--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/env python3
+# Feed this script the output of:
+# powerpc64le-gnu-objdump -d -M raw --no-show-raw-insn ppc-prog
+# It will print the occurrence count of each opcode,
+# and under it, indented by one character,
+# the occurrence count of each operand.
+# Registers used as operands or as base addresses are counted
+# separately; immediates and offsets are grouped per bit length;
+# branch target offsets are grouped by range bit length.
+import sys
+import re
+insn = re.compile('\s+(?P<addr>[0-9a-f]+):\s+(?P<opcode>[^ \n]+) *(?P<operands>.*)[\n]?')
+opkind = re.compile('(?P<immediate>-?[0-9]+)|(?P<branch>[0-9a-f]+)(?: <.*>)?|(?P<offset>-?[0-9]+)\((?P<basereg>r[0-9]+)\)')
+histogram = {}
+def count(ops, op):
+ match = opkind.fullmatch(op)
+ if match is None:
+ op = op
+ elif match['immediate'] is not None:
+ op = "%i-bit" % int (op).bit_length ()
+ elif match['branch'] is not None:
+ op = "%i-bit range" % (int (match['branch'], 16) -
+ int(addr, 16)).bit_length ()
+ elif match['offset'] is not None:
+ count(ops, match['offset'])
+ op = match['basereg']
+ else:
+ raise "unrecognized operand kind"
+ if op not in ops:
+ ops[op] = 1
+ else:
+ ops[op] += 1
+for line in sys.stdin:
+ match = insn.fullmatch(line)
+ if match is None:
+ continue
+ addr = match['addr']
+ opcode = match['opcode']
+ operands = match['operands']
+ if opcode not in histogram:
+ ops = {}
+ histogram[opcode] = [1,ops]
+ else:
+ histogram[opcode][0] += 1
+ ops = histogram[opcode][1]
+ if len(operands) > 0:
+ for operand in operands.split(','):
+ count(ops, operand)
+hist = list(histogram.items())
+hist.sort(key = (lambda x : x[1][0]))
+for x in hist:
+ print('%6i %s:' % (x[1][0], x[0]))
+ ops = list(x[1][1].items())
+ ops.sort(key = (lambda x : x[1]))
+ # split out "-bit" from "-bit range" from "regs"
+ # first "rNs" or "anything-weird"
+ for x in ops:
+ if '-bit' in x[0]:
+ continue
+ if x[0].startswith('cr'):
+ continue
+ print('\t%6i %s' % (x[1], x[0]))
+ print()
+ # now Condition Registers
+ for x in ops:
+ if '-bit' in x[0]:
+ continue
+ if x[0].startswith('cr'):
+ print('\t%6i %s' % (x[1], x[0]))
+ print()
+ # now "N-bit immediates"
+ for x in ops:
+ if x[0].endswith('-bit'):
+ print('\t%6i %s' % (x[1], x[0]))
+ print()
+ # finally "bit-range" immediates
+ for x in ops:
+ if '-bit range' in x[0]:
+ print('\t%6i %s' % (x[1], x[0]))
+ print()