Given the fact that performant bug-free processors no longer exist [1][2], how can you trust your processor [3]? The next best thing is to have access to a processor’s design files. Not only have access to them, you must have the freedom to study, improve them, run the test suites and be able to improve those too.
-Not only that, you and everyone who has a stake in the success needs to be entirely free from NDAs and other restrictions which prevent and prohibit communication. An example: although you yourself might not have the technical capability to review our SoC, you can always find a third party to pay who can. However if the source code was under NDA, do you think that would be practical to consider?
+Not only that, you and everyone who has a stake in the success needs to be entirely free from NDAs and other restrictions which prevent and prohibit communication. An example: although you yourself might not have the technical capability to review our SoC, you can always find a third party to pay those who can. However if the source code was under NDA, do you think that would be practical to consider?
*Collaboration, not competition*.