+\frame{\frametitle{DCT / FFT / DFT / NTT: other implementations?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Texas Instruments TMS320 and C6xx DSPs (VLIW)
+ - 14 u-Ops per VLIW (including Zero-Overhead Looping)\\
+ - Performs Odd/Even FP32 looping single-instruction FFT\\
+ - Cannot do anything other than FP32\\
+ - Otherwise absolutely brilliant and elegant (20+ years)
+ \item Qualcom Hexagon DSP\\
+ - Again: VLIW (29 RISC-like u-Ops in 1 cycle)\\
+ - Seriously power-efficient and effective\\
+ - Has ZOLC and Complex-number Multiply\\
+ - Only seems to handle the inner loop of FFT though
+ \item SVP64\\
+ - not limited to inner loop (handles entire triple-loop) \\
+ - like Hexagon, not limted to type of operation inside loop \\
+ - Complex-number ops: a bit too heavy-duty for now (later?)
+ \end{itemize}
\frame{\frametitle{Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT): Basics}