<< std::endl;
+void Graphics_pipeline::run(std::uint32_t vertex_start_index,
+ std::uint32_t vertex_end_index,
+ std::uint32_t instance_id,
+ image::Image &color_attachment)
+ constexpr std::size_t vec4_native_alignment = alignof(float) * 4;
+ constexpr std::size_t max_alignment = alignof(std::max_align_t);
+ constexpr std::size_t vec4_alignment =
+ vec4_native_alignment > max_alignment ? max_alignment : vec4_native_alignment;
+ struct alignas(vec4_alignment) Vec4
+ {
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float z;
+ float w;
+ constexpr Vec4() noexcept : x(), y(), z(), w()
+ {
+ }
+ constexpr explicit Vec4(float x, float y, float z, float w) noexcept : x(x),
+ y(y),
+ z(z),
+ w(w)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ auto interpolate_float = [](float t, float v0, float v1) noexcept->float
+ {
+ return t * v1 + (1.0f - t) * v0;
+ };
+ auto interpolate_vec4 = [interpolate_float](
+ float t, const Vec4 &v0, const Vec4 &v1) noexcept->Vec4
+ {
+ return Vec4(interpolate_float(t, v0.x, v1.x),
+ interpolate_float(t, v0.y, v1.y),
+ interpolate_float(t, v0.z, v1.z),
+ interpolate_float(t, v0.w, v1.w));
+ };
+ static constexpr std::size_t triangle_vertex_count = 3;
+ struct Triangle
+ {
+ Vec4 vertexes[triangle_vertex_count];
+ constexpr Triangle() noexcept : vertexes{}
+ {
+ }
+ constexpr Triangle(const Vec4 &v0, const Vec4 &v1, const Vec4 &v2) noexcept
+ : vertexes{v0, v1, v2}
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ auto solve_for_t = [](float v0, float v1) noexcept->float
+ {
+ // solves interpolate(t, v0, v1) == 0
+ return v0 / (v0 - v1);
+ };
+ auto clip_edge = [solve_for_t, interpolate_vec4](const Vec4 &start_vertex,
+ const Vec4 &end_vertex,
+ Vec4 *output_vertexes,
+ std::size_t &output_vertex_count,
+ auto eval_vertex) -> bool
+ {
+ // eval_vertex returns a non-negative number if the vertex is inside the clip volume
+ float start_vertex_signed_distance = eval_vertex(start_vertex);
+ float end_vertex_signed_distance = eval_vertex(end_vertex);
+ if(start_vertex_signed_distance != start_vertex_signed_distance)
+ return false; // triangle has a NaN coordinate; skip it
+ if(start_vertex_signed_distance < 0)
+ {
+ // start_vertex is outside
+ if(end_vertex_signed_distance < 0)
+ {
+ // end_vertex is outside; do nothing
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // end_vertex is inside
+ output_vertexes[output_vertex_count++] = interpolate_vec4(
+ solve_for_t(start_vertex_signed_distance, end_vertex_signed_distance),
+ start_vertex,
+ end_vertex);
+ output_vertexes[output_vertex_count++] = end_vertex;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // start_vertex is inside
+ if(end_vertex_signed_distance < 0)
+ {
+ // end_vertex is outside
+ output_vertexes[output_vertex_count++] = interpolate_vec4(
+ solve_for_t(start_vertex_signed_distance, end_vertex_signed_distance),
+ start_vertex,
+ end_vertex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // end_vertex is inside
+ output_vertexes[output_vertex_count++] = end_vertex;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ auto clip_triangles = [clip_edge](
+ std::vector<Triangle> &triangles, std::vector<Triangle> &temp_triangles, auto eval_vertex)
+ {
+ temp_triangles.clear();
+ for(auto &input_ref : triangles)
+ {
+ Triangle input = input_ref; // copy to enable compiler optimizations
+ constexpr std::size_t max_clipped_output_vertex_count = 4;
+ Vec4 output_vertexes[max_clipped_output_vertex_count];
+ std::size_t output_vertex_count = 0;
+ bool skip_triangle = false;
+ std::size_t end_vertex_index = 1;
+ for(std::size_t start_vertex_index = 0; start_vertex_index < triangle_vertex_count;
+ start_vertex_index++)
+ {
+ if(!clip_edge(input.vertexes[start_vertex_index],
+ input.vertexes[end_vertex_index],
+ output_vertexes,
