- * Build texture sampling code.
+ * Build the actual texture sampling code.
* 'texel' will return a vector of four LLVMValueRefs corresponding to
* R, G, B, A.
* \param type vector float type to use for coords, etc.
* \param is_fetch if this is a texel fetch instruction.
* \param derivs partial derivatives of (s,t,r,q) with respect to x and y
-lp_build_sample_soa(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
- const struct lp_static_texture_state *static_texture_state,
- const struct lp_static_sampler_state *static_sampler_state,
- struct lp_sampler_dynamic_state *dynamic_state,
- struct lp_type type,
- boolean is_fetch,
- unsigned texture_index,
- unsigned sampler_index,
- LLVMValueRef context_ptr,
- const LLVMValueRef *coords,
- const LLVMValueRef *offsets,
- const struct lp_derivatives *derivs, /* optional */
- LLVMValueRef lod_bias, /* optional */
- LLVMValueRef explicit_lod, /* optional */
- enum lp_sampler_lod_property lod_property,
- LLVMValueRef texel_out[4])
+static void
+lp_build_sample_soa_code(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
+ const struct lp_static_texture_state *static_texture_state,
+ const struct lp_static_sampler_state *static_sampler_state,
+ struct lp_sampler_dynamic_state *dynamic_state,
+ struct lp_type type,
+ boolean is_fetch,
+ unsigned texture_index,
+ unsigned sampler_index,
+ LLVMValueRef context_ptr,
+ const LLVMValueRef *coords,
+ const LLVMValueRef *offsets,
+ const struct lp_derivatives *derivs, /* optional */
+ LLVMValueRef lod_bias, /* optional */
+ LLVMValueRef explicit_lod, /* optional */
+ enum lp_sampler_lod_property lod_property,
+ LLVMValueRef texel_out[4])
unsigned target = static_texture_state->target;
unsigned dims = texture_dims(target);
+#define USE_TEX_FUNC_CALL 1
+#define LP_MAX_TEX_FUNC_ARGS 32
+#define LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_BIAS (1 << 0)
+#define LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_SHADOW (1 << 3)
+#define LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_OFFSETS (1 << 4)
+static inline void
+get_target_info(enum pipe_texture_target target,
+ unsigned *num_coords, unsigned *num_derivs,
+ unsigned *num_offsets, unsigned *layer)
+ unsigned dims = texture_dims(target);
+ *num_coords = dims;
+ *num_offsets = dims;
+ *num_derivs = (target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE ||
+ target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY) ? 3 : dims;
+ *layer = has_layer_coord(target) ? 2: 0;
+ if (target == PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE_ARRAY) {
+ /*
+ * dims doesn't include r coord for cubes - this is handled
+ * by layer instead, but need to fix up for cube arrays...
+ */
+ *layer = 3;
+ *num_coords = 3;
+ }
+ * Generate the function body for a texture sampling function.
+ */
+static void
+lp_build_sample_gen_func(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
+ const struct lp_static_texture_state *static_texture_state,
+ const struct lp_static_sampler_state *static_sampler_state,
+ struct lp_sampler_dynamic_state *dynamic_state,
+ struct lp_type type,
+ boolean is_fetch,
+ unsigned texture_index,
+ unsigned sampler_index,
+ LLVMValueRef function,
+ unsigned num_args,
+ unsigned sampler_bits,
+ enum lp_sampler_lod_property lod_property)
+ LLVMBuilderRef old_builder;
+ LLVMBasicBlockRef block;
+ LLVMValueRef coords[5];
+ LLVMValueRef offsets[3] = { NULL };
+ LLVMValueRef lod_bias = NULL;
+ LLVMValueRef explicit_lod = NULL;
+ LLVMValueRef context_ptr;
+ LLVMValueRef texel_out[4];
+ struct lp_derivatives derivs;
+ struct lp_derivatives *deriv_ptr = NULL;
+ unsigned num_param = 0;
+ unsigned i, num_coords, num_derivs, num_offsets, layer;
+ get_target_info(static_texture_state->target,
+ &num_coords, &num_derivs, &num_offsets, &layer);
+ /* "unpack" arguments */
+ context_ptr = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_coords; i++) {
+ coords[i] = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ }
+ for (i = num_coords; i < 5; i++) {
+ /* This is rather unfortunate... */
+ coords[i] = lp_build_undef(gallivm, type);
+ }
+ if (layer) {
+ coords[layer] = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_SHADOW) {
+ coords[4] = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_OFFSETS) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++) {
+ offsets[i] = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_BIAS) {
+ lod_bias = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ }
+ else if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_EXPLICIT) {
+ explicit_lod = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ }
+ else if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_EXPLICITDERIVS) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_derivs; i++) {
+ derivs.ddx[i] = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ derivs.ddy[i] = LLVMGetParam(function, num_param++);
+ }
+ deriv_ptr = &derivs;
+ }
+ assert(num_args == num_param);
+ /*
+ * Function body
+ */
+ old_builder = gallivm->builder;
+ block = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(gallivm->context, function, "entry");
+ gallivm->builder = LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(gallivm->context);
+ LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(gallivm->builder, block);
+ lp_build_sample_soa_code(gallivm,
+ static_texture_state,
+ static_sampler_state,
+ dynamic_state,
+ type,
+ is_fetch,
+ texture_index,
+ sampler_index,
+ context_ptr,
+ coords,
+ offsets,
+ deriv_ptr,
+ lod_bias,
+ explicit_lod,
+ lod_property,
+ texel_out);
+ LLVMBuildAggregateRet(gallivm->builder, texel_out, 4);
+ LLVMDisposeBuilder(gallivm->builder);
+ gallivm->builder = old_builder;
+ gallivm_verify_function(gallivm, function);
+ * Call the matching function for texture sampling.
