if( sres!=res ){
Node plem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::IMPLIES, atom, sres );
plem = Rewriter::rewrite( plem );
+ Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert " << plem << ")" << std::endl;
d_out->lemma( plem );
Trace("strings-pp-lemma") << "Preprocess impl lemma : " << plem << std::endl;
Trace("strings-pp-lemma") << "...from " << fact << std::endl;
Trace("strings-assertion-debug") << "...preprocessed to : " << res << std::endl;
Node plem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::IFF, atom, res );
plem = Rewriter::rewrite( plem );
+ Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert " << plem << ")" << std::endl;
d_out->lemma( plem );
Trace("strings-pp-lemma") << "Preprocess eq lemma : " << plem << std::endl;
Trace("strings-pp-lemma") << "...from " << fact << std::endl;
Trace("strings-assertion-debug") << "...new nodes : " << nnlem << std::endl;
Trace("strings-pp-lemma") << "Preprocess lemma : " << nnlem << std::endl;
Trace("strings-pp-lemma") << "...from " << fact << std::endl;
+ Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert " << nnlem << ")" << std::endl;
d_out->lemma( nnlem );
NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, x_eq_123, len_sk1_eq_i, lenc ),
Trace("strings-lemma") << "Strings::Lemma SUBSTR : " << lemma << std::endl;
+ Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert " << lemma << ")" << std::endl;
if( n.getKind()!=kind::STRING_CONCAT && n.getKind()!=kind::CONST_STRING ) {
Node eq = Rewriter::rewrite( sk.eqNode(n) );
Trace("strings-lemma") << "Strings::Lemma LENGTH Term : " << eq << std::endl;
d_proxy_var[n] = sk;
+ Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert " << eq << ")" << std::endl;
Node skl = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::STRING_LENGTH, sk );
Node lsum;
Node ceq = Rewriter::rewrite( skl.eqNode( lsum ) );
Trace("strings-lemma") << "Strings::Lemma LENGTH : " << ceq << std::endl;
Trace("strings-lemma-debug") << " prerewrite : " << skl.eqNode( lsum ) << std::endl;
+ Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert " << ceq << ")" << std::endl;
//also add this to the equality engine
if( n.getKind() == kind::CONST_STRING ) {
Trace("strings-conflict") << "Strings::Conflict : " << c << " : " << ant << std::endl;
Trace("strings-lemma") << "Strings::Conflict : " << c << " : " << ant << std::endl;
- Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert (not " << ant << ")) ; conflict" << std::endl;
+ Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert (not " << ant << ")) ; conflict " << c << std::endl;
d_conflict = true;
} else {
Node lem;
std::vector< Node > unproc;
inferSubstitutionProxyVars( eq_exp, vars, subs, unproc );
if( unproc.empty() ){
+ Trace("strings-lemma-debug") << "Strings::Infer " << eq << " from " << eq_exp << " by " << c << std::endl;
Node eqs = eq.substitute( vars.begin(), vars.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
Trace("strings-lemma-debug") << "Strings::Infer Alternate : " << eqs << std::endl;
for( unsigned i=0; i<vars.size(); i++ ){
if( !ss.isNull() ){
v = ns[1-i];
- if( s.isNull() ){
- s = ss;
- }else{
- //both sides involved in proxy var
- if( ss==s ){
- return;
+ if( v.getNumChildren()==0 ){
+ if( s.isNull() ){
+ s = ss;
- s = Node::null();
+ //both sides involved in proxy var
+ if( ss==s ){
+ return;
+ }else{
+ s = Node::null();
+ }
Node TheoryStrings::mkConcat( const std::vector< Node >& c ) {
- return Rewriter::rewrite( c.size()>1 ? NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::STRING_CONCAT, c )
- : ( c.size()==1 ? c[0] : d_emptyString ) );
+ return Rewriter::rewrite( c.size()>1 ? NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::STRING_CONCAT, c ) : ( c.size()==1 ? c[0] : d_emptyString ) );
//isLenSplit: 0-yes, 1-no, 2-ignore
Node len_n_gt_z = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::GT,
NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::STRING_LENGTH, n), d_zero);
Trace("strings-lemma") << "Strings::Lemma SK-NON-ZERO : " << len_n_gt_z << std::endl;
+ Trace("strings-assert") << "(assert " << len_n_gt_z << ")" << std::endl;
return n;
+void TheoryStrings::debugPrintFlatForms( const char * tc ){