+ output_vertex_count,
+ eval_vertex))
+ {
+ skip_triangle = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(++end_vertex_index >= triangle_vertex_count)
+ end_vertex_index = 0;
+ }
+ if(skip_triangle)
+ continue;
+ switch(output_vertex_count)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ continue;
+ case 3:
+ temp_triangles.push_back(
+ Triangle(output_vertexes[0], output_vertexes[1], output_vertexes[2]));
+ continue;
+ case 4:
+ temp_triangles.push_back(
+ Triangle(output_vertexes[0], output_vertexes[1], output_vertexes[2]));
+ temp_triangles.push_back(
+ Triangle(output_vertexes[0], output_vertexes[2], output_vertexes[3]));
+ continue;
+ }
+ assert(!"clipping algorithm failed");
+ }
+ temp_triangles.swap(triangles);
+ };
+ std::vector<Triangle> triangles;
+ std::vector<Triangle> temp_triangles;
+ constexpr std::size_t chunk_max_size = 96;
+ static_assert(chunk_max_size % triangle_vertex_count == 0, "");
+ std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> chunk_vertex_buffer(
+ new unsigned char[get_vertex_shader_output_struct_size() * chunk_max_size]);
+ while(vertex_start_index < vertex_end_index)
+ {
+ std::uint32_t chunk_size = vertex_end_index - vertex_start_index;
+ if(chunk_size > chunk_max_size)
+ chunk_size = chunk_max_size;
+ run_vertex_shader(vertex_start_index,
+ vertex_start_index + chunk_size,
+ instance_id,
+ chunk_vertex_buffer.get());
+ const unsigned char *current_vertex =
+ chunk_vertex_buffer.get() + vertex_shader_position_output_offset;
+ triangles.clear();
+ for(std::uint32_t i = 0; i + triangle_vertex_count <= chunk_size;
+ i += triangle_vertex_count)
+ {
+ Triangle triangle;
+ for(std::size_t j = 0; j < triangle_vertex_count; j++)
+ {
+ triangle.vertexes[j] = *reinterpret_cast<const Vec4 *>(current_vertex);
+ current_vertex += vertex_shader_output_struct_size;
+ }
+ triangles.push_back(triangle);
+ }
+ // clip to 0 <= vertex.z
+ clip_triangles(triangles,
+ temp_triangles,
+ [](const Vec4 &vertex) noexcept->float
+ {
+ return vertex.z;
+ });
+ // clip to vertex.z <= vertex.w
+ clip_triangles(triangles,
+ temp_triangles,
+ [](const Vec4 &vertex) noexcept->float
+ {
+ return vertex.w - vertex.z;
+ });
+ // clip to -vertex.w <= vertex.x
+ clip_triangles(triangles,
+ temp_triangles,
+ [](const Vec4 &vertex) noexcept->float
+ {
+ return vertex.x + vertex.w;
+ });
+ // clip to vertex.x <= vertex.w
+ clip_triangles(triangles,
+ temp_triangles,
+ [](const Vec4 &vertex) noexcept->float
+ {
+ return vertex.w - vertex.x;
+ });
+ // clip to -vertex.w <= vertex.y
+ clip_triangles(triangles,
+ temp_triangles,
+ [](const Vec4 &vertex) noexcept->float
+ {
+ return vertex.y + vertex.w;
+ });
+ // clip to vertex.y <= vertex.w
+ clip_triangles(triangles,
+ temp_triangles,
+ [](const Vec4 &vertex) noexcept->float
+ {
+ return vertex.w - vertex.y;
+ });
+ [[gnu::unused]] auto rasterize_triangle = [this](Triangle triangle)
+ {
+#warning finish implementing Graphics_pipeline::run::rasterize_triangle
+ assert(!"finish implementing Graphics_pipeline::run::rasterize_triangle");
+ };
+#warning finish implementing Graphics_pipeline::run
+ assert(!"finish implementing Graphics_pipeline::run");
+ }
std::unique_ptr<Graphics_pipeline> Graphics_pipeline::make(
Pipeline_cache *pipeline_cache, const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo &create_info)
auto llvm_target_machine =
+ util::Enum_set<spirv::Execution_model> found_shader_stages;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < create_info.stageCount; i++)
auto &stage_info = create_info.pStages[i];
assert(execution_models.size() == 1);
auto execution_model = *execution_models.begin();
+ bool added_to_found_shader_stages =
+ std::get<1>(found_shader_stages.insert(execution_model));
+ if(!added_to_found_shader_stages)
