- Debug( c ) << "Total disequal: " << d_total_diseq_external << " external,"
- << std::endl;
- Debug( c ) << " " << d_total_diseq_internal << " internal."
- << std::endl;
+ Debug( c ) << "Total disequal: " << d_total_diseq_external << " external,";
+ Debug( c ) << " " << d_total_diseq_internal << " internal." << std::endl;
if( incClique ){
- Debug( c ) << "Candidate clique members: " << std::endl;
- Debug( c ) << " ";
- for( NodeBoolMap::iterator it = d_testClique.begin();
- it != d_testClique.end(); ++ it ){
- if( (*it).second ){
- Debug( c ) << (*it).first << " ";
+ if( !d_testClique.empty() ){
+ Debug( c ) << "Candidate clique members: " << std::endl;
+ Debug( c ) << " ";
+ for( NodeBoolMap::iterator it = d_testClique.begin();
+ it != d_testClique.end(); ++ it ){
+ if( (*it).second ){
+ Debug( c ) << (*it).first << " ";
+ }
+ Debug( c ) << ", size = " << d_testCliqueSize << std::endl;
- Debug( c ) << ", size = " << d_testCliqueSize << std::endl;
- Debug( c ) << "Required splits: " << std::endl;
- Debug( c ) << " ";
- for( NodeBoolMap::iterator it = d_splits.begin(); it != d_splits.end();
- ++ it ){
- if( (*it).second ){
- Debug( c ) << (*it).first << " ";
+ if( !d_splits.empty() ){
+ Debug( c ) << "Required splits: " << std::endl;
+ Debug( c ) << " ";
+ for( NodeBoolMap::iterator it = d_splits.begin(); it != d_splits.end();
+ ++ it ){
+ if( (*it).second ){
+ Debug( c ) << (*it).first << " ";
+ }
+ Debug( c ) << ", size = " << d_splitsSize << std::endl;
- Debug( c ) << ", size = " << d_splitsSize << std::endl;
void SortModel::check( Theory::Effort level, OutputChannel* out ){
if( level>=Theory::EFFORT_STANDARD && d_hasCard && !d_conflict ){
Debug("uf-ss") << "StrongSolverTheoryUF: Check " << level << " " << d_type << std::endl;
+ if( level==Theory::EFFORT_FULL ){
+ Debug("fmf-full-check") << std::endl;
+ Debug("fmf-full-check") << "Full check for SortModel " << d_type << ", status : " << std::endl;
+ debugPrint("fmf-full-check");
+ Debug("fmf-full-check") << std::endl;
+ }
//Notice() << "StrongSolverTheoryUF: Check " << level << std::endl;
if( d_reps<=(unsigned)d_cardinality ){
Debug("uf-ss-debug") << "We have " << d_reps << " representatives for type " << d_type << ", <= " << d_cardinality << std::endl;
Node op = d_regions[i]->frontKey();
int sort_id = d_thss->getSortInference()->getSortId(op);
if( sortsFound.find( sort_id )!=sortsFound.end() ){
+ Debug("fmf-full-check") << "Combined regions " << i << " " << sortsFound[sort_id] << std::endl;
combineRegions( sortsFound[sort_id], i );
recheck = true;
for( int i=0; i<(int)d_regions_index; i++ ){
if( d_regions[i]->valid() ){
int fcr = forceCombineRegion( i, false );
+ Debug("fmf-full-check") << "Combined regions " << i << " " << fcr << std::endl;
Trace("uf-ss-debug") << "Combined regions " << i << " " << fcr << std::endl;
if( options::ufssMode()==UF_SS_FULL || fcr!=-1 ){
recheck = true;
return -1;
//this region must merge with another
- Debug("uf-ss-check-region") << "We must combine Region #" << ri << ". " << std::endl;
- d_regions[ri]->debugPrint("uf-ss-check-region");
+ if( Debug.isOn("uf-ss-check-region") ){
+ Debug("uf-ss-check-region") << "We must combine Region #" << ri << ". " << std::endl;
+ d_regions[ri]->debugPrint("uf-ss-check-region");
+ }
//take region with maximum disequality density
double maxScore = 0;
int maxRegion = -1;
if( maxRegion!=-1 ){
- Debug("uf-ss-check-region") << "Combine with region #" << maxRegion << ":" << std::endl;
- d_regions[maxRegion]->debugPrint("uf-ss-check-region");
+ if( Debug.isOn("uf-ss-check-region") ){
+ Debug("uf-ss-check-region") << "Combine with region #" << maxRegion << ":" << std::endl;
+ d_regions[maxRegion]->debugPrint("uf-ss-check-region");
+ }
return combineRegions( ri, maxRegion );
return -1;
void SortModel::debugPrint( const char* c ){
- Debug( c ) << "-- Conflict Find:" << std::endl;
- Debug( c ) << "Number of reps = " << d_reps << std::endl;
- Debug( c ) << "Cardinality req = " << d_cardinality << std::endl;
- unsigned debugReps = 0;
- for( int i=0; i<(int)d_regions_index; i++ ){
- Region* region = d_regions[i];
- if( region->valid() ){
- Debug( c ) << "Region #" << i << ": " << std::endl;
- region->debugPrint( c, true );
- Debug( c ) << std::endl;
- for( Region::iterator it = region->begin(); it != region->end(); ++it ){
- if( it->second->valid() ){
- if( d_regions_map[ it->first ]!=i ){
- Debug( c ) << "***Bad regions map : " << it->first
- << " " << d_regions_map[ it->first ].get() << std::endl;
+ if( Debug.isOn( c ) ){
+ Debug( c ) << "Number of reps = " << d_reps << std::endl;
+ Debug( c ) << "Cardinality req = " << d_cardinality << std::endl;
+ unsigned debugReps = 0;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<d_regions_index; i++ ){
+ Region* region = d_regions[i];
+ if( region->valid() ){
+ Debug( c ) << "Region #" << i << ": " << std::endl;
+ region->debugPrint( c, true );
+ Debug( c ) << std::endl;
+ for( Region::iterator it = region->begin(); it != region->end(); ++it ){
+ if( it->second->valid() ){
+ if( d_regions_map[ it->first ]!=(int)i ){
+ Debug( c ) << "***Bad regions map : " << it->first
+ << " " << d_regions_map[ it->first ].get() << std::endl;
+ }
+ debugReps += region->getNumReps();
- debugReps += region->getNumReps();
- }
- if( debugReps!=d_reps ){
- Debug( c ) << "***Bad reps: " << d_reps << ", "
- << "actual = " << debugReps << std::endl;
+ if( debugReps!=d_reps ){
+ Debug( c ) << "***Bad reps: " << d_reps << ", "
+ << "actual = " << debugReps << std::endl;
+ }