# One address used to configure CSR, set output, read input
with m.If(bus.cyc & bus.stb):
- # TODO: is this needed anymore?
sync += new_transaction.eq(1)
with m.If(bus.we): # write
with m.Else():
# Update the read multi bus with current GPIO configs
# not ack'ing as we need to wait 1 clk cycle before data ready
- self.connect_gpio_to_rd_bus(m, sync, bus.adr, gpio_ports,
- rd_multi)
+ # New code based on Luke's idea (still using intermediate
+ # signal for Layouts)
+ for i in range(len(bus.sel)):
+ GPIO_num = Signal(16) # fixed for now
+ comb += GPIO_num.eq(bus.adr*len(bus.sel)+i)
+ with m.If(bus.sel[i]):
+ sync += rd_multi[i].oe.eq(gpio_ports[GPIO_num].oe)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].ie.eq(~gpio_ports[GPIO_num].oe)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].puen.eq(gpio_ports[GPIO_num].puen)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].pden.eq(gpio_ports[GPIO_num].pden)
+ with m.If (gpio_ports[GPIO_num].oe):
+ sync += rd_multi[i].io.eq(gpio_ports[GPIO_num].o)
+ with m.Else():
+ sync += rd_multi[i].io.eq(gpio_ports[GPIO_num].i)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].bank.eq(gpio_ports[GPIO_num].bank)
+ with m.Else():
+ sync += rd_multi[i].oe.eq(0)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].ie.eq(0)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].puen.eq(0)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].pden.eq(0)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].io.eq(0)
+ sync += rd_multi[i].bank.eq(0)
with m.Else():
sync += new_transaction.eq(0)
sync += wb_ack.eq(0)
with m.If(new_transaction):
# Update the GPIO configs with sent parameters
with m.If(bus.we):
- self.connect_wr_bus_to_gpio(m, sync, bus.adr, gpio_ports,
- wr_multi)
+ for i in range(len(bus.sel)):
+ GPIO_num = Signal(16) # fixed for now
+ comb += GPIO_num.eq(bus.adr*len(bus.sel)+i)
+ with m.If(bus.sel[i]):
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].oe.eq(wr_multi[i].oe)
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].puen.eq(wr_multi[i].puen)
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].pden.eq(wr_multi[i].pden)
+ with m.If (wr_multi[i].oe):
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].o.eq(wr_multi[i].io)
+ with m.Else():
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].o.eq(0)
+ sync += gpio_ports[GPIO_num].bank.eq(wr_multi[i].bank)
sync += wb_ack.eq(0) # stop ack'ing!
# Copy the GPIO config data in read multi bus to the WB data bus
# Ack as we're done
with m.Else():
- multi_cat = []
- for i in range(0, self.wordsize):
- multi_cat.append(rd_multi[i])
- sync += wb_rd_data.eq(Cat(multi_cat))
+ sync += wb_rd_data.eq(Cat(*rd_multi))
sync += wb_ack.eq(1) # Delay ack until rd data is ready!
return m
- def connect_wr_bus_to_gpio(self, module, domain, addr, gp, multi):
- if self.n_gpio > self.wordsize:
- print("#GPIOs is greater than, and is a multiple of WB wordsize")
- # Case where all gpios fit within full words
- if self.n_gpio % self.wordsize == 0:
- for byte in range(self.wordsize):
- with module.If(addr[0]):
- self.wr_connect_one_byte(module, domain, gp, multi,
- byte, self.wordsize)
- with module.Else():
- self.wr_connect_one_byte(module, domain, gp, multi,
- byte, 0)
- else:
- # TODO: This is a complex case, not needed atm
- print("#GPIOs is greater than WB wordsize")
- print("But not fully fitting in words...")
- raise
- else:
- print("#GPIOs is less or equal to WB wordsize (in bytes)")
- for byte in range(self.n_gpio):
- self.wr_connect_one_byte(module, domain, gp, multi, byte, 0)
- def connect_gpio_to_rd_bus(self, module, domain, addr, gp, multi):
- if self.n_gpio > self.wordsize:
- print("#GPIOs is greater than, and is a multiple of WB wordsize")
- # Case where all gpios fit within full words
- if self.n_gpio % self.wordsize == 0:
- for byte in range(self.wordsize):
- with module.If(addr[0]):
- self.rd_connect_one_byte(module, domain, gp, multi,
- byte, self.wordsize)
- with module.Else():
- self.rd_connect_one_byte(module, domain, gp, multi,
- byte, 0)
- else:
- # TODO: This is a complex case, not needed atm
- print("#GPIOs is greater than WB wordsize")
- raise
- else:
- print("#GPIOs is less or equal to WB wordsize (in bytes)")
- for byte in range(self.n_gpio):
- self.rd_connect_one_byte(module, domain, gp, multi, byte, 0)
- # Pass a single GPIO config to one byte of the read multi bus
- # Offset parameter allows to connect multiple GPIO rows to same multi bus.
- def rd_connect_one_byte(self, module, domain, gp, multi, byte, offset):
- domain += multi[byte].oe.eq(gp[byte+offset].oe)
- domain += multi[byte].puen.eq(gp[byte+offset].puen)
- domain += multi[byte].pden.eq(gp[byte+offset].pden)
- with module.If(gp[byte+offset].oe):
- domain += multi[byte].ie.eq(0)
- domain += multi[byte].io.eq(gp[byte+offset].o)
- with module.Else():
- domain += multi[byte].ie.eq(1) # Return GPIO as i by default
- domain += multi[byte].io.eq(gp[byte+offset].i)
- domain += multi[byte].bank.eq(gp[byte+offset].bank)
- # Pass a single CSR byte from write multi bus to one GPIO
- def wr_connect_one_byte(self, module, domain, gp, multi, byte, offset):
- domain += gp[byte+offset].oe.eq(multi[byte].oe)
- domain += gp[byte+offset].puen.eq(multi[byte].puen)
- domain += gp[byte+offset].pden.eq(multi[byte].pden)
- # prevent output being set if GPIO configured as i
- # TODO: No checking is done if ie/oe high together
- with module.If(multi[byte].oe):
- domain += gp[byte+offset].o.eq(multi[byte].io)
- with module.Else():
- domain += gp[byte+offset].o.eq(0) # Clear GPIO o by default
- domain += gp[byte+offset].bank.eq(multi[byte].bank)
def __iter__(self):
for field in self.bus.fields.values():
yield field
('gpio_wb__stb', 'in'),
('gpio_wb__we', 'in'),
('gpio_wb__adr[27:0]', 'in'),
+ ('gpio_wb__sel[3:0]', 'in'),
('gpio_wb__dat_w[{}:0]'.format(wb_data_width-1), 'in'),
('gpio_wb__dat_r[{}:0]'.format(wb_data_width-1), 'out'),
('gpio_wb__ack', 'out'),
+ #module = "top.xics_icp"
+ module = "bench.top.xics_icp"
write_gtkw(filename+".gtkw", filename+".vcd", traces, style,
- module="top.xics_icp")
+ module=module)
def test_gpio():
filename = "test_gpio" # Doesn't include extension