#include "compiler/glsl/standalone.h"
#include "compiler/glsl/glsl_to_nir.h"
#include "compiler/nir_types.h"
+#include "compiler/spirv/nir_spirv.h"
static void dump_info(struct ir3_shader_variant *so, const char *str)
return 0;
+static void debug_func(void *priv, enum nir_spirv_debug_level level,
+ size_t spirv_offset, const char *message)
+// printf("%s\n", message);
+static nir_shader *
+load_spirv(const char *filename, const char *entry, gl_shader_stage stage)
+ const struct spirv_to_nir_options spirv_options = {
+ /* these caps are just make-believe */
+ .caps = {
+ .draw_parameters = true,
+ .float64 = true,
+ .image_read_without_format = true,
+ .image_write_without_format = true,
+ .int64 = true,
+ .variable_pointers = true,
+ },
+ .lower_workgroup_access_to_offsets = true,
+ .debug = {
+ .func = debug_func,
+ }
+ };
+ nir_function *entry_point;
+ void *buf;
+ size_t size;
+ read_file(filename, &buf, &size);
+ entry_point = spirv_to_nir(buf, size / 4,
+ NULL, 0, /* spec_entries */
+ stage, entry,
+ &spirv_options,
+ ir3_get_compiler_options(compiler));
+ nir_print_shader(entry_point->shader, stdout);
+ return entry_point->shader;
static void print_usage(void)
- printf("Usage: ir3_compiler [OPTIONS]... <file.tgsi | (file.vert | file.frag)*>\n");
+ printf("Usage: ir3_compiler [OPTIONS]... <file.tgsi | file.spv entry_point | (file.vert | file.frag)*>\n");
printf(" --verbose - verbose compiler/debug messages\n");
printf(" --binning-pass - generate binning pass shader (VERT)\n");
printf(" --color-two-side - emulate two-sided color (FRAG)\n");
/* TODO cmdline option to target different gpus: */
unsigned gpu_id = 320;
const char *info;
+ const char *entry;
void *ptr;
+ bool from_spirv = false;
size_t size;
memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
if (num_files != 0)
errx(1, "in TGSI mode, only a single file may be specified");
s.from_tgsi = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(ext, ".spv") == 0) {
+ if (num_files != 0)
+ errx(1, "in SPIR-V mode, only a single file may be specified");
+ from_spirv = true;
+ filenames[num_files++] = filename;
+ n++;
+ if (n == argc)
+ errx(1, "in SPIR-V mode, an entry point must be specified");
+ entry = argv[n];
+ n++;
} else if (strcmp(ext, ".frag") == 0) {
- if (s.from_tgsi)
- errx(1, "cannot mix GLSL and TGSI");
+ if (s.from_tgsi || from_spirv)
+ errx(1, "cannot mix GLSL/TGSI/SPIRV");
if (num_files >= ARRAY_SIZE(filenames))
errx(1, "too many GLSL files");
tgsi_dump(toks, 0);
nir = ir3_tgsi_to_nir(toks);
+ } else if (from_spirv) {
+ nir = load_spirv(filenames[0], entry, stage);
} else if (num_files > 0) {
nir = load_glsl(num_files, filenames, stage);
} else {