+ * If there's no match, generate a new one.
+ */
+static void
+lp_build_sample_soa_func(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
+ const struct lp_static_texture_state *static_texture_state,
+ const struct lp_static_sampler_state *static_sampler_state,
+ struct lp_sampler_dynamic_state *dynamic_state,
+ struct lp_type type,
+ boolean is_fetch,
+ unsigned texture_index,
+ unsigned sampler_index,
+ LLVMValueRef context_ptr,
+ const LLVMValueRef *coords,
+ const LLVMValueRef *offsets,
+ const struct lp_derivatives *derivs, /* optional */
+ LLVMValueRef lod_bias, /* optional */
+ LLVMValueRef explicit_lod, /* optional */
+ enum lp_sampler_lod_property lod_property,
+ LLVMValueRef texel_out[4])
+ LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
+ LLVMModuleRef module = LLVMGetGlobalParent(LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(
+ LLVMGetInsertBlock(builder)));
+ LLVMValueRef function, inst;
+ LLVMBasicBlockRef bb;
+ LLVMValueRef tex_ret;
+ unsigned num_args = 0;
+ unsigned sampler_bits = 0;
+ char func_name[64];
+ unsigned i, num_coords, num_derivs, num_offsets, layer;
+ get_target_info(static_texture_state->target,
+ &num_coords, &num_derivs, &num_offsets, &layer);
+ /*
+ * texture function matches are found by name.
+ * Thus the name has to include both the texture and sampler unit
+ * (which covers all static state) plus the actual texture functions
+ * (which is determined here somewhat awkwardly by presence of the
+ * corresponding LLVMValueRefs). Additionally, lod_property also
+ * has to be included (it could change if the lod for instance comes
+ * from a shader uniform or a temp reg).
+ */
+ if (static_sampler_state->compare_mode != PIPE_TEX_COMPARE_NONE) {
+ sampler_bits |= LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_SHADOW;
+ }
+ if (offsets[0]) {
+ sampler_bits |= LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_OFFSETS;
+ }
+ if (lod_bias) {
+ sampler_bits |= LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_BIAS;
+ }
+ else if (explicit_lod) {
+ }
+ else if (derivs) {
+ }
+ sampler_bits |= lod_property << LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_PROPERTY_SHIFT;
+ util_snprintf(func_name, sizeof(func_name), "texfunc_res_%d_sam_%d_%x",
+ texture_index, sampler_index, sampler_bits);
+ function = LLVMGetNamedFunction(module, func_name);
+ if(!function) {
+ LLVMTypeRef arg_types[LP_MAX_TEX_FUNC_ARGS];
+ LLVMTypeRef ret_type;
+ LLVMTypeRef function_type;
+ LLVMTypeRef val_type[4];
+ unsigned num_param = 0;
+ /*
+ * Generate the function prototype.
