+static LLVMValueRef ngg_get_ordered_id(struct si_shader_context *ctx)
+ return ac_build_bfe(&ctx->ac, ctx->gs_tg_info,
+ ctx->i32_0,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->ac.i32, 11, false),
+ false);
static LLVMValueRef ngg_get_query_buf(struct si_shader_context *ctx)
LLVMValueRef buf_ptr = LLVMGetParam(ctx->main_fn,
ac_build_export(&ctx->ac, &args);
+static void build_streamout_vertex(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
+ LLVMValueRef *so_buffer, LLVMValueRef *wg_offset_dw,
+ unsigned stream, LLVMValueRef offset_vtx,
+ LLVMValueRef vertexptr)
+ struct tgsi_shader_info *info = &ctx->shader->selector->info;
+ struct pipe_stream_output_info *so = &ctx->shader->selector->so;
+ LLVMBuilderRef builder = ctx->ac.builder;
+ LLVMValueRef offset[4] = {};
+ LLVMValueRef tmp;
+ for (unsigned buffer = 0; buffer < 4; ++buffer) {
+ if (!wg_offset_dw[buffer])
+ continue;
+ tmp = LLVMBuildMul(builder, offset_vtx,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, so->stride[buffer], false), "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, wg_offset_dw[buffer], tmp, "");
+ offset[buffer] = LLVMBuildShl(builder, tmp, LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 2, false), "");
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < so->num_outputs; ++i) {
+ if (so->output[i].stream != stream)
+ continue;
+ unsigned reg = so->output[i].register_index;
+ struct si_shader_output_values out;
+ out.semantic_name = info->output_semantic_name[reg];
+ out.semantic_index = info->output_semantic_index[reg];
+ for (unsigned comp = 0; comp < 4; comp++) {
+ tmp = ac_build_gep0(&ctx->ac, vertexptr,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 4 * reg + comp, false));
+ out.values[comp] = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, tmp, "");
+ out.vertex_stream[comp] =
+ (info->output_streams[reg] >> (2 * comp)) & 3;
+ }
+ si_emit_streamout_output(ctx, so_buffer, offset, &so->output[i], &out);
+ }
+struct ngg_streamout {
+ LLVMValueRef num_vertices;
+ /* per-thread data */
+ LLVMValueRef prim_enable[4]; /* i1 per stream */
+ LLVMValueRef vertices[3]; /* [N x i32] addrspace(LDS)* */
+ /* Output */
+ LLVMValueRef emit[4]; /* per-stream emitted primitives (only valid for used streams) */
+ * Build streamout logic.
+ *
+ * Implies a barrier.
+ *
+ * Writes number of emitted primitives to gs_ngg_scratch[4:8].
+ *
+ * Clobbers gs_ngg_scratch[8:].
+ */
+static void build_streamout(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
+ struct ngg_streamout *nggso)
+ struct tgsi_shader_info *info = &ctx->shader->selector->info;
+ struct pipe_stream_output_info *so = &ctx->shader->selector->so;
+ LLVMBuilderRef builder = ctx->ac.builder;
+ LLVMValueRef buf_ptr = LLVMGetParam(ctx->main_fn, ctx->param_rw_buffers);
+ LLVMValueRef tid = get_thread_id_in_tg(ctx);
+ LLVMValueRef tmp, tmp2;
+ LLVMValueRef i32_2 = LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 2, false);
+ LLVMValueRef i32_4 = LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 4, false);
+ LLVMValueRef i32_8 = LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 8, false);
+ LLVMValueRef so_buffer[4] = {};
+ unsigned max_num_vertices = 1 + (nggso->vertices[1] ? 1 : 0) +
+ (nggso->vertices[2] ? 1 : 0);
+ LLVMValueRef prim_stride_dw[4] = {};
+ LLVMValueRef prim_stride_dw_vgpr = LLVMGetUndef(ctx->i32);
+ int stream_for_buffer[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
+ unsigned bufmask_for_stream[4] = {};
+ bool isgs = ctx->type == PIPE_SHADER_GEOMETRY;
+ unsigned scratch_emit_base = isgs ? 4 : 0;
+ LLVMValueRef scratch_emit_basev = isgs ? i32_4 : ctx->i32_0;
+ unsigned scratch_offset_base = isgs ? 8 : 4;
+ LLVMValueRef scratch_offset_basev = isgs ? i32_8 : i32_4;
