--- /dev/null
+# Installing Coriolis2
+## debootstrap
+First set up an schroot debootstrap jail with debian 9.0.
+Follow these instructions taken from here:
+In advance, edit /etc/fstab and add mount points: personally I prefer using
+mount --bind points
+ /dev /home/chroot/coriolis/dev none bind 0 0
+ /dev/pts /home/chroot/coriolis/dev/pts none bind 0 0
+ /proc /home/chroot/coriolis/proc none bind 0 0
+ /sys /home/chroot/coriolis/sys none bind 0 0
+ /tmp /home/chroot/coriolis/tmp none bind 0 0
+Then run these commands:
+ sudo bash
+ apt-get install debootstrap schroot
+ mkdir /opt/chroot/coriolis
+ /usr/sbin/debootstrap stretch !$ http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian
+ mount -a
+ echo "coriolis2" > /home/chroot/coriolis/etc/debian_chroot
+To do some preparation (users):
+ chroot /home/chroot/coriolis2 /bin/bash
+ adduser {yourpreferredusername}
+It is best to make the username the same as the first user that
+was added during the debian install, so that uid 1001 matches between
+both main and chroot. Alternatively, /etc/passwd and /etc/group may
+be mount-bound as well as /home however if you later forget you did
+this and decide to delete the chroot, you will delete the entire /home
+of your main system, as well as /etc/passwd.
+You may wish to follow some of the other things such as configuring apt,
+locales and keyboard. bootloader, kernel, ssh access, all these are
+unnecessary. do run "apt clean" to clear out /var/cache/apt/archives
+in the chroot.
+## schroot
+Create an schroot file section:
+ [coriolis]
+ description=Debian Stable for Coriolis
+ directory=/home/chroot/coriolis
+ groups=sbuild-security,lkcl,users
+Now as an *ordinary* user - not as root - you may type:
+ lkcl@fizzy:~$ schroot -c coriolis
+and, due to the contents of /etc/debian\_chroot, the prompt should become:
+ (coriolis2)lkcl@fizzy:~$
+## coriolis2
+These are nominally taken from
+however there are errors in the original at the moment.
+Do not try qt5, it will not work.
+In ~/.bash\_profile add the following so that builds (rebuilds) if you need
+them will be quicker, and you can run the GUI from the chroot:
+ export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:"$PATH"
+ export DISPLAY=:0.0
+Second (or at a new terminal / xterm), log in as root on the host (not
+the chroot) then do schroot -c coriolis to get to be root in the chroot
+(or, you can install sudo in the chroot and then do "sudo bash" in the
+Then run the following commands, as root, *in* the chroot:
+ apt-get update
+ apt-get install -y build-essential binutils-dev \
+ git cmake bison flex gcc python-dev \
+ libboost-all-dev libboost-python-dev \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ libbz2-dev libxml2-dev rapidjson-dev libbz2-dev \
+ doxygen dvipng graphviz python-sphinx \
+ texlive-fonts-extra texlive-lang-french \
+ libqwt-dev qt4-dev-tools python-qt4
+ mkdir -p ~/coriolis-2.x/src
+ cd ~/coriolis-2.x/src
+ git clone https://www-soc.lip6.fr/git/coriolis.git
+ cd coriolis
+ git checkout devel
+ ./bootstrap/ccb.py --project=coriolis --make="-j4 install"
+To set up the alliance environment, run this:
+ eval `~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap/coriolisEnv.py`
+For convenience that may be placed in a file and "sourced", to avoid
+having to look this page up every time
+ echo "eval `~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap/coriolisEnv.py`" > \
+ ~/coriolisenv
+ source ~/coriolisenv