if( !n.isConst() ){
if( visited.find( n )==visited.end() ){
visited[n] = true;
- //treat terms not belonging to this theory as leaf
+ //treat terms not belonging to this theory as leaf
+ // AJR TODO : should include terms not belonging to this theory (commented below)
if( n.getNumChildren()>0 ){//&& Theory::theoryOf(n)==d_parent->getId() ){
for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
collectVars( n[i], vars, visited );
//do substitution, rewrite
Node n = terms[i];
std::map< Node, ExtfInfo >::iterator iti = d_extf_info.find( n );
+ Trace("extt-debug") << "Check extf : " << n << std::endl;
Assert( iti!=d_extf_info.end() );
for( unsigned i=0; i<iti->second.d_vars.size(); i++ ){
if( std::find( vars.begin(), vars.end(), iti->second.d_vars[i] )==vars.end() ){
//mark reduced
void ExtTheory::markReduced( Node n, bool contextDepend ) {
+ registerTerm( n );
+ Assert( d_ext_func_terms.find( n )!=d_ext_func_terms.end() );
d_ext_func_terms[n] = false;
if( !contextDepend ){
d_ci_inactive.insert( n );
//mark congruent
void ExtTheory::markCongruent( Node a, Node b ) {
+ Trace("extt-debug") << "Mark congruent : " << a << " " << b << std::endl;
+ registerTerm( a );
+ registerTerm( b );
NodeBoolMap::const_iterator it = d_ext_func_terms.find( b );
if( it!=d_ext_func_terms.end() ){
- if( d_ext_func_terms.find( a )==d_ext_func_terms.end() ){
- d_ext_func_terms[a] = (*it).second;
- }else{
+ if( d_ext_func_terms.find( a )!=d_ext_func_terms.end() ){
d_ext_func_terms[a] = d_ext_func_terms[a] && (*it).second;
+ }else{
+ Assert( false );
d_ext_func_terms[b] = false;
+ }else{
+ Assert( false );