+ /* Determine the mapping of streamout buffers to vertex streams. */
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < so->num_outputs; ++i) {
+ unsigned buf = so->output[i].output_buffer;
+ unsigned stream = so->output[i].stream;
+ assert(stream_for_buffer[buf] < 0 || stream_for_buffer[buf] == stream);
+ stream_for_buffer[buf] = stream;
+ bufmask_for_stream[stream] |= 1 << buf;
+ }
+ for (unsigned buffer = 0; buffer < 4; ++buffer) {
+ if (stream_for_buffer[buffer] == -1)
+ continue;
+ assert(so->stride[buffer]);
+ tmp = LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, so->stride[buffer], false);
+ prim_stride_dw[buffer] = LLVMBuildMul(builder, tmp, nggso->num_vertices, "");
+ prim_stride_dw_vgpr = ac_build_writelane(
+ &ctx->ac, prim_stride_dw_vgpr, prim_stride_dw[buffer],
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, buffer, false));
+ so_buffer[buffer] = ac_build_load_to_sgpr(
+ &ctx->ac, buf_ptr,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, SI_VS_STREAMOUT_BUF0 + buffer, false));
+ }
+ tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntEQ, get_wave_id_in_tg(ctx), ctx->i32_0, "");
+ ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5200);
+ {
+ LLVMTypeRef gdsptr = LLVMPointerType(ctx->i32, AC_ADDR_SPACE_GDS);
+ LLVMValueRef gdsbase = LLVMBuildIntToPtr(builder, ctx->i32_0, gdsptr, "");
+ /* Advance the streamout offsets in GDS. */
+ LLVMValueRef offsets_vgpr = ac_build_alloca_undef(&ctx->ac, ctx->i32, "");
+ LLVMValueRef generated_by_stream_vgpr = ac_build_alloca_undef(&ctx->ac, ctx->i32, "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT, ac_get_thread_id(&ctx->ac), i32_4, "");
+ ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5210);
+ {
+ if (isgs) {
+ tmp = ac_build_gep0(&ctx->ac, ctx->gs_ngg_scratch, tid);
+ tmp = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, tmp, "");
+ } else {
+ tmp = ac_build_writelane(&ctx->ac, ctx->i32_0,
+ ngg_get_prim_cnt(ctx), ctx->i32_0);
+ }
+ LLVMBuildStore(builder, tmp, generated_by_stream_vgpr);
+ unsigned swizzle[4];
+ int unused_stream = -1;
+ for (unsigned stream = 0; stream < 4; ++stream) {
+ if (!info->num_stream_output_components[stream]) {
+ unused_stream = stream;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned buffer = 0; buffer < 4; ++buffer) {
+ if (stream_for_buffer[buffer] >= 0) {
+ swizzle[buffer] = stream_for_buffer[buffer];
+ } else {
+ assert(unused_stream >= 0);
+ swizzle[buffer] = unused_stream;
+ }
+ }
+ tmp = ac_build_quad_swizzle(&ctx->ac, tmp,
+ swizzle[0], swizzle[1], swizzle[2], swizzle[3]);
+ tmp = LLVMBuildMul(builder, tmp, prim_stride_dw_vgpr, "");
+ LLVMValueRef args[] = {
+ LLVMBuildIntToPtr(builder, ngg_get_ordered_id(ctx), gdsptr, ""),
+ tmp,
+ ctx->i32_0, // ordering
+ ctx->i32_0, // scope
+ ctx->ac.i1false, // isVolatile
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 4 << 24, false), // OA index
+ ctx->ac.i1true, // wave release
+ ctx->ac.i1true, // wave done
+ };
+ tmp = ac_build_intrinsic(&ctx->ac, "llvm.amdgcn.ds.ordered.add",
+ ctx->i32, args, ARRAY_SIZE(args), 0);
+ /* Keep offsets in a VGPR for quick retrieval via readlane by
+ * the first wave for bounds checking, and also store in LDS
+ * for retrieval by all waves later. */
+ LLVMBuildStore(builder, tmp, offsets_vgpr);
+ tmp2 = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, ac_get_thread_id(&ctx->ac),
+ scratch_offset_basev, "");
+ tmp2 = ac_build_gep0(&ctx->ac, ctx->gs_ngg_scratch, tmp2);
+ LLVMBuildStore(builder, tmp, tmp2);
+ }
+ ac_build_endif(&ctx->ac, 5210);
+ /* Determine the max emit per buffer. This is done via the SALU, in part
+ * because LLVM can't generate divide-by-multiply if we try to do this
+ * via VALU with one lane per buffer.
