\item Open ISA: EULA v3.0B announced August 2019\vspace{6pt}
- \item Compliancy subsets: mandatory and optional features
+ \item Compliancy subsets: mandatory and optional features
\item Compliance provides royalty-free IBM Patent grant\vspace{6pt}
- \item Custom extensions permitted (see v3.0C): recommends "common-usage"
+ \item Custom extensions permitted (see v3.0C): recommends "common-usage"
ones be submitted as RFCs to OpenPOWER ISA WG
\item On this basis we have the freedom and are encouraged to create
+\frame{\frametitle{Severe Limitations of RISC-V for Supercomputing}
-\frame{\frametitle{What's different about SVP64?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Independent Research and public commentary:
+ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24459314 \\
+ https://www.iscaconf.org/isca2020/papers/466100a052.pdf
+ \vspace{2pt}
+ \item No LOAD/STORE with Update (present in OpenPOWER)
+ \item No LOAD/STORE with Shift-immediate (as in ARM, x86)
+ \item No Condition Codes or Carry (present in OpenPOWER)\\
+ Extremely costly to add to compiler infrastructure
+ (already done in OpenPOWER).
+ \item Over-simplified ISA (assumption of macro-op fusion and Compressed
+ which massively complicates Multi-issue decode and Issue phases,
+ Multi-issue being fundamental to HPC)
+ \item RISC-V is great for Embedded scenarios, but it is just not up
+ to scratch for Supercomputing. OpenPOWER already is.
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{The summary on SVP64}
\item SVP64 is similar to Intel x86 "REP" instruction\\
"please repeat the following instruction N times"\\
(but add some extra "stuff" in the process)
- \vspace{9pt}
+ \vspace{2pt}
+ \item Uses the Cray-style "setvl" instruction\\
+ (Cray-I, NEC SX-Aurora, RISC-V RVV)\\
+ \vspace{2pt}
\item Unlike "REP" there is additional "Vector context":\\
Predication, Twin-predication, Element-width Overrides,
Map-reduce, Iteration, Saturation and more.
- \vspace{9pt}
- \item None of this requires extra instructions!\\
- (except setvl and the "REP"-like prefix)\\
- \vspace{6pt}
+ \vspace{2pt}
+ \item Just like "REP", none of this requires extra instructions!\\
+ (except setvl and the "REP"-like prefix itself)\\
+ \vspace{2pt}
\item "SIMD Considered Harmful" principle applies equally
to RISC-V Vectors (190+ instructions on top of RV64GC's 80)\\
\em{RVV more than doubles the number of RISC-V instructions}.
\frametitle{Simple-V ADD in a nutshell}
\item "Twin Predication" (covers VSPLAT, VGATHER, VSCATTER, VINDEX etc.)
\item SVP64: extensive "tag" (Vector context) augmentation
\item "Context propagation": a VLIW-like context. Allows contexts
- to be repeatedly applied.
+ to be repeatedly applied (x86 "REP").
Effectively a "hardware compression algorithm" for ISAs.
+ \item Map-reduce and Iteration (like Cray-I and SX-Aurora).\\
+ Also new: prefix-sum (Pascal's Triangle)
+ \item REMAP (suitable for in-place variable-sized Matrix
+ Multiply)
\item Ultimate goal: cut down I-Cache usage, cuts down on power
- \item Typical GPU has its own I-Cache and small shaders.\\
- \textit{We are a Hybrid CPU/GPU: I-Cache is not separate!}
- \item Needs to go through OpenPOWER Foundation `approval'
+ \item Specifications: https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/
+ \item Needs to go through OpenPOWER Foundation `approval'
\frame{\frametitle{How can you help?}
+ \item We need help. This is big. plenty of Research Opportunities\\
+ Also a lot more "Supercomputer-centric"
+ \vspace{3pt}
\item Start here! https://libre-soc.org \\
Mailing lists https://lists.libre-soc.org \\
IRC Freenode libre-soc \\
\item Also profit-sharing in any commercial ventures \\
- \item How many opportunities to develop Libre SoCs exist,\\
- and actually get paid for it?
- \vspace{3pt}
- \item I'm not a developer, how can I help?\\
- - Plenty of research needed, artwork, website \\
- - Help find customers and OEMs willing to commit (LOI)
-\frame{\frametitle{Simple SBC-style SoC}
- \item Goal is to create a mass-volume low-power embedded SoC suitable
- for use in netbooks, chromebooks, tablets, smartphones, IoT SBCs.
- \item No way we could implement a project of this magnitude without
- nmigen (being able to use python OO to HDL)
+ \item OpenPOWER is already a Supercomputer ISA: SVP64 greatly simplifies
+ it, goes back to the original Cray-style roots, and adds half a dozen
+ completely new innovations.
\item Collaboration with OpenPOWER Foundation and Members absolutely
essential. No short-cuts. Standards to be developed and ratified
so that everyone benefits.
\item Riding the wave of huge stability of OpenPOWER ecosystem
- \item Greatly simplified open 3D and Video drivers reduces product
- development costs for customers
+ \item Greatly simplified software development: reduces costs and risks.
\item It also happens to be fascinating, deeply rewarding technically
challenging, and funded by NLnet
\item Discussion: http://lists.libre-soc.org
\item OFTC IRC \#libre-soc