after UNSAT/VALID, produce and check an unsat core (expensive)
option dumpUnsatCores --dump-unsat-cores bool :default false :link --produce-unsat-cores :link-smt produce-unsat-cores :notify notifyBeforeSearch
output unsat cores after every UNSAT/VALID response
+option dumpUnsatCoresFull dump-unsat-cores-full --dump-unsat-cores-full bool :default false :link --dump-unsat-cores :link-smt dump-unsat-cores :notify notifyBeforeSearch
+ dump the full unsat core, including unlabeled assertions
option produceAssignments produce-assignments --produce-assignments bool :default false :notify notifyBeforeSearch
support the get-assignment command
expert-option decisionStep decision-step --decision-step unsigned :default 1
amount of getNext decision calls in the decision engine
expert-option bitblastStep bitblast-step --bitblast-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent for each bitblast step
expert-option parseStep parse-step --parse-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent for each command/expression parsing
expert-option lemmaStep lemma-step --lemma-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent when adding lemmas
expert-option restartStep restart-step --restart-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent for each theory restart
expert-option cnfStep cnf-step --cnf-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent for each call to cnf conversion
expert-option preprocessStep preprocess-step --preprocess-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent for each preprocessing step in SmtEngine
expert-option quantifierStep quantifier-step --quantifier-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent for quantifier instantiations
expert-option satConflictStep sat-conflict-step --sat-conflict-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent for each sat conflict (main sat solver)
expert-option bvSatConflictStep bv-sat-conflict-step --bv-sat-conflict-step unsigned :default 1
amount of resources spent for each sat conflict (bitvectors)
expert-option rewriteApplyToConst rewrite-apply-to-const --rewrite-apply-to-const bool :default false
eliminate function applications, rewriting e.g. f(5) to a new symbol f_5
case kind::EMPTYSET:
out << "(as emptyset " << n.getConst<EmptySet>().getType() << ")";
// fall back on whatever operator<< does on underlying type; we
// might luck out and be SMT-LIB v2 compliant
bool stillNeedToPrintParams = true;
bool forceBinary = false; // force N-ary to binary when outputing children
// operator
case kind::SUBSET:
case kind::MEMBER:
case kind::SET_TYPE:
- case kind::SINGLETON:
+ case kind::SINGLETON:
case kind::COMPLEMENT:out << smtKindString(k) << " "; break;
case kind::UNIVERSE_SET:out << "(as univset " << n.getType() << ")";break;
// fp theory
//separation logic
case kind::SEP_EMP:
case kind::SEP_PTO:
tmp.replace(pos, 8, "::");
out << tmp;
- }else if( n.getKind()==kind::APPLY_TESTER ){
+ }else if( n.getKind()==kind::APPLY_TESTER ){
unsigned cindex = Datatype::indexOf(n.getOperator().toExpr());
const Datatype& dt = Datatype::datatypeOf(n.getOperator().toExpr());
if( d_variant==smt2_6_variant ){
case kind::REGEXP_OPT: return "re.opt";
case kind::REGEXP_RANGE: return "re.range";
case kind::REGEXP_LOOP: return "re.loop";
//sep theory
case kind::SEP_STAR: return "sep";
case kind::SEP_PTO: return "pto";
case kind::SEP_WAND: return "wand";
case kind::SEP_EMP: return "emp";
; /* fall through */
out << "(" << std::endl;
for(UnsatCore::const_iterator i = core.begin(); i != core.end(); ++i) {
map<Expr, string>::const_iterator j = names.find(*i);
- if(j == names.end()) {
- out << *i << endl;
- } else {
+ if (j != names.end()) {
+ // Named assertions always get printed
out << maybeQuoteSymbol((*j).second) << endl;
+ } else if (options::dumpUnsatCoresFull()) {
+ // Unnamed assertions only get printed if the option is set
+ out << *i << endl;
out << ")" << endl;
const std::map< TypeNode, std::vector< Node > >& type_reps = tm.d_rep_set.d_type_reps;
std::map< TypeNode, std::vector< Node > >::const_iterator tn_iterator = type_reps.find( tn );
- if( options::modelUninterpDtEnum() && tn.isSort() && tn_iterator != type_reps.end() ){
+ if( options::modelUninterpDtEnum() && tn.isSort() && tn_iterator != type_reps.end() ){
if(d_variant == smt2_6_variant) {
out << "(declare-datatypes ((" << dynamic_cast<const DeclareTypeCommand*>(c)->getSymbol() << " 0)) (";