cell_exprs.push_back(stringf(" %s <= %s\n", y_id.c_str(), expr.c_str()));
register_reverse_wire_map(y_id, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$pos") {
+ // assign y = a;
+ // printCell(cell);
+ string a_expr = make_expr(cell->getPort("\\A"));
+ // Verilog appears to treat the result as signed, so if the result is wider than "A",
+ // we need to pad.
+ if (a_width < y_width) {
+ a_expr = stringf("pad(%s, %d)", a_expr.c_str(), y_width);
+ }
+ wire_decls.push_back(stringf(" wire %s: UInt<%d>\n", y_id.c_str(), y_width));
+ cell_exprs.push_back(stringf(" %s <= %s\n", y_id.c_str(), a_expr.c_str()));
+ register_reverse_wire_map(y_id, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
- log_warning("Cell type not supported: %s (%s.%s)\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
+ log_error("Cell type not supported: %s (%s.%s)\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
for (auto conn : module->connections())