Encoders and decoders between binary and one-hot representation
-i: input (binary or one-hot)
-o: output (one-hot or binary)
-n: "none" signal (in/out), binary value is invalid
class Encoder(Module):
+ """Encode one-hot to binary
+ If `n` is low, the `o` th bit in `i` is asserted, else none or
+ multiple bits are asserted.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ width : int
+ Bit width of the input
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ i : Signal(width), in
+ One-hot input
+ o : Signal(max=width), out
+ Encoded binary
+ n : Signal(1), out
+ Invalid, either none or multiple input bits are asserted
+ """
def __init__(self, width):
self.i = Signal(width) # one-hot
self.o = Signal(max=width) # binary
self.comb += Case(self.i, act)
class PriorityEncoder(Module):
+ """Priority encode requests to binary
+ If `n` is low, the `o` th bit in `i` is asserted and the bits below
+ `o` are unasserted, else `o == 0`. The LSB has priority.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ width : int
+ Bit width of the input
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ i : Signal(width), in
+ Input requests
+ o : Signal(max=width), out
+ Encoded binary
+ n : Signal(1), out
+ Invalid, no input bits are asserted
+ """
def __init__(self, width):
self.i = Signal(width) # one-hot, lsb has priority
self.o = Signal(max=width) # binary
self.comb += self.n.eq(self.i == 0)
class Decoder(Module):
+ """Decode binary to one-hot
+ If `n` is low, the `i` th bit in `o` is asserted, the others are
+ not, else `o == 0`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ width : int
+ Bit width of the output
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ i : Signal(max=width), in
+ Input binary
+ o : Signal(width), out
+ Decoded one-hot
+ n : Signal(1), in
+ Invalid, no output bits are to be asserted
+ """
def __init__(self, width):
self.i = Signal(max=width) # binary
self.n = Signal() # none/invalid