+ */
+ LLVMValueRef max_emit[4] = {};
+ for (unsigned buffer = 0; buffer < 4; ++buffer) {
+ if (stream_for_buffer[buffer] == -1)
+ continue;
+ LLVMValueRef bufsize_dw =
+ LLVMBuildLShr(builder,
+ LLVMBuildExtractElement(builder, so_buffer[buffer], i32_2, ""),
+ i32_2, "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, offsets_vgpr, "");
+ LLVMValueRef offset_dw =
+ ac_build_readlane(&ctx->ac, tmp,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, buffer, false));
+ tmp = LLVMBuildSub(builder, bufsize_dw, offset_dw, "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildUDiv(builder, tmp, prim_stride_dw[buffer], "");
+ tmp2 = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT, bufsize_dw, offset_dw, "");
+ max_emit[buffer] = LLVMBuildSelect(builder, tmp2, ctx->i32_0, tmp, "");
+ }
+ /* Determine the number of emitted primitives per stream and fixup the
+ * GDS counter if necessary.
+ *
+ * This is complicated by the fact that a single stream can emit to
+ * multiple buffers (but luckily not vice versa).
+ */
+ LLVMValueRef emit_vgpr = ctx->i32_0;
+ for (unsigned stream = 0; stream < 4; ++stream) {
+ if (!info->num_stream_output_components[stream])
+ continue;
+ tmp = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, generated_by_stream_vgpr, "");
+ LLVMValueRef generated =
+ ac_build_readlane(&ctx->ac, tmp,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, stream, false));
+ LLVMValueRef emit = generated;
+ for (unsigned buffer = 0; buffer < 4; ++buffer) {
+ if (stream_for_buffer[buffer] == stream)
+ emit = ac_build_umin(&ctx->ac, emit, max_emit[buffer]);
+ }
+ emit_vgpr = ac_build_writelane(&ctx->ac, emit_vgpr, emit,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, stream, false));
+ /* Fixup the offset using a plain GDS atomic if we overflowed. */
+ tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT, emit, generated, "");
+ ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5221); /* scalar branch */
+ tmp = LLVMBuildLShr(builder,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, bufmask_for_stream[stream], false),
+ ac_get_thread_id(&ctx->ac), "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildTrunc(builder, tmp, ctx->i1, "");
+ ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5222);
+ {
+ tmp = LLVMBuildSub(builder, generated, emit, "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildMul(builder, tmp, prim_stride_dw_vgpr, "");
+ tmp2 = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, gdsbase, &tid, 1, "");
+ LLVMBuildAtomicRMW(builder, LLVMAtomicRMWBinOpSub, tmp2, tmp,
+ LLVMAtomicOrderingMonotonic, false);
+ }
+ ac_build_endif(&ctx->ac, 5222);
+ ac_build_endif(&ctx->ac, 5221);
+ }
+ tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT, ac_get_thread_id(&ctx->ac), i32_4, "");
+ ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5225);
+ {
+ tmp = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, ac_get_thread_id(&ctx->ac),
+ scratch_emit_basev, "");
+ tmp = ac_build_gep0(&ctx->ac, ctx->gs_ngg_scratch, tmp);
+ LLVMBuildStore(builder, emit_vgpr, tmp);
+ }
+ ac_build_endif(&ctx->ac, 5225);
