d_curr_iphase[v] = CEG_INST_PHASE_NONE;
+void CegInstantiator::deactivateInstantiationVariable(Node v)
+ d_curr_subs_proc.erase(v);
+ d_curr_index.erase(v);
+ d_curr_iphase.erase(v);
+bool CegInstantiator::hasTriedInstantiation(Node v)
+ return !d_curr_subs_proc[v].empty();
void CegInstantiator::registerTheoryIds(TypeNode tn,
std::map<TypeNode, bool>& visited)
registerTheoryIds(vtn, visited);
-void CegInstantiator::deactivateInstantiationVariable(Node v)
- d_curr_subs_proc.erase( v );
- d_curr_index.erase( v );
- d_curr_iphase.erase(v);
bool CegInstantiator::constructInstantiation(SolvedForm& sf, unsigned i)
if( i==d_vars.size() ){
return doAddInstantiation( sf.d_vars, sf.d_subs, lemmas );
- //Node v = d_single_inv_map_to_prog[d_single_inv[0][i]];
- bool is_cv = false;
+ bool is_sv = false;
Node pv;
if( d_stack_vars.empty() ){
pv = d_vars[i];
pv = d_stack_vars.back();
- is_cv = true;
+ is_sv = true;
activateInstantiationVariable(pv, i);
Assert( vinst!=NULL );
d_active_instantiators[pv] = vinst;
vinst->reset(this, sf, pv, d_effort);
- TypeNode pvtn = pv.getType();
- TypeNode pvtnb = pvtn.getBaseType();
- Node pvr = pv;
- if( d_qe->getMasterEqualityEngine()->hasTerm( pv ) ){
- pvr = d_qe->getMasterEqualityEngine()->getRepresentative( pv );
- }
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[Find instantiation for " << pv << "], rep=" << pvr << ", instantiator is " << vinst->identify() << std::endl;
- Node pv_value;
- if( options::cbqiModel() ){
- pv_value = getModelValue( pv );
- Trace("cbqi-bound2") << "...M( " << pv << " ) = " << pv_value << std::endl;
- }
// if d_effort is full, we must choose at least one model value
if ((i + 1) < d_vars.size() || d_effort != CEG_INST_EFFORT_FULL)
- //[1] easy case : pv is in the equivalence class as another term not containing pv
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[1] try based on equivalence class." << std::endl;
- d_curr_iphase[pv] = CEG_INST_PHASE_EQC;
- std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it_eqc = d_curr_eqc.find( pvr );
- if( it_eqc!=d_curr_eqc.end() ){
- //std::vector< Node > eq_candidates;
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "...eqc has size " << it_eqc->second.size() << std::endl;
- for( unsigned k=0; k<it_eqc->second.size(); k++ ){
- Node n = it_eqc->second[k];
- if( n!=pv ){
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...try based on equal term " << n << std::endl;
- //must be an eligible term
- if( isEligible( n ) ){
- Node ns;
- TermProperties pv_prop; //coefficient of pv in the equality we solve (null is 1)
- bool proc = false;
- if( !d_prog_var[n].empty() ){
- ns = applySubstitution( pvtn, n, sf, pv_prop, false );
- if( !ns.isNull() ){
- computeProgVars( ns );
- //substituted version must be new and cannot contain pv
- proc = d_prog_var[ns].find( pv )==d_prog_var[ns].end();
- }
- }else{
- ns = n;
- proc = true;
- }
- if( proc ){
- if (vinst->processEqualTerm(
- this, sf, pv, pv_prop, ns, d_effort))
- {
- return true;
- }
- // Do not consider more than one equal term,
- // this helps non-monotonic strategies that may encounter
- // duplicate instantiations.
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (vinst->processEqualTerms(this, sf, pv, it_eqc->second, d_effort))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }else{
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "...eqc not found." << std::endl;
- }
- //[2] : we can solve an equality for pv
- /// iterate over equivalence classes to find cases where we can solve for
- /// the variable
- if (vinst->hasProcessEquality(this, sf, pv, d_effort))
+ // First, try to construct an instantiation term for pv based on
+ // equality and theory-specific instantiation techniques.