+ for( unsigned k=0; k<d_eqcs.size(); k++ ){
+ Node eqc = d_eqcs[k];
+ Trace( tc ) << "EQC [" << eqc << "]" << std::endl;
+ std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itc = d_eqc_to_const.find( eqc );
+ if( itc!=d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
+ Trace( tc ) << " C: " << itc->second << std::endl;
+ }
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<d_eqc[eqc].size(); i++ ){
+ Node n = d_eqc[eqc][i];
+ Trace( tc ) << " ";
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<d_flat_form[n].size(); j++ ){
+ Node fc = d_flat_form[n][j];
+ itc = d_eqc_to_const.find( fc );
+ Trace( tc ) << " ";
+ if( itc!=d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
+ Trace( tc ) << itc->second;
+ }else{
+ Trace( tc ) << fc;
+ }
+ }
+ if( n!=eqc ){
+ Trace( tc ) << ", from " << n;
+ }
+ Trace( tc ) << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ Trace( tc ) << std::endl;
void TheoryStrings::checkNormalForms() {
//first check for cycles, while building ordering of equivalence classes
+ d_eqc.clear();
+ d_flat_form.clear();
Trace("strings-process") << "Check equivalence classes cycles...." << std::endl;
- std::vector< Node > eqcs;
- eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator( &d_equalityEngine );
- while( !eqcs_i.isFinished() ) {
- Node eqc = (*eqcs_i);
- if( eqc.getType().isString() ){
- std::vector< Node > curr;
- std::vector< Node > exp;
- checkCycles( eqc, eqcs, curr, exp );
- if( hasProcessed() ){
- break;
- }
+ d_eqcs.clear();
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<d_strings_eqc.size(); i++ ){
+ std::vector< Node > curr;
+ std::vector< Node > exp;
+ checkCycles( d_strings_eqc[i], curr, exp );
+ if( hasProcessed() ){
+ return;
- ++eqcs_i;
- /*
Trace("strings-process-debug") << "Done check cycles, lemmas = " << !d_pending.empty() << " " << !d_lemma_cache.empty() << std::endl;
if( !hasProcessed() ){
- d_normal_forms.clear();
- d_normal_forms_exp.clear();
- std::map< Node, Node > nf_to_eqc;
- std::map< Node, Node > eqc_to_exp;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<eqcs.size(); i++ ) {
+ //debug print flat forms
+ if( Trace.isOn("strings-ff") ){
+ Trace("strings-ff") << "Flat forms : " << std::endl;
+ debugPrintFlatForms( "strings-ff" );
- }
- */
- if( !hasProcessed() ){
- //get equivalence classes
- //std::vector< Node > eqcs;
- //getEquivalenceClasses( eqcs );
- Trace("strings-process") << "Normalize equivalence classes...." << std::endl;
- //calculate normal forms for each equivalence class, possibly adding splitting lemmas
- d_normal_forms.clear();
- d_normal_forms_exp.clear();
- std::map< Node, Node > nf_to_eqc;
- std::map< Node, Node > eqc_to_exp;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<eqcs.size(); i++ ) {
- Node eqc = eqcs[i];
- Trace("strings-process-debug") << "- Verify normal forms are the same for " << eqc << std::endl;
- std::vector< Node > visited;
- std::vector< Node > nf;
- std::vector< Node > nf_exp;
- normalizeEquivalenceClass(eqc, visited, nf, nf_exp);
- Trace("strings-debug") << "Finished normalizing eqc..." << std::endl;
- if( d_conflict ) {
- return;
- } else if ( d_pending.empty() && d_lemma_cache.empty() ) {
- Node nf_term;
- if( nf.size()==0 ){
- nf_term = d_emptyString;
- }else if( nf.size()==1 ) {
- nf_term = nf[0];
- } else {
- nf_term = mkConcat( nf );
- }
- nf_term = Rewriter::rewrite( nf_term );
- Trace("strings-debug") << "Make nf_term_exp..." << std::endl;
- Node nf_term_exp = nf_exp.empty() ? d_true : nf_exp.size()==1 ? nf_exp[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, nf_exp );
- if( nf_to_eqc.find(nf_term)!=nf_to_eqc.end() ) {
- //Trace("strings-debug") << "Merge because of normal form : " << eqc << " and " << nf_to_eqc[nf_term] << " both have normal form " << nf_term << std::endl;
- //two equivalence classes have same normal form, merge
- Node eq_exp = Rewriter::rewrite( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, nf_term_exp, eqc_to_exp[nf_to_eqc[nf_term]] ) );
- Node eq = eqc.eqNode( nf_to_eqc[nf_term] );
- sendInfer( eq_exp, eq, "Normal_Form" );
- //d_equalityEngine.assertEquality( eq, true, eq_exp );
- } else {
- nf_to_eqc[nf_term] = eqc;
- eqc_to_exp[eqc] = nf_term_exp;