+ }
+ ac_build_endif(&ctx->ac, 5200);
+ /* Determine the workgroup-relative per-thread / primitive offset into
+ * the streamout buffers */
+ struct ac_wg_scan primemit_scan[4] = {};
+ if (isgs) {
+ for (unsigned stream = 0; stream < 4; ++stream) {
+ if (!info->num_stream_output_components[stream])
+ continue;
+ primemit_scan[stream].enable_exclusive = true;
+ primemit_scan[stream].op = nir_op_iadd;
+ primemit_scan[stream].src = nggso->prim_enable[stream];
+ primemit_scan[stream].scratch =
+ ac_build_gep0(&ctx->ac, ctx->gs_ngg_scratch,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 12 + 8 * stream, false));
+ primemit_scan[stream].waveidx = get_wave_id_in_tg(ctx);
+ primemit_scan[stream].numwaves = get_tgsize(ctx);
+ primemit_scan[stream].maxwaves = 8;
+ ac_build_wg_scan_top(&ctx->ac, &primemit_scan[stream]);
+ }
+ }
+ ac_build_s_barrier(&ctx->ac);
+ /* Fetch the per-buffer offsets and per-stream emit counts in all waves. */
+ LLVMValueRef wgoffset_dw[4] = {};
+ {
+ LLVMValueRef scratch_vgpr;
+ tmp = ac_build_gep0(&ctx->ac, ctx->gs_ngg_scratch, ac_get_thread_id(&ctx->ac));
+ scratch_vgpr = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, tmp, "");
+ for (unsigned buffer = 0; buffer < 4; ++buffer) {
+ if (stream_for_buffer[buffer] >= 0) {
+ wgoffset_dw[buffer] = ac_build_readlane(
+ &ctx->ac, scratch_vgpr,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, scratch_offset_base + buffer, false));
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned stream = 0; stream < 4; ++stream) {
+ if (info->num_stream_output_components[stream]) {
+ nggso->emit[stream] = ac_build_readlane(
+ &ctx->ac, scratch_vgpr,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, scratch_emit_base + stream, false));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Write out primitive data */
+ for (unsigned stream = 0; stream < 4; ++stream) {
+ if (!info->num_stream_output_components[stream])
+ continue;
+ if (isgs) {
+ ac_build_wg_scan_bottom(&ctx->ac, &primemit_scan[stream]);
+ } else {
+ primemit_scan[stream].result_exclusive = tid;
+ }
+ tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT,
+ primemit_scan[stream].result_exclusive,
+ nggso->emit[stream], "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, tmp, nggso->prim_enable[stream], "");
+ ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5240);
+ {
+ LLVMValueRef offset_vtx =
+ LLVMBuildMul(builder, primemit_scan[stream].result_exclusive,
+ nggso->num_vertices, "");
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_num_vertices; ++i) {
+ tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, i, false),
+ nggso->num_vertices, "");
+ ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5241);
+ build_streamout_vertex(ctx, so_buffer, wgoffset_dw,
+ stream, offset_vtx, nggso->vertices[i]);
+ ac_build_endif(&ctx->ac, 5241);
+ offset_vtx = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, offset_vtx, ctx->i32_1, "");
+ }
+ }
+ ac_build_endif(&ctx->ac, 5240);
+ }
+ * Returns an `[N x i32] addrspace(LDS)*` pointing at contiguous LDS storage
+ * for the vertex outputs.