+ if (constructInstantiation(sf, vinst, pv))
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[2] try based on solving equalities." << std::endl;
- d_curr_iphase[pv] = CEG_INST_PHASE_EQUAL;
- for( unsigned k=0; k<d_curr_type_eqc[pvtnb].size(); k++ ){
- Node r = d_curr_type_eqc[pvtnb][k];
- std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it_reqc = d_curr_eqc.find( r );
- std::vector< Node > lhs;
- std::vector< bool > lhs_v;
- std::vector< TermProperties > lhs_prop;
- Assert( it_reqc!=d_curr_eqc.end() );
- for( unsigned kk=0; kk<it_reqc->second.size(); kk++ ){
- Node n = it_reqc->second[kk];
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "...look at term " << n << std::endl;
- //must be an eligible term
- if( isEligible( n ) ){
- Node ns;
- TermProperties pv_prop;
- if( !d_prog_var[n].empty() ){
- ns = applySubstitution( pvtn, n, sf, pv_prop );
- if( !ns.isNull() ){
- computeProgVars( ns );
- }
- }else{
- ns = n;
- }
- if( !ns.isNull() ){
- bool hasVar = d_prog_var[ns].find( pv )!=d_prog_var[ns].end();
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "... " << ns << " has var " << pv << " : " << hasVar << std::endl;
- std::vector< TermProperties > term_props;
- std::vector< Node > terms;
- term_props.push_back( pv_prop );
- terms.push_back( ns );
- for( unsigned j=0; j<lhs.size(); j++ ){
- //if this term or the another has pv in it, try to solve for it
- if( hasVar || lhs_v[j] ){
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "... " << i << "...try based on equality " << lhs[j] << " = " << ns << std::endl;
- term_props.push_back( lhs_prop[j] );
- terms.push_back( lhs[j] );
- if (vinst->processEquality(
- this, sf, pv, term_props, terms, d_effort))
- {
- return true;
- }
- term_props.pop_back();
- terms.pop_back();
- }
- }
- lhs.push_back( ns );
- lhs_v.push_back( hasVar );
- lhs_prop.push_back( pv_prop );
- }else{
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "... term " << n << " is ineligible after substitution." << std::endl;
- }
- }else{
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "... term " << n << " is ineligible." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //[3] directly look at assertions
- if (vinst->hasProcessAssertion(this, sf, pv, d_effort))
- {
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[3] try based on assertions." << std::endl;
- d_curr_iphase[pv] = CEG_INST_PHASE_ASSERTION;
- std::unordered_set< Node, NodeHashFunction > lits;
- //unsigned rmax = Theory::theoryOf( pv )==Theory::theoryOf( pv.getType() ) ? 1 : 2;
- for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
- TheoryId tid = r==0 ? Theory::theoryOf( pvtn ) : THEORY_UF;
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << " look at assertions of " << tid << std::endl;
- std::map< TheoryId, std::vector< Node > >::iterator ita = d_curr_asserts.find( tid );
- if( ita!=d_curr_asserts.end() ){
- for (unsigned j = 0; j<ita->second.size(); j++) {
- Node lit = ita->second[j];
- if( lits.find(lit)==lits.end() ){
- lits.insert(lit);
- Node plit;
- if (options::cbqiRepeatLit() || !isSolvedAssertion(lit))
- {
- plit =
- vinst->hasProcessAssertion(this, sf, pv, lit, d_effort);
- }
- if (!plit.isNull()) {
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << " look at " << lit;
- if (plit != lit) {
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "...processed to : " << plit;
- }
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << std::endl;
- // apply substitutions
- Node slit = applySubstitutionToLiteral(plit, sf);
- if( !slit.isNull() ){
- // check if contains pv
- if( hasVariable( slit, pv ) ){
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...try based on literal "
- << slit << "," << std::endl;
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...from " << lit
- << std::endl;
- if (vinst->processAssertion(
- this, sf, pv, slit, lit, d_effort))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (vinst->processAssertions(this, sf, pv, d_effort))
- {
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
- //[4] resort to using value in model. We do so if:
- // - if the instantiator uses model values at this effort, or
- // - if we are solving for a subfield of a datatype (is_cv).