+ */
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(context_ptr);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_coords; i++) {
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(coords[0]);
+ assert(LLVMTypeOf(coords[0]) == LLVMTypeOf(coords[i]));
+ }
+ if (layer) {
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(coords[layer]);
+ assert(LLVMTypeOf(coords[0]) == LLVMTypeOf(coords[layer]));
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_SHADOW) {
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(coords[0]);
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_OFFSETS) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++) {
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(offsets[0]);
+ assert(LLVMTypeOf(offsets[0]) == LLVMTypeOf(offsets[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_BIAS) {
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(lod_bias);
+ }
+ else if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_EXPLICIT) {
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(explicit_lod);
+ }
+ else if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_EXPLICITDERIVS) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_derivs; i++) {
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(derivs->ddx[i]);
+ arg_types[num_param++] = LLVMTypeOf(derivs->ddy[i]);
+ assert(LLVMTypeOf(derivs->ddx[0]) == LLVMTypeOf(derivs->ddx[i]));
+ assert(LLVMTypeOf(derivs->ddy[0]) == LLVMTypeOf(derivs->ddy[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ ret_type = LLVMVoidTypeInContext(gallivm->context);
+ val_type[0] = val_type[1] = val_type[2] = val_type[3] =
+ lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, type);
+ ret_type = LLVMStructTypeInContext(gallivm->context, val_type, 4, 0);
+ function_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, arg_types, num_param, 0);
+ function = LLVMAddFunction(module, func_name, function_type);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_param; ++i) {
+ if(LLVMGetTypeKind(arg_types[i]) == LLVMPointerTypeKind) {
+ LLVMAddAttribute(LLVMGetParam(function, i), LLVMNoAliasAttribute);
+ }
+ }
+ LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(function, LLVMFastCallConv);
+ LLVMSetLinkage(function, LLVMPrivateLinkage);
+ lp_build_sample_gen_func(gallivm,
+ static_texture_state,
+ static_sampler_state,
+ dynamic_state,
+ type,
+ is_fetch,
+ texture_index,
+ sampler_index,
+ function,
+ num_param,
+ sampler_bits,
+ lod_property);
+ }
+ num_args = 0;
+ args[num_args++] = context_ptr;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_coords; i++) {
+ args[num_args++] = coords[i];
+ }
+ if (layer) {
+ args[num_args++] = coords[layer];
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_SHADOW) {
+ args[num_args++] = coords[4];
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_OFFSETS) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_offsets; i++) {
+ args[num_args++] = offsets[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_BIAS) {
+ args[num_args++] = lod_bias;
+ }
+ else if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_LOD_EXPLICIT) {
+ args[num_args++] = explicit_lod;
+ }
+ else if (sampler_bits & LP_SAMPLER_FUNC_EXPLICITDERIVS) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_derivs; i++) {
+ args[num_args++] = derivs->ddx[i];
+ args[num_args++] = derivs->ddy[i];
+ }
+ }
+ assert(num_args <= LP_MAX_TEX_FUNC_ARGS);
+ tex_ret = LLVMBuildCall(builder, function, args, num_args, "");
+ bb = LLVMGetInsertBlock(builder);
+ inst = LLVMGetLastInstruction(bb);
+ LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(inst, LLVMFastCallConv);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ texel_out[i] = LLVMBuildExtractValue(gallivm->builder, tex_ret, i, "");
+ }
+ * Build texture sampling code.
+ * Either via a function call or inline it directly.
+ */
+lp_build_sample_soa(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
+ const struct lp_static_texture_state *static_texture_state,
+ const struct lp_static_sampler_state *static_sampler_state,
+ struct lp_sampler_dynamic_state *dynamic_state,
+ struct lp_type type,
+ boolean is_fetch,
+ unsigned texture_index,
+ unsigned sampler_index,
+ LLVMValueRef context_ptr,
+ const LLVMValueRef *coords,
+ const LLVMValueRef *offsets,
+ const struct lp_derivatives *derivs, /* optional */
+ LLVMValueRef lod_bias, /* optional */
+ LLVMValueRef explicit_lod, /* optional */
+ enum lp_sampler_lod_property lod_property,
+ LLVMValueRef texel_out[4])
+ lp_build_sample_soa_func(gallivm,
+ static_texture_state,
+ static_sampler_state,
+ dynamic_state,
+ type,
+ is_fetch,
+ texture_index,
+ sampler_index,
+ context_ptr,
+ coords,
+ offsets,
+ derivs,
+ lod_bias,
+ explicit_lod,
+ lod_property,
+ texel_out);
+ }
+ else {
+ lp_build_sample_soa_code(gallivm,
+ static_texture_state,
+ static_sampler_state,
+ dynamic_state,
+ type,
+ is_fetch,
+ texture_index,
+ sampler_index,
+ context_ptr,
+ coords,
+ offsets,
+ derivs,
+ lod_bias,
+ explicit_lod,
+ lod_property,
+ texel_out);
+ }
lp_build_size_query_soa(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
const struct lp_static_texture_state *static_state,