+ */
+static LLVMValueRef ngg_nogs_vertex_ptr(struct si_shader_context *ctx,
+ LLVMValueRef vtxid)
+ /* The extra dword is used to avoid LDS bank conflicts. */
+ unsigned vertex_size = 4 * ctx->shader->selector->info.num_outputs + 1;
+ LLVMTypeRef ai32 = LLVMArrayType(ctx->i32, vertex_size);
+ LLVMTypeRef pai32 = LLVMPointerType(ai32, AC_ADDR_SPACE_LDS);
+ LLVMValueRef tmp = LLVMBuildBitCast(ctx->ac.builder, ctx->esgs_ring, pai32, "");
+ return LLVMBuildGEP(ctx->ac.builder, tmp, &vtxid, 1, "");
* Emit the epilogue of an API VS or TES shader compiled as ESGS shader.
LLVMValueRef *addrs)
struct si_shader_context *ctx = si_shader_context_from_abi(abi);
- struct tgsi_shader_info *info = &ctx->shader->selector->info;
+ struct si_shader_selector *sel = ctx->shader->selector;
+ struct tgsi_shader_info *info = &sel->info;
struct si_shader_output_values *outputs = NULL;
LLVMBuilderRef builder = ctx->ac.builder;
struct lp_build_if_state if_state;
- LLVMValueRef tmp;
+ LLVMValueRef tmp, tmp2;
assert(info->num_outputs <= max_outputs);
outputs = MALLOC((info->num_outputs + 1) * sizeof(outputs[0]));
+ LLVMValueRef vertex_ptr = NULL;
+ if (sel->so.num_outputs)
+ vertex_ptr = ngg_nogs_vertex_ptr(ctx, get_thread_id_in_tg(ctx));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < info->num_outputs; i++) {
outputs[i].semantic_name = info->output_semantic_name[i];
outputs[i].semantic_index = info->output_semantic_index[i];
outputs[i].vertex_stream[j] =
(info->output_streams[i] >> (2 * j)) & 3;
+ if (vertex_ptr) {
+ tmp = ac_build_gep0(&ctx->ac, vertex_ptr,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 4 * i + j, false));
+ tmp2 = ac_to_integer(&ctx->ac, outputs[i].values[j]);
+ LLVMBuildStore(builder, tmp2, tmp);
+ }
num_vertices_val = LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, num_vertices, false);
- /* TODO: streamout */
+ /* Streamout */
+ LLVMValueRef emitted_prims = NULL;
+ if (sel->so.num_outputs) {
+ struct ngg_streamout nggso = {};
+ nggso.num_vertices = num_vertices_val;
+ nggso.prim_enable[0] = is_gs_thread;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i)
+ nggso.vertices[i] = ngg_nogs_vertex_ptr(ctx, vtxindex[i]);
+ build_streamout(ctx, &nggso);
+ emitted_prims = nggso.emit[0];
+ }
/* TODO: primitive culling */
/* Update query buffer */
tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntEQ, get_wave_id_in_tg(ctx), ctx->ac.i32_0, "");
ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5030);
- tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULE, ac_get_thread_id(&ctx->ac), ctx->ac.i32_0, "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULE, ac_get_thread_id(&ctx->ac),
+ sel->so.num_outputs ? ctx->ac.i32_1 : ctx->ac.i32_0, "");
ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5031);
LLVMValueRef args[] = {
ctx->i32_0, /* cachepolicy */
+ if (sel->so.num_outputs) {
+ args[0] = ac_build_writelane(&ctx->ac, args[0], emitted_prims, ctx->i32_1);
+ args[2] = ac_build_writelane(&ctx->ac, args[2],
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 24, false), ctx->i32_1);
+ }
/* TODO: should this be 64-bit atomics? */
ac_build_intrinsic(&ctx->ac, "llvm.amdgcn.raw.buffer.atomic.add.i32",
ctx->i32, args, 5, 0);
const LLVMValueRef tid = get_thread_id_in_tg(ctx);
LLVMValueRef num_emit_threads = ngg_get_prim_cnt(ctx);
- /* TODO: streamout */
+ /* Streamout */
