copyfileobj(response, f)
-def read_pia_output(filter_fn):
+def read_pia_output(filter_fn=lambda _: True):
tried_download = False
while True:
e.crregs[1] = 0x4
self.add_case(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs, expected=e)
+ def case_pia_ca_ov_cases(self):
+ wanted_outputs = 'ca', 'ca32', 'ov', 'ov32', 'so'
+ wanted_instrs = {
+ 'addi', 'paddi', 'addis', 'add', 'addic', 'subf', 'subfic', 'addc',
+ 'subfc', 'adde', 'subfe', 'addme', 'subfme', 'addze', 'subfze',
+ 'addex', 'neg',
+ }
+ wanted_instrs |= {i + 'o' for i in wanted_instrs}
+ # intentionally don't test Rc=1 instrs
+ unary_inputs = {
+ '0x0', '0x1', '0x2',
+ '0x8000000000000000', '0x8000000000000001',
+ '0x123456787FFFFFFE', '0x123456787FFFFFFF',
+ '0x1234567880000000', '0x1234567880000001',
+ }
+ imm_inputs = {
+ '0x0', '0x1', '0x2',
+ '0x7FFE', '0x7FFF', '0x8000', '0x8001',
+ }
+ binary_inputs32 = {
+ '0x0', '0x1', '0x2',
+ '0x12345678FFFFFFFF', '0x12345678FFFFFFFE',
+ '0x123456787FFFFFFE', '0x123456787FFFFFFF',
+ '0x1234567880000000', '0x1234567880000001',
+ }
+ binary_inputs64 = {
+ '0x0', '0x1', '0x2',
+ '0x8000000000000000', '0x8000000000000001',
+ }
+ def matches(case, **kwargs):
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ if case[k] not in v:
+ return False
+ return True
+ programs = {}
+ for case in read_pia_output():
+ instr = case['instr']
+ if instr not in wanted_instrs:
+ continue
+ if not any(i in case['native_outputs'] for i in wanted_outputs):
+ continue
+ if case.get('so') == True:
+ continue
+ if case.get('ov32') == True:
+ continue
+ if case.get('ca32') == True:
+ continue
+ initial_regs = [0] * 32
+ initial_sprs = {}
+ xer = SelectableInt(0, 64)
+ xer[XER_bits['CA']] = case.get('ca', False)
+ xer[XER_bits['OV']] = case.get('ov', False)
+ initial_sprs[special_sprs['XER']] = xer
+ e = ExpectedState(pc=4)
+ e.intregs[3] = int(case['native_outputs']['rt'], 0)
+ ca_out = case['native_outputs'].get('ca', False)
+ ca32_out = case['native_outputs'].get('ca32', False)
+ ov_out = case['native_outputs'].get('ov', False)
+ ov32_out = case['native_outputs'].get('ov32', False)
+ = ca_out | (ca32_out << 1)
+ e.ov = ov_out | (ov32_out << 1)
+ = int(case['native_outputs'].get('so', False))
+ if 'rb' in case: # binary op
+ pass32 = matches(case, ra=binary_inputs32, rb=binary_inputs32)
+ pass64 = matches(case, ra=binary_inputs64, rb=binary_inputs64)
+ if not pass32 and not pass64:
+ continue
+ asm = f'{instr} 3, 4, 5'
+ if instr == 'addex':
+ asm += ', 0'
+ e.intregs[4] = initial_regs[4] = int(case['ra'], 0)
+ e.intregs[5] = initial_regs[5] = int(case['rb'], 0)
+ elif 'immediate' in case:
+ pass32 = matches(case, ra=binary_inputs32,
+ immediate=imm_inputs)
+ pass64 = matches(case, ra=binary_inputs64,
+ immediate=imm_inputs)
+ if not pass32 and not pass64:
+ continue
+ immediate = int(case['immediate'], 16)
+ if immediate >> 63:
+ immediate -= 1 << 64
+ asm = f'{instr} 3, 4, {immediate}'
+ e.intregs[4] = initial_regs[4] = int(case['ra'], 0)
+ else: # unary op
+ if not matches(case, ra=unary_inputs):
+ continue
+ asm = f'{instr} 3, 4'
+ e.intregs[4] = initial_regs[4] = int(case['ra'], 0)
+ with self.subTest(case=repr(case)):
+ if asm not in programs:
+ programs[asm] = Program([asm], bigendian)
+ self.add_case(programs[asm], initial_regs,
+ initial_sprs=initial_sprs, expected=e)