- andi., ori, andis., oris, xori, xoris - similar to above, though the and versions set the flags in CR0
- and\*, or\*, xor\*, nand\*, eqv\*, andc\*, orc\* - similar to the register-register arithmetic instructions above
+# Decoder internals
+The Decoder uses a class called PowerOp which get instantiated
+for every instruction. PowerOp class instantiation has member signals
+whose values get set respectively for each instruction.
+We use Python Enums to help with common decoder values.
+Below is the POWER add insruction.
+| opcode | unit | internal op | in1 | in2 | in3 | out | CR in | CR out | inv A | inv out | cry in | cry out | ldst len | BR | sgn ext | upd | rsrv | 32b | sgn | rc | lk | sgl pipe | comment | form |
+| 0b0100001010 | ALU | OP_ADD | RA | RB | NONE | RT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ZERO | 0 | NONE | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | RC | 0 | 0 | add | XO |
+Here is an example of a toy multiplexer that sets various fields in the
+PowerOP signal class to the correct values for the add instruction when
+select is set equal to 1. This should give you a feel for how we work with
+enums and PowerOP.
+ from nmigen import Module, Elaboratable, Signal, Cat, Mux
+ from soc.decoder.power_enums import (Function, Form, InternalOp,
+ In1Sel, In2Sel, In3Sel, OutSel, RC, LdstLen,
+ CryIn, get_csv, single_bit_flags,
+ get_signal_name, default_values)
+ from soc.decoder.power_fields import DecodeFields
+ from soc.decoder.power_fieldsn import SigDecode, SignalBitRange
+ from soc.decoder.power_decoder import PowerOp
+ class Op_Add_Example(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.select = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ self.op_add = PowerOp()
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ op_add = self.op_add
+ with m.If(self.select == 1):
+ m.d.comb += op_add.function_unit.eq(Function.ALU)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.form.eq(Form.XO)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.internal_op.eq(InternalOp.OP_ADD)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.in1_sel.eq(In1Sel.RA)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.in2_sel.eq(In2Sel.RB)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.in3_sel.eq(In3Sel.NONE)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.out_sel.eq(OutSel.RT)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.rc_sel.eq(RC.RC)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.ldst_len.eq(LdstLen.NONE)
+ m.d.comb += op_add.cry_in.eq(CryIn.ZERO)
+ return m
+ from nmigen.back import verilog
+ verilog_file = "op_add_example.v"
+ top = Op_Add_Example()
+ f = open(verilog_file, "w")
+ verilog = verilog.convert(top, name='top', strip_internal_attrs=True,
+ ports=top.op_add.ports())
+ f.write(verilog)
+ print(f"Verilog Written to: {verilog_file}")
+The [actual POWER9 Decoder](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/decoder/power_decoder2.py;hb=HEAD)
+uses this principle, in conjunction with reading the information shown
+in the table above from CSV files (as opposed to hardcoding them in
+python source). These [[CSV files|openpower/isatables]],
+being machine-readable in a wide variety
+of programming languages, are conveniently available for use by
+other projects well beyond just this SOC.
+This also demonstrates one of the design aspects taken in this project: to
+*combine* the power of python's full capabilities in order to create
+advanced dynamically generated HDL, rather than (as done with MyHDL)
+limit python code to a subset of its full capabilities.
+The CSV Files are loaded by
+and are used to construct a hierarchical cascade of switch statements. The original code came from
+where the original hardcoded cascade can be seen.
+The docstring for power_decoder.py gives more details: each level in the hierarchy, just as in the original decode1.vhdl, will take slices of the instruction bitpattern, match against it, and if successful will continue with further subdecoders until a line is met that contains the required Operand Information (a PowerOp) exactly as shown at the top of this page.
+In this way, different sections of the instruction are successively decoded (major opcode, then minor opcode, then sub-patterns under those) until the required instruction is fully recognised, and the hierarchical cascade of switch patterns results in a flat interpretation being produced that is useful internally.