+ if (sel->so.num_outputs) {
+ struct ngg_streamout nggso = {};
- tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT, tid, LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 4, false), "");
+ nggso.num_vertices = LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, verts_per_prim, false);
+ LLVMValueRef vertexptr = ngg_gs_vertex_ptr(ctx, tid);
+ for (unsigned stream = 0; stream < 4; ++stream) {
+ if (!info->num_stream_output_components[stream])
+ continue;
+ LLVMValueRef gep_idx[3] = {
+ ctx->i32_0, /* implicit C-style array */
+ ctx->i32_1, /* second value of struct */
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, stream, false),
+ };
+ tmp = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, vertexptr, gep_idx, 3, "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, tmp, "");
+ tmp = LLVMBuildTrunc(builder, tmp, ctx->i1, "");
+ tmp2 = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT, tid, num_emit_threads, "");
+ nggso.prim_enable[stream] = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, tmp, tmp2, "");
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < verts_per_prim; ++i) {
+ tmp = LLVMBuildSub(builder, tid,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, verts_per_prim - i - 1, false), "");
+ tmp = ngg_gs_vertex_ptr(ctx, tmp);
+ nggso.vertices[i] = ac_build_gep0(&ctx->ac, tmp, ctx->i32_0);
+ }
+ build_streamout(ctx, &nggso);
+ }
+ /* Write shader query data. */
+ unsigned num_query_comps = sel->so.num_outputs ? 8 : 4;
+ tmp = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntULT, tid,
+ LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, num_query_comps, false), "");
ac_build_ifcc(&ctx->ac, tmp, 5110);
LLVMValueRef offset;
} else {
/* TODO: This needs to be adjusted once LDS use for compaction
* after culling is implemented. */
+ if (es_sel->so.num_outputs)
+ esvert_lds_size = 4 * es_sel->info.num_outputs + 1;
unsigned max_gsprims = max_gsprims_base;
return NULL;
- u_suballocator_alloc(sctx->allocator_zeroed_memory, 4, 4,
+ unsigned buf_filled_size_size = sctx->chip_class >= GFX10 ? 8 : 4;
+ u_suballocator_alloc(sctx->allocator_zeroed_memory, buf_filled_size_size, 4,
(struct pipe_resource**)&t->buf_filled_size);
if (!t->buf_filled_size) {
* used as an input immediately.
sctx->flags |= SI_CONTEXT_INV_SCACHE |
+ /* The BUFFER_FILLED_SIZE is written using a PS_DONE event. */
+ if (sctx->chip_class >= GFX10)
+ else
/* All readers of the streamout targets need to be finished before we can
if (targets[i]) {
struct pipe_shader_buffer sbuf;
sbuf.buffer = targets[i]->buffer;
- sbuf.buffer_offset = 0;
- sbuf.buffer_size = targets[i]->buffer_offset +
- targets[i]->buffer_size;
+ if (sctx->chip_class >= GFX10) {
+ sbuf.buffer_offset = targets[i]->buffer_offset;
+ sbuf.buffer_size = targets[i]->buffer_size;
+ } else {
+ sbuf.buffer_offset = 0;
+ sbuf.buffer_size = targets[i]->buffer_offset +
+ targets[i]->buffer_size;
+ }
si_set_rw_shader_buffer(sctx, SI_VS_STREAMOUT_BUF0 + i, &sbuf);
si_resource(targets[i]->buffer)->bind_history |= PIPE_BIND_STREAM_OUTPUT;
} else {
si_set_rw_shader_buffer(sctx, SI_VS_STREAMOUT_BUF0 + i, NULL);
+static void gfx10_emit_streamout_begin(struct si_context *sctx)
+ struct si_streamout_target **t = sctx->streamout.targets;
+ struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = sctx->gfx_cs;
