The Mesa distribution consists of several components. Different copyrights
-and licenses apply to different components. For example, some demo programs
-are copyrighted by SGI, some of the Mesa device drivers are copyrighted by
-their authors. See below for a list of Mesa's main components and the license
-for each.
+and licenses apply to different components.
+For example, the GLX client code uses the SGI Free Software License B, and
+some of the Mesa device drivers are copyrighted by their authors.
+See below for a list of Mesa's main components and the license for each.
The core Mesa library is licensed according to the terms of the MIT license.
Component Location License
-Main Mesa code src/mesa/ Mesa (MIT)
+Main Mesa code src/mesa/ MIT
Device drivers src/mesa/drivers/* MIT, generally
+Gallium code src/gallium/ MIT
Ext headers include/GL/glext.h Khronos
+GLX client code src/glx/ SGI Free Software License B
C11 thread include/c11/threads*.h Boost (permissive)