behaviour when XLEN=8/16 and L=1? When XLEN=16, L=0 the instruction is still
valid. Would it be costly at the Decoder?
+## Trap Word Immediate
+Like FP Single operations there also exist operations at "half of regfile width"
+in the Integer realm. They are discernable with the designation `Word` in their
+ a <- EXTS((RA)[XLEN/2:XLEN-1])
+ if (a < EXTS(SI)) & TO[0] then TRAP
+ if (a > EXTS(SI)) & TO[1] then TRAP
+ if (a = EXTS(SI)) & TO[2] then TRAP
+ if (a <u EXTS(SI)) & TO[3] then TRAP
+ if (a >u EXTS(SI)) & TO[4] then TRAP
+Here, EXTS receives **half** of the bits of its input register operand, RA.
+Note this is **not** "32 bit because a Word is 32-bit". The definition
+"Trap Word Immediate" has to be replaced with "Trap Half-register-width Immediate"
+but this is very clumsy.
+When XLEN=8 "half register width" is clearly 4 bit, thus the LSB nibble is tested,
+but still sign-extended for comparison
+against the 16-bit signed immediate.