GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment not started
+GL 4.3:
+GLSL 4.3 not started
+ARB_arrays_of_arrays not started
+ARB_ES3_compatibility not started
+ARB_clear_buffer_object not started
+ARB_compute_shader started (gallium)
+ARB_copy_image not started
+ARB_debug_group not started
+ARB_debug_label not started
+ARB_debug_output2 not started
+ARB_debug_output not started
+ARB_explicit_uniform_location not started
+ARB_fragment_layer_viewport not started
+ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments not started
+ARB_internalformat_query2 not started
+ARB_invalidate_subdata not started
+ARB_multi_draw_indirect not started
+ARB_program_interface_query not started
+ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior not started
+ARB_shader_image_size not started
+ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object not started
+ARB_stencil_texturing not started
+ARB_texture_buffer_range not started
+ARB_texture_query_levels not started
+ARB_texture_storage_multisample not started
+ARB_texture_view not started
+ARB_vertex_attrib_binding not started
More info about these features and the work involved can be found at