR (*(((double *)&fltcom_ + 1)))
+#define CM_QMRG (*(((double *)&fltcom_ + 2)))
+struct fltcom2_st {
+ short fltbuf2[56];
+} fltcom2_ __attribute__((common)) ;
+#define CM_FLPRV ((short *)&fltcom2_ + 17)
+#define CM_FLNXT ((short *)&fltcom2_ + 20)
+#define CM_FLCPN (*(((double *)&fltcom2_)))
+#define CM_FLCNT (*(((short *)&fltcom2_ + 12)))
+struct aidatcm_st {
+ double cm_aid, cm_ext, cm_basis;
+ short cm_aiday, cm_exday, cm_dperd, cm_aiexf, cm_aidex, cm_aiok,
+ cm_aigdo, cm_aildo, cm_prev[3], cm_next[3], cm_aid_pad[2];
+ double cm_rvgfact, cm_ai1st, cm_ai2nd;
+ int cm_aieurok;
+} aidatcm_ __attribute__((common)) ;
+#define CM_EXDAY aidatcm_.cm_exday
+#define CM_BASIS aidatcm_.cm_basis
+#define CM_PREV aidatcm_.cm_prev
+struct cshfcm_st {
+ short bufff[10862];
+} cshfcm_ __attribute__((common)) ;
+#define CM_FNUM (*(((short *)&cshfcm_ + 9038)))
+#define CM_FIFLX ((double *)&cshfcm_ + 1)
+#define CM_FEXTX ((double *)&cshfcm_ + 1201)
+#define CM_FSHDT ((short *)&cshfcm_ + 7230)
+struct calctsdb_st {
+ short calctsdbbuff[115];
+} calctsdb_ __attribute__((common)) ;
+#define CM_CTUP_GOOD_TO_GO (*(((short *)&calctsdb_ + 16)))
+#define CM_PAYMENT_FREQUENCY (*(((short *)&calctsdb_ + 61)))
+#define CM_DISCOUNTING_DAYTYP (*(((short *)&calctsdb_ + 59)))
+struct cf600cm_st {
+ short bufcf[14404];
+} cf600cm_ __attribute__((common)) ;
+#define CM_FLT_RFIXRATES ((double *)&cf600cm_ + 600)
+typedef struct { int id; int type; const char *name; } bregdb_bitinfo_t;
+bregdb_eval_bbitcxt_bool_rv(const bregdb_bitinfo_t * const bbit,
+ const int bbit_default,
+ const void * const bregucxt);
+static const bregdb_bitinfo_t bbit_calc_dr_d33 =
+ { 160667, 5, "bbit_calc_dr_d33" };
+#define bbit_calc_dr_d33__value() \
+ bregdb_eval_bbitcxt_bool_rv(&bbit_calc_dr_d33, 0, 0)
+static const bregdb_bitinfo_t bbit_calc_sx_b24 =
+ { 158854, 5, "bbit_calc_sx_b24" };
+#define bbit_calc_sx_b24__value() \
+ bregdb_eval_bbitcxt_bool_rv(&bbit_calc_sx_b24, 0, 0)
+static const bregdb_bitinfo_t bbit_calc_dr_d36 =
+ { 161244, 5, "bbit_calc_dr_d36" };
+#define bbit_calc_dr_d36__value() \
+ bregdb_eval_bbitcxt_bool_rv(&bbit_calc_dr_d36, 0, 0)
+static const bregdb_bitinfo_t bbit_calc_dr_d37 =
+ { 161315, 5, "bbit_calc_dr_d37" };
+#define bbit_calc_dr_d37__value() \
+ bregdb_eval_bbitcxt_bool_rv(&bbit_calc_dr_d37, 0, 0)
+static const bregdb_bitinfo_t bbit_calc_dr_d47 =
+ { 163259, 5, "bbit_calc_dr_d47" };
+#define bbit_calc_dr_d47__value() \
+ bregdb_eval_bbitcxt_bool_rv(&bbit_calc_dr_d47, 0, 0)
+static const bregdb_bitinfo_t bbit_calc_dr_d46 =
+ { 163239, 5, "bbit_calc_dr_d46" };
+#define bbit_calc_dr_d46__value() \
+ bregdb_eval_bbitcxt_bool_rv(&bbit_calc_dr_d46, 0, 0)
+static const bregdb_bitinfo_t bbit_calc_dr_d62 =
+ { 166603, 5, "bbit_calc_dr_d62" };
+#define bbit_calc_dr_d62__value() \
+ bregdb_eval_bbitcxt_bool_rv(&bbit_calc_dr_d62, 0, 0)
+int dtyp_is_actact_(short *daytyp);
+double rnd_trunc_numb(double in, short num_digits, short rnd_or_trunc);
+void datetrn_(const short* dt, short* dt2);
+short difday_(short* daytyp_in, short* srtdti, short* enddti, short* ercode);
+double pow(double x, double y);
+ * (above is inlined and simplified from previously included headers)
