As the above table is a CAM (key-value store) it may be appropriate
(faster, less gates, implementation-wise) to expand it as follows:
- struct vectorised {
- bool isvector:1;
- int vew:2;
- bool enabled:1;
- int predidx:7;
- }
- struct vectorised fp_vec[32], int_vec[32];
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) // from VBLOCK Format
- tb = int_vec if CSRvec[i].type == 0 else fp_vec
- idx = CSRvec[i].regkey // INT/FP src/dst reg in opcode
- tb[idx].elwidth = CSRvec[i].elwidth
- tb[idx].regidx = CSRvec[i].regidx // indirection
- tb[idx].isvector = CSRvec[i].isvector // 0=scalar
- tb[idx].enabled = true;
+[[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/reg_table" ]]
## Predication Table <a name="predication_csr_table"></a>
--- /dev/null
+ struct vectorised {
+ bool isvector:1;
+ int vew:2;
+ int predidx:7;
+ bool enabled:1;
+ }
+ struct vectorised fp_vec[32], int_vec[32];
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) // from VBLOCK Format
+ tb = int_vec if CSRvec[i].type == 0 else fp_vec
+ idx = CSRvec[i].regkey // INT/FP src/dst reg in opcode
+ tb[idx].elwidth = CSRvec[i].elwidth
+ tb[idx].regidx = CSRvec[i].regidx // indirection
+ tb[idx].isvector = CSRvec[i].isvector // 0=scalar
+ tb[idx].enabled = true;
As the above table is a CAM (key-value store) it may be appropriate
(faster, implementation-wise) to expand it as follows:
- struct vectorised fp_vec[32], int_vec[32];
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) // from VBLOCK Format
- tb = int_vec if CSRvec[i].type == 0 else fp_vec
- idx = CSRvec[i].regkey // INT/FP src/dst reg in opcode
- tb[idx].elwidth = CSRvec[i].elwidth
- tb[idx].regidx = CSRvec[i].regidx // indirection
- tb[idx].isvector = CSRvec[i].isvector // 0=scalar
+[[!inline raw="yes" pages="simple_v_extension/reg_table" ]]
## Predication Table <a name="predication_csr_table"></a>