return wnode;
+// check if a node or its children contains an assignment to the given variable
+static bool node_contains_assignment_to(const AstNode* node, const AstNode* var)
+ if (node->type == AST_ASSIGN_EQ || node->type == AST_ASSIGN_LE) {
+ // current node is iteslf an assignment
+ log_assert(node->children.size() >= 2);
+ const AstNode* lhs = node->children[0];
+ if (lhs->type == AST_IDENTIFIER && lhs->str == var->str)
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (const AstNode* child : node->children) {
+ // if this child shadows the given variable
+ if (child != var && child->str == var->str && child->type == AST_WIRE)
+ break; // skip the remainder of this block/scope
+ // depth-first short circuit
+ if (!node_contains_assignment_to(child, var))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
// convert the AST into a simpler AST that has all parameters substituted by their
// values, unrolled for-loops, expanded generate blocks, etc. when this function
// is done with an AST it can be converted into RTLIL using genRTLIL().
if ((child->is_input || child->is_output) && arg_count < children.size())
AstNode *arg = children[arg_count++]->clone();
+ // convert purely constant arguments into localparams
+ if (child->is_input && child->type == AST_WIRE && arg->type == AST_CONSTANT && node_contains_assignment_to(decl, child)) {
+ wire->type = AST_LOCALPARAM;
+ wire->attributes.erase(ID::nosync);
+ wire->children.insert(wire->children.begin(), arg->clone());
+ continue;
+ }
AstNode *wire_id = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER);
wire_id->str = wire->str;
AstNode *assign = child->is_input ?
--- /dev/null
+module top;
+ function automatic [31:0] operation1;
+ input [4:0] rounds;
+ input integer num;
+ integer i;
+ begin
+ begin : shadow
+ integer rounds;
+ rounds = 0;
+ end
+ for (i = 0; i < rounds; i = i + 1)
+ num = num * 2;
+ operation1 = num;
+ end
+ endfunction
+ function automatic [31:0] operation2;
+ input [4:0] var;
+ input integer num;
+ begin
+ var[0] = var[0] ^ 1;
+ operation2 = num * var;
+ end
+ endfunction
+ wire [31:0] a;
+ assign a = 2;
+ parameter A = 3;
+ wire [31:0] x1;
+ assign x1 = operation1(A, a);
+ wire [31:0] x2;
+ assign x2 = operation2(A, a);
+// `define VERIFY
+`ifdef VERIFY
+ assert property (a == 2);
+ assert property (A == 3);
+ assert property (x1 == 16);
+ assert property (x2 == 4);