- if ((vinst->useModelValue(this, sf, pv, d_effort) || is_cv)
+ // If the above call fails, resort to using value in model. We do so if:
+ // - we have yet to try an instantiation this round (or we are trying
+ // multiple instantiations, indicated by options::cbqiMultiInst),
+ // - the instantiator uses model values at this effort or
+ // if we are solving for a subfield of a datatype (is_sv), and
+ // - the instantiator allows model values.
+ if ((options::cbqiMultiInst() || !hasTriedInstantiation(pv))
+ && (vinst->useModelValue(this, sf, pv, d_effort) || is_sv)
&& vinst->allowModelValue(this, sf, pv, d_effort))
d_effort = prev;
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[No instantiation found for " << pv << "]" << std::endl;
- if( is_cv ){
+ if (is_sv)
+ {
d_stack_vars.push_back( pv );
d_active_instantiators.erase( pv );
+bool CegInstantiator::constructInstantiation(SolvedForm& sf,
+ Instantiator* vinst,
+ Node pv)
+ TypeNode pvtn = pv.getType();
+ TypeNode pvtnb = pvtn.getBaseType();
+ Node pvr = pv;
+ if (d_qe->getMasterEqualityEngine()->hasTerm(pv))
+ {
+ pvr = d_qe->getMasterEqualityEngine()->getRepresentative(pv);
+ }
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[Find instantiation for " << pv
+ << "], rep=" << pvr << ", instantiator is "
+ << vinst->identify() << std::endl;
+ Node pv_value;
+ if (options::cbqiModel())
+ {
+ pv_value = getModelValue(pv);
+ Trace("cbqi-bound2") << "...M( " << pv << " ) = " << pv_value << std::endl;
+ }
+ //[1] easy case : pv is in the equivalence class as another term not
+ // containing pv
+ if (vinst->hasProcessEqualTerm(this, sf, pv, d_effort))
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug")
+ << "[1] try based on equivalence class." << std::endl;
+ d_curr_iphase[pv] = CEG_INST_PHASE_EQC;
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator it_eqc = d_curr_eqc.find(pvr);
+ if (it_eqc != d_curr_eqc.end())
+ {
+ // std::vector< Node > eq_candidates;
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2")
+ << "...eqc has size " << it_eqc->second.size() << std::endl;
+ for (const Node& n : it_eqc->second)
+ {
+ if (n != pv)
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug")
+ << "...try based on equal term " << n << std::endl;
+ // must be an eligible term
+ if (isEligible(n))
+ {
+ Node ns;
+ // coefficient of pv in the equality we solve (null is 1)
+ TermProperties pv_prop;
+ bool proc = false;
+ if (!d_prog_var[n].empty())
+ {
+ ns = applySubstitution(pvtn, n, sf, pv_prop, false);
+ if (!ns.isNull())
+ {
+ computeProgVars(ns);
+ // substituted version must be new and cannot contain pv
+ proc = d_prog_var[ns].find(pv) == d_prog_var[ns].end();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ns = n;
+ proc = true;
+ }
+ if (proc)
+ {
+ if (vinst->processEqualTerm(this, sf, pv, pv_prop, ns, d_effort))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (!options::cbqiMultiInst() && hasTriedInstantiation(pv))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Do not consider more than one equal term,
+ // this helps non-monotonic strategies that may encounter
+ // duplicate instantiations.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (vinst->processEqualTerms(this, sf, pv, it_eqc->second, d_effort))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (!options::cbqiMultiInst() && hasTriedInstantiation(pv))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "...eqc not found." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ //[2] : we can solve an equality for pv
+ /// iterate over equivalence classes to find cases where we can solve for
+ /// the variable
+ if (vinst->hasProcessEquality(this, sf, pv, d_effort))
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug")
+ << "[2] try based on solving equalities." << std::endl;
+ d_curr_iphase[pv] = CEG_INST_PHASE_EQUAL;
+ std::vector<Node>& cteqc = d_curr_type_eqc[pvtnb];
+ for (const Node& r : cteqc)