+ throw std::runtime_error("duplicate shader stage");
auto *shader_module = Shader_module_handle::from_handle(stage_info.module);
llvm_wrapper::Orc_compile_stack::create(std::move(llvm_target_machine), optimize_module);
Vertex_shader_function vertex_shader_function = nullptr;
std::size_t vertex_shader_output_struct_size = 0;
+ util::optional<std::size_t> vertex_shader_position_output_offset;
+ Fragment_shader_function fragment_shader_function = nullptr;
for(auto &compiled_shader : implementation->compiled_shaders)
vertex_shader_output_struct_size = implementation->jit_stack.add_eagerly_compiled_ir(
case spirv::Execution_model::fragment:
+ fragment_shader_function =
+ reinterpret_cast<Fragment_shader_function>(shader_entry_point_address);
+#warning finish implementing Graphics_pipeline::make
+ continue;
#warning finish implementing Graphics_pipeline::make
throw std::runtime_error("creating fragment shaders is not implemented");
case spirv::Execution_model::geometry:
vertex_shader_function =
implementation->vertex_shader_output_struct = compiled_shader.outputs_struct;
+ auto llvm_vertex_shader_output_struct =
+ implementation->vertex_shader_output_struct->get_or_make_type().type;
vertex_shader_output_struct_size = ::LLVMABISizeOfType(
- implementation->data_layout.get(),
- implementation->vertex_shader_output_struct->get_or_make_type().type);
+ implementation->data_layout.get(), llvm_vertex_shader_output_struct);
+ for(auto &member : implementation->vertex_shader_output_struct->get_members(true))
+ {
+ for(auto &decoration : member.decorations)
+ {
+ if(decoration.value == spirv::Decoration::built_in)
+ {
+ auto &builtin =
+ util::get<spirv::Decoration_built_in_parameters>(decoration.parameters);
+ if(builtin.built_in == spirv::Built_in::position)
+ {
+ vertex_shader_position_output_offset =
+ ::LLVMOffsetOfElement(implementation->data_layout.get(),
+ llvm_vertex_shader_output_struct,
+ member.llvm_member_index);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(vertex_shader_position_output_offset)
+ break;
+ if(auto *struct_type =
+ dynamic_cast<spirv_to_llvm::Struct_type_descriptor *>(member.type.get()))
+ {
+ std::size_t struct_offset =
+ ::LLVMOffsetOfElement(implementation->data_layout.get(),
+ llvm_vertex_shader_output_struct,
+ member.llvm_member_index);
+ auto llvm_struct_type = struct_type->get_or_make_type().type;
+ for(auto &submember : struct_type->get_members(true))
+ {
+ for(auto &decoration : submember.decorations)
+ {
+ if(decoration.value == spirv::Decoration::built_in)
+ {
+ auto &builtin = util::get<spirv::Decoration_built_in_parameters>(
+ decoration.parameters);
+ if(builtin.built_in == spirv::Built_in::position)
+ {
+ vertex_shader_position_output_offset =
+ struct_offset
+ + ::LLVMOffsetOfElement(implementation->data_layout.get(),
+ llvm_struct_type,
+ submember.llvm_member_index);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(vertex_shader_position_output_offset)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(vertex_shader_position_output_offset)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!vertex_shader_position_output_offset)
+ throw std::runtime_error("can't find vertex shader Position output");
#warning finish implementing Graphics_pipeline::make
#warning finish implementing Graphics_pipeline::make
throw std::runtime_error("graphics pipeline doesn't have vertex shader");
- return std::unique_ptr<Graphics_pipeline>(new Graphics_pipeline(
- std::move(implementation), vertex_shader_function, vertex_shader_output_struct_size));
+ assert(vertex_shader_position_output_offset);
+ return std::unique_ptr<Graphics_pipeline>(
+ new Graphics_pipeline(std::move(implementation),
+ vertex_shader_function,
+ vertex_shader_output_struct_size,
+ *vertex_shader_position_output_offset,
+ fragment_shader_function));