# Decoder
-The Decoder uses a class called PowerOp which get instantiated
-for every instruction. PowerOp class instantiation has member signals
-whose values get set respectively for each instruction.
-We use Python Enums to help with common decoder values.
-Below is the POWER add insruction.
-| opcode | unit | internal op | in1 | in2 | in3 | out | CR in | CR out | inv A | inv out | cry in | cry out | ldst len | BR | sgn ext | upd | rsrv | 32b | sgn | rc | lk | sgl pipe | comment | form |
-| 0b0100001010 | ALU | OP_ADD | RA | RB | NONE | RT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ZERO | 0 | NONE | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | RC | 0 | 0 | add | XO |
-Here is an example of a toy multiplexer that sets various fields in the
-PowerOP signal class to the correct values for the add instruction when
-select is set equal to 1. This should give you a feel for how we work with
-enums and PowerOP.
- from nmigen import Module, Elaboratable, Signal, Cat, Mux
- from soc.decoder.power_enums import (Function, Form, InternalOp,
- In1Sel, In2Sel, In3Sel, OutSel, RC, LdstLen,
- CryIn, get_csv, single_bit_flags,
- get_signal_name, default_values)
- from soc.decoder.power_fields import DecodeFields
- from soc.decoder.power_fieldsn import SigDecode, SignalBitRange
- from soc.decoder.power_decoder import PowerOp
- class Op_Add_Example(Elaboratable):
- def __init__(self):
- self.select = Signal(reset_less=True)
- self.op_add = PowerOp()
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- op_add = self.op_add
- with m.If(self.select == 1):
- m.d.comb += op_add.function_unit.eq(Function.ALU)
- m.d.comb += op_add.form.eq(Form.XO)
- m.d.comb += op_add.internal_op.eq(InternalOp.OP_ADD)
- m.d.comb += op_add.in1_sel.eq(In1Sel.RA)
- m.d.comb += op_add.in2_sel.eq(In2Sel.RB)
- m.d.comb += op_add.in3_sel.eq(In3Sel.NONE)
- m.d.comb += op_add.out_sel.eq(OutSel.RT)
- m.d.comb += op_add.rc_sel.eq(RC.RC)
- m.d.comb += op_add.ldst_len.eq(LdstLen.NONE)
- m.d.comb += op_add.cry_in.eq(CryIn.ZERO)
- return m
- from nmigen.back import verilog
- verilog_file = "op_add_example.v"
- top = Op_Add_Example()
- f = open(verilog_file, "w")
- verilog = verilog.convert(top, name='top', strip_internal_attrs=True,
- ports=top.op_add.ports())
- f.write(verilog)
- print(f"Verilog Written to: {verilog_file}")
-The [actual POWER9 Decoder](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/decoder/power_decoder2.py;hb=HEAD)
-uses this principle, in conjunction with reading the information shown
-in the table above from CSV files (as opposed to hardcoding them in
-python source). These [[CSV files|openpower/isatables]],
-being machine-readable in a wide variety
-of programming languages, are conveniently available for use by
-other projects well beyond just this SOC.
-This also demonstrates one of the design aspects taken in this project: to
-*combine* the power of python's full capabilities in order to create
-advanced dynamically generated HDL, rather than (as done with MyHDL)
-limit python code to a subset of its full capabilities.
-The CSV Files are loaded by
-and are used to construct a hierarchical cascade of switch statements. The original code came from
-where the original hardcoded cascade can be seen.
-The docstring for power_decoder.py gives more details: each level in the hierarchy, just as in the original decode1.vhdl, will take slices of the instruction bitpattern, match against it, and if successful will continue with further subdecoders until a line is met that contains the required Operand Information (a PowerOp) exactly as shown at the top of this page.
-In this way, different sections of the instruction are successively decoded (major opcode, then minor opcode, then sub-patterns under those) until the required instruction is fully recognised, and the hierarchical cascade of switch patterns results in a flat interpretation being produced that is useful internally.
+The page on the decoder is here: [[architecture/decoder]]