+ */
+void calc_1566(
+ short sCalcType,
+ short sDayType,
+ short sFreq,
+ short asSettleDt[3],
+ short asMtyDt[3],
+ short asIssueDt[3],
+ short asFCpnDt[3],
+ double dCpn,
+ short *psNoPer,
+ double *pdExt,
+ double *pdAI,
+ double *pdAI2,
+ double *pdFCpn,
+ short *psRcode)
+ short ercode = 0;
+ int isactact;
+ short days_to_next_cpn = 0;
+ const short discDaytype = CM_DISCOUNTING_DAYTYP;
+ if(bbit_calc_sx_b24__value())
+ isactact = (dtyp_is_actact_(&sDayType) != 0);
+ else
+ isactact = (sDayType == 1 || sDayType == 10);
+ short days_in_current_period = difday_(&sDayType,CM_FLPRV,CM_FLNXT,&ercode);
+ const short sfreq1 = (CM_CTUP_GOOD_TO_GO == 1 && CM_PAYMENT_FREQUENCY == 1);
+ for (int j = 0; j < CM_FNUM; j++) {
+ if(j == 0) {
+ days_to_next_cpn = difday_(&sDayType,asSettleDt,CM_FLNXT,&ercode);
+ if(isactact) {
+ CM_FIFLX[j] = CM_FLCPN / sFreq;
+ CM_FEXTX[j] = (double)days_to_next_cpn / (double)days_in_current_period;
+ }
+ else {
+ CM_FIFLX[j] = CM_FLCPN * days_in_current_period;
+ CM_FEXTX[j] = (double)days_to_next_cpn / (double)(1/sfreq1);
+ }
+ if(CM_FNUM == 1) {
+ CM_FEXTX[j] = (double)days_to_next_cpn / ((double)1/sfreq1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ short days_from_settle, days_in_period;
+ if(bbit_calc_dr_d46__value()){
+ days_from_settle = difday_(&sDayType,asSettleDt,
+ &CM_FSHDT[j*3],&ercode);
+ days_in_period = difday_(&sDayType,&CM_FSHDT[(j-1)*3],
+ &CM_FSHDT[j*3],&ercode);
+ }
+ double cpn_rate = CM_PLIBOR;
+ if(bbit_calc_dr_d62__value()) {
+ if(j < CM_FLCNT && CM_FLT_RFIXRATES[j] != 0) cpn_rate = CM_FLT_RFIXRATES[j];
+ }
+ else {
+ if(j < CM_FLCNT ) cpn_rate = CM_FLT_RFIXRATES[j];
+ }
+ if(bbit_calc_dr_d37__value()&& j >= CM_FLCNT && sCalcType == 1570) {
+ cpn_rate = CM_PLIBOR + CM_QMRG;
+ if(bbit_calc_dr_d36__value()){
+ double projected_rate = pow((1 + CM_PLIBOR/100.0),
+ (days_in_period)) - 1;
+ projected_rate = projected_rate + CM_QMRG/100.0 * days_in_period;
+ cpn_rate = 100 * projected_rate * (1/days_in_period);
+ }
+ }
+ if(isactact) {
+ CM_FIFLX[j] = cpn_rate / sFreq;
+ CM_FEXTX[j] = CM_FEXTX[j-1] + 1;
+ if(bbit_calc_dr_d46__value() && discDaytype != 0) {
+ CM_FEXTX[j] = (double)days_from_settle / (double)(1/sfreq1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!bbit_calc_dr_d46__value()){
+ days_from_settle = difday_(&sDayType,asSettleDt,
+ &CM_FSHDT[j*3],&ercode);
+ days_in_period = difday_(&sDayType,&CM_FSHDT[(j-1)*3],
+ &CM_FSHDT[j*3],&ercode);
+ }
+ CM_FIFLX[j] = cpn_rate * days_in_period;
+ CM_FEXTX[j] = (double)days_from_settle / (double)(1/sfreq1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(bbit_calc_dr_d33__value() && CM_CTUP_GOOD_TO_GO != 0) {
+ CM_FIFLX[j] = rnd_trunc_numb (CM_FIFLX[j], 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ short accrued_days = difday_(&sDayType,CM_FLPRV,asSettleDt,&ercode);
+ if(!bbit_calc_dr_d47__value()) {
+ if(isactact) {
+ *pdAI = (CM_FLCPN / sFreq)* accrued_days / ((double)days_in_current_period);
+ }
+ else{
+ *pdAI = (CM_FLCPN / sFreq)* accrued_days / ((double)1/sFreq);
+ }
+ }
+ CM_EXDAY = days_to_next_cpn;
+ CM_BASIS = days_in_current_period;
+ datetrn_(CM_FLPRV,CM_PREV);