ratio_bitmask = Repl(1, log2_int(self.ratio))
+ sel = Signal.like(self.bus.sel)
+ with m.If(self.bus.sel == 0):
+ m.d.comb += sel.eq(Repl(1, sel.width))
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += sel.eq(self.bus.sel)
with m.Switch(self.bus.adr & ratio_bitmask):
for i in range(self.ratio):
with m.Case(i):
runSimulation(dut, process, "test_frontend_wishbone.vcd")
+ def test_sel_empty(self):
+ core = FakeGramCore()
+ native_port = core.crossbar.get_native_port()
+ dut = gramWishbone(core, data_width=32, granularity=8)
+ def process():
+ # Initialize native port
+ yield native_port.cmd.ready.eq(0)
+ yield native_port.wdata.ready.eq(0)
+ yield native_port.rdata.valid.eq(0)
+ def selfirstdword(bus, native_port):
+ self.assertEqual((yield native_port.wdata.we), 0xF)
+ yield from self.write_request(bus=dut.bus,
+ native_port=native_port,
+ adr=0,
+ sel=0,
+ value=0xAAAAAAAA,
+ timeout=128,
+ ackCallback=selfirstdword)
+ runSimulation(dut, process, "test_frontend_wishbone.vcd")