\frame{\frametitle{How is Parallelism abstracted?}
- \item Almost all opcodes removed in favour of implicit "typing"\vspace{10pt}
+ \item Register "typing" turns any op into an implicit Vector op\vspace{10pt}
\item Primarily at the Instruction issue phase (except SIMD)\vspace{10pt}
\item Standard (and future, and custom) opcodes now parallel\vspace{10pt}
- \item LOAD/STORE (inc. C.LD and C.ST, LDX: everything)
+ \item LOAD/STORE (inc. C.LD and C.ST, LD.X: everything)
\item All ALU ops (soft / hybrid / full HW, on per-op basis)
\item All branches become predication targets (C.FNE added)
\item C.MV of particular interest (s/v, v/v, v/s)
\item 4 (or more?) options above may be deployed on per-op basis
\item Minimum MVL MUST be sufficient to cover regfile LD/ST
- \item OoO may split off 4+ single-instructions at a time
+ \item OoO may repeatedly split off 4+ ops at a time into FIFO
\item Same register(s) can have multiple "interpretations"\vspace{10pt}
\item xBitManip plus SIMD plus xBitManip = Hi/Lo bitops\vspace{10pt}
- \item (32-bit GREV plus 4-wide 32-bit SIMD plus 32-bit GREV)\vspace{10pt}
+ \item (32-bit GREV plus 4x8-bit SIMD plus 32-bit GREV)\vspace{10pt}
\item Same register(s) can be offset (no need for VSLIDE)\vspace{10pt}
+\frame{\frametitle{Register key-value CSR store}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item key is int regfile number or FP regfile number (1 bit)\vspace{10pt}
+ \item register to be predicated if referred to (5 bits, key)\vspace{10pt}
+ \item register to store actual predication in (5 bits, value)\vspace{10pt}
+ \item TODO\vspace{10pt}
+ \end{itemize}
+ Notes:\vspace{10pt}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Table should be expanded out for high-speed implementations
+ \item Multiple "keys" (and values) theoretically permitted
+ \item RVV rules about deleting higher-indexed CSRs followed
+ \end{itemize}
\frametitle{ADD pseudocode (or trap, or actual hardware loop)}
+\frame{\frametitle{C.MV extremely flexible!}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item scalar-to-vector (w/no pred): VSPLAT
+ \item scalar-to-vector (w/dest-pred): Sparse VSPLAT
+ \item scalar-to-vector (w/single dest-pred): VINSERT
+ \item vector-to-scalar (w/src-pred): VEXTRACT
+ \item vector-to-vector (w/no pred): Vector Copy
+ \item vector-to-vector (w/src xor dest pred): Sparse Vector Copy
+ \item vector-to-vector (w/src and dest pred): Vector Shuffle
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vspace{8pt}
+ Notes:\vspace{10pt}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Really powerful!
+ \item Any other options?
+ \end{itemize}
\frame{\frametitle{Opcodes, compared to RVV}
\item Can VSELECT be removed? (it's really complex)\vspace{10pt}
\item Can CLIP be done as a CSR (mode, like elwidth)\vspace{10pt}
\item SIMD saturation (etc.) also set as a mode?\vspace{10pt}
+ \item C.MV src predication no different from dest predication\\
+ What to do? Make one have different meaning?\vspace{10pt}
\item 8/16-bit ops is it worthwhile adding a "start offset"? \\
(a bit like misaligned addressing... for registers)\\
or just use predication to skip start?\vspace{10pt}