+ //inferences without recursively expanding flat forms (TODO)
+ /*
+ for( unsigned k=0; k<d_eqcs.size(); k++ ){
+ Node eqc = d_eqcs[k];
+ Node c;
+ std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itc = d_eqc_to_const.find( eqc );
+ if( itc!=d_eqc_to_const.end() ){
+ c = itc->second;
+ }
+ std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = d_eqc.find( eqc );
+ if( it!=d_eqc.end() && it->second.size()>1 ){
+ for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
+ bool success;
+ int count = 0;
+ do{
+ success = true;
+ Node curr = d_flat_form[it->second[0]][count];
+ Node lcurr = getLength( curr );
+ for( unsigned i=1; i<it->second.size(); i++ ){
+ Node cc = d_flat_form[it->second[i]][count];
+ if( cc!=curr ){
+ //constant conflict? TODO
+ //if lengths are the same, apply LengthEq
+ Node lcc = getLength( cc );
+ if( areEqual( lcurr, lcc ) ){
+ std::vector< Node > exp;
+ Node a = it->second[0];
+ Node b = it->second[i];
+ addToExplanation( a, b, exp );
+ //explain why prefixes up to now were the same
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<count; j++ ){
+ addToExplanation( a[d_flat_form_index[a][j]], b[d_flat_form_index[b][j]], exp );
+ }
+ //explain why components are empty
+ //TODO
+ addToExplanation( lcurr, lcc, exp );
+ sendInfer( mkAnd( exp ), curr.eqNode( cc ), "F-LengthEq" );
+ return;
+ }
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ count++;
+ //check if we are at the endpoint of any string
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<it->second.size(); i++ ){
+ if( count==d_flat_form[it->second[i]].size() ){
+ Node a = it->second[i];
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<it->second.size(); j++ ){
+ if( i!=j ){
+ //remainder must be empty
+ if( count<d_flat_form[it->second[j]].size() ){
+ Node b = it->second[j];
+ std::vector< Node > exp;
+ addToExplanation( a, b, exp );
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<count; j++ ){
+ addToExplanation( a[d_flat_form_index[a][j]], b[d_flat_form_index[b][j]], exp );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }while( success && );
+ if( r==1 ){
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<it->second.size(); i++ ){
+ std::reverse( d_flat_form[it->second].begin(), d_flat_form[it->second].end() );
+ std::reverse( d_flat_form_index[it->second].begin(), d_flat_form_index[it->second].end() );
+ }
+ }
- Trace("strings-process-debug") << "Done verifying normal forms are the same for " << eqc << std::endl;
+ */
+ if( !hasProcessed() ){
+ //get equivalence classes
+ //d_eqcs.clear();
+ //getEquivalenceClasses( d_eqcs );
+ Trace("strings-process") << "Normalize equivalence classes...." << std::endl;
+ //calculate normal forms for each equivalence class, possibly adding splitting lemmas
+ d_normal_forms.clear();
+ d_normal_forms_exp.clear();
+ std::map< Node, Node > nf_to_eqc;
+ std::map< Node, Node > eqc_to_exp;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<d_eqcs.size(); i++ ) {
+ Node eqc = d_eqcs[i];
+ Trace("strings-process-debug") << "- Verify normal forms are the same for " << eqc << std::endl;
+ std::vector< Node > visited;
+ std::vector< Node > nf;
+ std::vector< Node > nf_exp;
+ normalizeEquivalenceClass(eqc, visited, nf, nf_exp);
+ Trace("strings-debug") << "Finished normalizing eqc..." << std::endl;
+ if( d_conflict ) {
+ return;
+ } else if ( d_pending.empty() && d_lemma_cache.empty() ) {
+ Node nf_term = mkConcat( nf );
+ if( nf_to_eqc.find( nf_term )!=nf_to_eqc.end() ) {
+ //Trace("strings-debug") << "Merge because of normal form : " << eqc << " and " << nf_to_eqc[nf_term] << " both have normal form " << nf_term << std::endl;
+ //two equivalence classes have same normal form, merge
+ nf_exp.push_back( eqc_to_exp[nf_to_eqc[nf_term]] );
+ Node eq = eqc.eqNode( nf_to_eqc[nf_term] );
+ sendInfer( mkAnd( nf_exp ), eq, "Normal_Form" );
+ //d_equalityEngine.assertEquality( eq, true, eq_exp );
+ } else {
+ nf_to_eqc[nf_term] = eqc;
+ eqc_to_exp[eqc] = mkAnd( nf_exp );
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("strings-process-debug") << "Done verifying normal forms are the same for " << eqc << std::endl;
+ }
- if(Debug.isOn("strings-nf")) {
- Debug("strings-nf") << "**** Normal forms are : " << std::endl;
