This makes it act like the address mode is set to TEXCOORDMODE_CUBE
whenever this sampler is combined with a cube surface. This *should* be
what we need for Vulkan. Interestingly, the PRM contains a programming
note for this field that says simply, "This field must be set to
CUBECTRLMODE_PROGRAMMED". However, emprical evidence suggests that it does
what the PRM says it does and OVERRIDE is just fine.
.ChromaKeyIndex = 0,
.ChromaKeyMode = 0,
.ShadowFunction = vk_to_gen_compare_op[pCreateInfo->compareOp],
- .CubeSurfaceControlMode = 0,
+ .CubeSurfaceControlMode = OVERRIDE,
.BorderColorPointer =
device->border_colors.offset +
.ChromaKeyIndex = 0,
.ChromaKeyMode = 0,
.ShadowFunction = vk_to_gen_compare_op[pCreateInfo->compareOp],
- .CubeSurfaceControlMode = 0,
+ .CubeSurfaceControlMode = OVERRIDE,
.IndirectStatePointer = border_color_offset >> 6,