shift $((OPTIND-1)) # Get rid of our options
-# We want to check if a cache of the git clone of this repo already exists.
+# Create and cd into the directory that will contain the local git cache
+mkdir -p "${git_cache}"
+pushd "${git_cache}" >/dev/null
# Caller needs to single-quote its arguments to prevent them from
# being expanded a second time (in case there are spaces in them)
# We can still go through the wrapper, because 'init' does not use the
# path pointed to by GIT_DIR, but really uses the directory passed as
# argument.
-_git init "'${git_cache}'"
-pushd "${git_cache}" >/dev/null
+_git init .
# Ensure the repo has an origin (in case a previous run was killed).
if ! _git remote |grep -q -E '^origin$'; then