+ {
+ std::map<Node, std::vector<Node> >::iterator it_reqc = d_curr_eqc.find(r);
+ std::vector<Node> lhs;
+ std::vector<bool> lhs_v;
+ std::vector<TermProperties> lhs_prop;
+ Assert(it_reqc != d_curr_eqc.end());
+ for (const Node& n : it_reqc->second)
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "...look at term " << n << std::endl;
+ // must be an eligible term
+ if (isEligible(n))
+ {
+ Node ns;
+ TermProperties pv_prop;
+ if (!d_prog_var[n].empty())
+ {
+ ns = applySubstitution(pvtn, n, sf, pv_prop);
+ if (!ns.isNull())
+ {
+ computeProgVars(ns);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ns = n;
+ }
+ if (!ns.isNull())
+ {
+ bool hasVar = d_prog_var[ns].find(pv) != d_prog_var[ns].end();
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "... " << ns << " has var " << pv
+ << " : " << hasVar << std::endl;
+ std::vector<TermProperties> term_props;
+ std::vector<Node> terms;
+ term_props.push_back(pv_prop);
+ terms.push_back(ns);
+ for (unsigned j = 0, size = lhs.size(); j < size; j++)
+ {
+ // if this term or the another has pv in it, try to solve for it
+ if (hasVar || lhs_v[j])
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "......try based on equality "
+ << lhs[j] << " = " << ns << std::endl;
+ term_props.push_back(lhs_prop[j]);
+ terms.push_back(lhs[j]);
+ if (vinst->processEquality(
+ this, sf, pv, term_props, terms, d_effort))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (!options::cbqiMultiInst() && hasTriedInstantiation(pv))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ term_props.pop_back();
+ terms.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ lhs.push_back(ns);
+ lhs_v.push_back(hasVar);
+ lhs_prop.push_back(pv_prop);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2")
+ << "... term " << n << " is ineligible after substitution."
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2")
+ << "... term " << n << " is ineligible." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //[3] directly look at assertions
+ if (!vinst->hasProcessAssertion(this, sf, pv, d_effort))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[3] try based on assertions." << std::endl;
+ d_curr_iphase[pv] = CEG_INST_PHASE_ASSERTION;
+ std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> lits;
+ for (unsigned r = 0; r < 2; r++)
+ {
+ TheoryId tid = r == 0 ? Theory::theoryOf(pvtn) : THEORY_UF;
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << " look at assertions of " << tid << std::endl;
+ std::map<TheoryId, std::vector<Node> >::iterator ita =
+ d_curr_asserts.find(tid);
+ if (ita != d_curr_asserts.end())
+ {
+ for (const Node& lit : ita->second)
+ {
+ if (lits.find(lit) == lits.end())
+ {
+ lits.insert(lit);
+ Node plit;
+ if (options::cbqiRepeatLit() || !isSolvedAssertion(lit))
+ {
+ plit = vinst->hasProcessAssertion(this, sf, pv, lit, d_effort);
+ }
+ if (!plit.isNull())
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << " look at " << lit;
+ if (plit != lit)
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "...processed to : " << plit;
+ }
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << std::endl;
+ // apply substitutions
+ Node slit = applySubstitutionToLiteral(plit, sf);
+ if (!slit.isNull())
+ {
+ // check if contains pv
+ if (hasVariable(slit, pv))
+ {
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug")
+ << "...try based on literal " << slit << "," << std::endl;
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...from " << lit << std::endl;
+ if (vinst->processAssertion(this, sf, pv, slit, lit, d_effort))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (!options::cbqiMultiInst() && hasTriedInstantiation(pv))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (vinst->processAssertions(this, sf, pv, d_effort))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
void CegInstantiator::pushStackVariable( Node v ) {
d_stack_vars.push_back( v );