from migen.fhdl.module import Module
from migen.fhdl.specials import Special
from migen.fhdl.bitcontainer import value_bits_sign
+from migen.genlib.misc import WaitTimer
class NoRetiming(Special):
Ensures that all the bits form a single word that was present
synchronously in the input clock domain (unlike direct use of
- def __init__(self, width, idomain, odomain):
+ def __init__(self, width, idomain, odomain, timeout=128):
self.i = Signal(width)
self.o = Signal(width)
sync_i += starter.eq(0)
self.submodules._ping = PulseSynchronizer(idomain, odomain)
self.submodules._pong = PulseSynchronizer(odomain, idomain)
+ self.submodules._timeout = WaitTimer(timeout)
self.comb += [
- self._ping.i.eq(starter | self._pong.o),
+ self._timeout.wait.eq(~self._ping.i),
+ self._ping.i.eq(starter | self._pong.o | self._timeout.done),