+ unsigned last_target = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sctx->streamout.num_targets; i++) {
+ if (t[i])
+ last_target = i;
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sctx->streamout.num_targets; i++) {
+ if (!t[i])
+ continue;
+ t[i]->stride_in_dw = sctx->streamout.stride_in_dw[i];
+ bool append = sctx->streamout.append_bitmask & (1 << i);
+ uint64_t va = 0;
+ if (append) {
+ radeon_add_to_buffer_list(sctx, sctx->gfx_cs,
+ t[i]->buf_filled_size,
+ va = t[i]->buf_filled_size->gpu_address +
+ t[i]->buf_filled_size_offset;
+ }
+ radeon_emit(cs, PKT3(PKT3_DMA_DATA, 5, 0));
+ radeon_emit(cs, S_411_SRC_SEL(append ? V_411_SRC_ADDR_TC_L2 : V_411_DATA) |
+ S_411_DST_SEL(V_411_GDS) |
+ S_411_CP_SYNC(i == last_target));
+ radeon_emit(cs, va);
+ radeon_emit(cs, va >> 32);
+ radeon_emit(cs, 4 * i); /* destination in GDS */
+ radeon_emit(cs, 0);
+ radeon_emit(cs, S_414_BYTE_COUNT_GFX9(4) |
+ S_414_DISABLE_WR_CONFIRM_GFX9(i != last_target));
+ }
+ sctx->streamout.begin_emitted = true;
+static void gfx10_emit_streamout_end(struct si_context *sctx)
+ struct si_streamout_target **t = sctx->streamout.targets;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < sctx->streamout.num_targets; i++) {
+ if (!t[i])
+ continue;
+ uint64_t va = t[i]->buf_filled_size->gpu_address + t[i]->buf_filled_size_offset;
+ si_cp_release_mem(sctx, sctx->gfx_cs, V_028A90_PS_DONE, 0,
+ t[i]->buf_filled_size, va,
+ EOP_DATA_GDS(i, 1), 0);
+ t[i]->buf_filled_size_valid = true;
+ }
+ sctx->streamout.begin_emitted = false;
static void si_flush_vgt_streamout(struct si_context *sctx)
struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = sctx->gfx_cs;
void si_emit_streamout_end(struct si_context *sctx)
+ if (sctx->chip_class >= GFX10) {
+ gfx10_emit_streamout_end(sctx);
+ return;
+ }
struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = sctx->gfx_cs;
struct si_streamout_target **t = sctx->streamout.targets;
unsigned i;
static void si_emit_streamout_enable(struct si_context *sctx)
+ assert(sctx->chip_class < GFX10);
radeon_set_context_reg_seq(sctx->gfx_cs, R_028B94_VGT_STRMOUT_CONFIG, 2);
S_028B94_STREAMOUT_0_EN(si_get_strmout_en(sctx)) |
(sctx->streamout.enabled_mask << 8) |
(sctx->streamout.enabled_mask << 12);
- if ((old_strmout_en != si_get_strmout_en(sctx)) ||
- (old_hw_enabled_mask != sctx->streamout.hw_enabled_mask))
+ if (sctx->chip_class < GFX10 &&
+ ((old_strmout_en != si_get_strmout_en(sctx)) ||
+ (old_hw_enabled_mask != sctx->streamout.hw_enabled_mask)))
si_mark_atom_dirty(sctx, &sctx->atoms.s.streamout_enable);
void si_update_prims_generated_query_state(struct si_context *sctx,
unsigned type, int diff)
+ if (sctx->chip_class < GFX10 &&
bool old_strmout_en = si_get_strmout_en(sctx);
sctx->streamout.num_prims_gen_queries += diff;
sctx->b.create_stream_output_target = si_create_so_target;
sctx->b.stream_output_target_destroy = si_so_target_destroy;
sctx->b.set_stream_output_targets = si_set_streamout_targets;
- sctx->atoms.s.streamout_begin.emit = si_emit_streamout_begin;
- sctx->atoms.s.streamout_enable.emit = si_emit_streamout_enable;
+ if (sctx->chip_class >= GFX10) {
+ sctx->atoms.s.streamout_begin.emit = gfx10_emit_streamout_begin;
+ } else {
+ sctx->atoms.s.streamout_begin.emit = si_emit_streamout_begin;
+ sctx->atoms.s.streamout_enable.emit = si_emit_streamout_enable;
+ }