+ #include <string.h>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include <vulkan/vk_android_native_buffer.h>
#include "util/macros.h"
unreachable("Undefined enum value.");
- %endfor"""),
+ %endfor
+ void vk_load_instance_commands(VkInstance instance,
+ PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gpa,
+ struct vk_instance_dispatch_table *table)
+ {
+ memset(table, 0, sizeof(*table));
+ table->GetInstanceProcAddr = gpa;
+ % for cmd in commands:
+ % if not cmd.device_entrypoint and cmd.name != 'vkGetInstanceProcAddr':
+ % if cmd.extension is not None and cmd.extension.define is not None:
+ #ifdef ${cmd.extension.define}
+ table->${cmd.name[2:]} = (PFN_${cmd.name}) gpa(instance, "${cmd.name}");
+ #endif
+ % else:
+ table->${cmd.name[2:]} = (PFN_${cmd.name}) gpa(instance, "${cmd.name}");
+ % endif
+ % endif
+ %endfor
+ }
+ void vk_load_device_commands(VkDevice device,
+ PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gpa,
+ struct vk_device_dispatch_table *table)
+ {
+ memset(table, 0, sizeof(*table));
+ table->GetDeviceProcAddr = gpa;
+ % for cmd in commands:
+ % if cmd.device_entrypoint and cmd.name != 'vkGetDeviceProcAddr':
+ % if cmd.extension is not None and cmd.extension.define is not None:
+ #ifdef ${cmd.extension.define}
+ table->${cmd.name[2:]} = (PFN_${cmd.name}) gpa(device, "${cmd.name}");
+ #endif
+ % else:
+ table->${cmd.name[2:]} = (PFN_${cmd.name}) gpa(device, "${cmd.name}");
+ % endif
+ % endif
+ %endfor
+ }
+ """),
H_TEMPLATE = Template(textwrap.dedent(u"""\
const char * vk_${enum.name[2:]}_to_str(${enum.name} input);
% endfor
+ struct vk_instance_dispatch_table {
+ PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr GetInstanceProcAddr;
+ % for cmd in commands:
+ % if not cmd.device_entrypoint and cmd.name != 'vkGetInstanceProcAddr':
+ % if cmd.extension is not None and cmd.extension.define is not None:
+ #ifdef ${cmd.extension.define}
+ PFN_${cmd.name} ${cmd.name[2:]};
+ #endif
+ % else:
+ PFN_${cmd.name} ${cmd.name[2:]};
+ % endif
+ % endif
+ %endfor
+ };
+ struct vk_device_dispatch_table {
+ PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr GetDeviceProcAddr;
+ % for cmd in commands:
+ % if cmd.device_entrypoint and cmd.name != 'vkGetDeviceProcAddr':
+ % if cmd.extension is not None and cmd.extension.define is not None:
+ #ifdef ${cmd.extension.define}
+ PFN_${cmd.name} ${cmd.name[2:]};
+ #endif
+ % else:
+ PFN_${cmd.name} ${cmd.name[2:]};
+ % endif
+ % endif
+ %endfor
+ };
+ void vk_load_instance_commands(VkInstance instance, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gpa, struct vk_instance_dispatch_table *table);
+ void vk_load_device_commands(VkDevice device, PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gpa, struct vk_device_dispatch_table *table);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
class VkExtension(object):
"""Simple struct-like class representing extensions"""
- def __init__(self, name, number=None):
+ def __init__(self, name, number=None, platform=None):
self.name = name
self.number = number
+ self.define = None
+ if platform is not None:
+ ext = '_KHR'
+ if platform.upper() == 'XLIB_XRANDR':
+ ext = '_EXT'
+ self.define = 'VK_USE_PLATFORM_' + platform.upper() + ext
class VkEnum(object):
-def parse_xml(enum_factory, ext_factory, filename):
+class VkCommand(object):
+ """Simple struct-like class representing a single Vulkan command"""
+ def __init__(self, name, device_entrypoint=False):
+ self.name = name
+ self.device_entrypoint = device_entrypoint
+ self.extension = None
+def parse_xml(cmd_factory, enum_factory, ext_factory, filename):
"""Parse the XML file. Accumulate results into the factories.
This parser is a memory efficient iterative XML parser that returns a list
if enum is not None:
+ for command in xml.findall('./commands/command'):
+ name = command.find('./proto/name')
+ first_arg = command.find('./param/type')
+ # Some commands are alias KHR -> nonKHR, ignore those
+ if name is not None:
+ cmd_factory(name.text,
+ device_entrypoint=(first_arg.text in ('VkDevice', 'VkCommandBuffer', 'VkQueue')))
for ext_elem in xml.findall('./extensions/extension[@supported="vulkan"]'):
+ platform = None
+ if "platform" in ext_elem.attrib:
+ platform = ext_elem.attrib['platform']
extension = ext_factory(ext_elem.attrib['name'],
- number=int(ext_elem.attrib['number']))
+ number=int(ext_elem.attrib['number']),
+ platform=platform)
for value in ext_elem.findall('./require/enum[@extends]'):
enum = enum_factory.get(value.attrib['extends'])
if enum is not None:
enum.add_value_from_xml(value, extension)
+ for t in ext_elem.findall('./require/command'):
+ command = cmd_factory.get(t.attrib['name'])
+ if command is not None:
+ command.extension = extension
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
+ command_factory = NamedFactory(VkCommand)
enum_factory = NamedFactory(VkEnum)
ext_factory = NamedFactory(VkExtension)
for filename in args.xml_files:
- parse_xml(enum_factory, ext_factory, filename)
+ parse_xml(command_factory, enum_factory, ext_factory, filename)
+ commands = sorted(command_factory.registry.values(), key=lambda e: e.name)
enums = sorted(enum_factory.registry.values(), key=lambda e: e.name)
extensions = sorted(ext_factory.registry.values(), key=lambda e: e.name)
with open(file_, 'wb') as f:
+ commands=commands,