package body Float_Conversions is
+ package Conv is new
+ Big_Integers.Unsigned_Conversions (Long_Long_Unsigned);
-- To_Big_Real --
function To_Big_Real (Arg : Num) return Valid_Big_Real is
- package Conv is new
- Big_Integers.Unsigned_Conversions (Long_Long_Unsigned);
A : constant Num'Base := abs (Arg);
E : constant Integer := Num'Exponent (A);
F : constant Num'Base := Num'Fraction (A);
function From_Big_Real (Arg : Big_Real) return Num is
- package Conv is new
- Big_Integers.Unsigned_Conversions (Long_Long_Unsigned);
M : constant Natural := Num'Machine_Mantissa;
One : constant Big_Real := To_Real (1);
Two : constant Big_Real := To_Real (2);
package body Fixed_Conversions is
+ package Float_Aux is new Float_Conversions (Long_Long_Float);
+ subtype LLLI is Long_Long_Long_Integer;
+ subtype LLLU is Long_Long_Long_Unsigned;
+ Too_Large : constant Boolean :=
+ Num'Small_Numerator > LLLU'Last
+ or else Num'Small_Denominator > LLLU'Last;
+ -- True if the Small is too large for Long_Long_Long_Unsigned, in which
+ -- case we convert to/from Long_Long_Float as an intermediate step.
+ package Conv_I is new Big_Integers.Signed_Conversions (LLLI);
+ package Conv_U is new Big_Integers.Unsigned_Conversions (LLLU);
-- To_Big_Real --
+ -- We just compute V * N / D where V is the mantissa value of the fixed
+ -- point number, and N resp. D is the numerator resp. the denominator of
+ -- the Small of the fixed-point type.
function To_Big_Real (Arg : Num) return Valid_Big_Real is
+ N, D, V : Big_Integer;
- return From_String (Arg'Image);
+ if Too_Large then
+ return Float_Aux.To_Big_Real (Long_Long_Float (Arg));
+ end if;
+ N := Conv_U.To_Big_Integer (Num'Small_Numerator);
+ D := Conv_U.To_Big_Integer (Num'Small_Denominator);
+ V := Conv_I.To_Big_Integer (LLLI'Integer_Value (Arg));
+ return V * N / D;
end To_Big_Real;
-- From_Big_Real --
+ -- We first compute A / B = Arg * D / N where N resp. D is the numerator
+ -- resp. the denominator of the Small of the fixed-point type. Then we
+ -- divide A by B and convert the result to the mantissa value.
function From_Big_Real (Arg : Big_Real) return Num is
+ N, D, A, B, Q, X : Big_Integer;
- return Num'Value (To_String (Arg));
+ if Too_Large then
+ return Num (Float_Aux.From_Big_Real (Arg));
+ end if;
+ N := Conv_U.To_Big_Integer (Num'Small_Numerator);
+ D := Conv_U.To_Big_Integer (Num'Small_Denominator);
+ A := Numerator (Arg) * D;
+ B := Denominator (Arg) * N;
+ Q := A / B;
+ -- Round to nearest, ties to away, by comparing twice the remainder
+ X := (A - Q * B) * To_Big_Integer (2);
+ if X >= B then
+ Q := Q + To_Big_Integer (1);
+ elsif X <= -B then
+ Q := Q - To_Big_Integer (1);
+ end if;
+ return Num'Fixed_Value (Conv_I.From_Big_Integer (Q));
end From_Big_Real;
end Fixed_Conversions;