body_ast->children.size() == 1 && body_ast->>type == AST_GENBLOCK)
body_ast = body_ast->;
+ const char* loop_type_str = "procedural";
+ const char* var_type_str = "register";
+ AstNodeType var_type = AST_WIRE;
+ if (type == AST_GENFOR) {
+ loop_type_str = "generate";
+ var_type_str = "genvar";
+ var_type = AST_GENVAR;
+ }
if (init_ast->type != AST_ASSIGN_EQ)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Unsupported 1st expression of generate for-loop!\n");
+ log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Unsupported 1st expression of %s for-loop!\n", loop_type_str);
if (next_ast->type != AST_ASSIGN_EQ)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Unsupported 3rd expression of generate for-loop!\n");
+ log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Unsupported 3rd expression of %s for-loop!\n", loop_type_str);
- if (type == AST_GENFOR) {
- if (init_ast->children[0]->id2ast == NULL || init_ast->children[0]->id2ast->type != AST_GENVAR)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Left hand side of 1st expression of generate for-loop is not a gen var!\n");
- if (next_ast->children[0]->id2ast == NULL || next_ast->children[0]->id2ast->type != AST_GENVAR)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Left hand side of 3rd expression of generate for-loop is not a gen var!\n");
- } else {
- if (init_ast->children[0]->id2ast == NULL || init_ast->children[0]->id2ast->type != AST_WIRE)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Left hand side of 1st expression of generate for-loop is not a register!\n");
- if (next_ast->children[0]->id2ast == NULL || next_ast->children[0]->id2ast->type != AST_WIRE)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Left hand side of 3rd expression of generate for-loop is not a register!\n");
- }
+ if (init_ast->children[0]->id2ast == NULL || init_ast->children[0]->id2ast->type != var_type)
+ log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Left hand side of 1st expression of %s for-loop is not a %s!\n", loop_type_str, var_type_str);
+ if (next_ast->children[0]->id2ast == NULL || next_ast->children[0]->id2ast->type != var_type)
+ log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Left hand side of 3rd expression of %s for-loop is not a %s!\n", loop_type_str, var_type_str);
if (init_ast->children[0]->id2ast != next_ast->children[0]->id2ast)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Incompatible left-hand sides in 1st and 3rd expression of generate for-loop!\n");
+ log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Incompatible left-hand sides in 1st and 3rd expression of %s for-loop!\n", loop_type_str);
// eval 1st expression
AstNode *varbuf = init_ast->children[1]->clone();
if (varbuf->type != AST_CONSTANT)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Right hand side of 1st expression of generate for-loop is not constant!\n");
+ log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Right hand side of 1st expression of %s for-loop is not constant!\n", loop_type_str);
auto resolved =>children[0]->str);
if (resolved->range_valid) {
if (buf->type != AST_CONSTANT)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "2nd expression of generate for-loop is not constant!\n");
+ log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "2nd expression of %s for-loop is not constant!\n", loop_type_str);
if (buf->integer == 0) {
delete buf;
if (buf->type != AST_CONSTANT)
- log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Right hand side of 3rd expression of generate for-loop is not constant (%s)!\n", type2str(buf->type).c_str());
+ log_file_error(filename, location.first_line, "Right hand side of 3rd expression of %s for-loop is not constant (%s)!\n", loop_type_str, type2str(buf->type).c_str());
delete varbuf->children[0];
varbuf->children[0] = buf;