- for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = nf_to_eqc.begin(); it != nf_to_eqc.end(); ++it ){
- Debug("strings-nf") << " normal_form(" << it->second << ") = " << it->first << std::endl;
+ if(Debug.isOn("strings-nf")) {
+ Debug("strings-nf") << "**** Normal forms are : " << std::endl;
+ for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = nf_to_eqc.begin(); it != nf_to_eqc.end(); ++it ){
+ Debug("strings-nf") << " normal_form(" << it->second << ") = " << it->first << std::endl;
+ }
+ Debug("strings-nf") << std::endl;
+ }
+ if( !hasProcessed() ){
+ checkExtendedFuncsEval( 1 );
+ Trace("strings-process-debug") << "Done check extended functions re-eval, addedFact = " << !d_pending.empty() << " " << !d_lemma_cache.empty() << ", d_conflict = " << d_conflict << std::endl;
+ if( !hasProcessed() ){
+ //process disequalities between equivalence classes
+ checkDeqNF();
+ Trace("strings-process-debug") << "Done check disequalities, addedFact = " << !d_pending.empty() << " " << !d_lemma_cache.empty() << ", d_conflict = " << d_conflict << std::endl;
+ }
- Debug("strings-nf") << std::endl;
- }
- if( !hasProcessed() ){
- //process disequalities between equivalence classes
- Trace("strings-process") << "Check disequalities..." << std::endl;
- checkDeqNF();
Trace("strings-solve") << "Finished check normal forms, #lemmas = " << d_lemma_cache.size() << ", conflict = " << d_conflict << std::endl;
-Node TheoryStrings::checkCycles( Node eqc, std::vector< Node >& eqcs, std::vector< Node >& curr, std::vector< Node >& exp ){
+Node TheoryStrings::checkCycles( Node eqc, std::vector< Node >& curr, std::vector< Node >& exp ){
if( std::find( curr.begin(), curr.end(), eqc )!=curr.end() ){
// a loop
return eqc;
- }else if( std::find( eqcs.begin(), eqcs.end(), eqc )==eqcs.end() ){
+ }else if( std::find( d_eqcs.begin(), d_eqcs.end(), eqc )==d_eqcs.end() ){
curr.push_back( eqc );
//look at all terms in this equivalence class
eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( eqc, &d_equalityEngine );
if( std::find( d_congruent.begin(), d_congruent.end(), n )==d_congruent.end() ){
Trace("strings-cycle") << "Check term : " << n << std::endl;
if( n.getKind() == kind::STRING_CONCAT ) {
+ if( eqc!=d_emptyString_r ){
+ d_eqc[eqc].push_back( n );
+ }
for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
Node nr = getRepresentative( n[i] );
if( eqc==d_emptyString_r ){
return Node::null();
+ if( nr!=d_emptyString_r ){
+ d_flat_form[n].push_back( nr );
+ d_flat_form_index[n].push_back( i );
+ }
//for non-empty eqc, recurse and see if we find a loop
- Node ncy = checkCycles( nr, eqcs, curr, exp );
+ Node ncy = checkCycles( nr, curr, exp );
if( !ncy.isNull() ){
if( ncy==eqc ){
//can infer all other components must be empty
//now we can add it to the list of equivalence classes
- eqcs.push_back( eqc );
+ d_eqcs.push_back( eqc );
//already processed
//must ensure that normal forms are disequal
for( unsigned j=0; j<cols[i].size(); j++ ){
for( unsigned k=(j+1); k<cols[i].size(); k++ ){
- Assert( !d_conflict );
- if( !areDisequal( cols[i][j], cols[i][k] ) ){
- sendSplit( cols[i][j], cols[i][k], "D-NORM", true );
- return;
- }else{
- Trace("strings-solve") << "- Compare ";
- printConcat( d_normal_forms[cols[i][j]], "strings-solve" );
- Trace("strings-solve") << " against ";
- printConcat( d_normal_forms[cols[i][k]], "strings-solve" );
- Trace("strings-solve") << "..." << std::endl;
- if( processDeq( cols[i][j], cols[i][k] ) ){
- return;
- }
+ if( areDisequal( cols[i][j], cols[i][k] ) ){
+ Assert( !d_conflict );
+ //if( !areDisequal( cols[i][j], cols[i][k] ) ){
+ // sendSplit( cols[i][j], cols[i][k], "D-NORM", true );
+ // return;
+ //}else{
+ Trace("strings-solve") << "- Compare ";
+ printConcat( d_normal_forms[cols[i][j]], "strings-solve" );
+ Trace("strings-solve") << " against ";
+ printConcat( d_normal_forms[cols[i][k]], "strings-solve" );
+ Trace("strings-solve") << "..." << std::endl;
+ if( processDeq( cols[i][j], cols[i][k] ) ){
+ return;
+ }
+ //}
Trace("strings-card") << "Number of strings with length equal to " << lr << " is " << cols[i].size() << std::endl;
if( cols[i].size() > 1 ) {
// size > c^k
- double k = 1.0 + std::log((double) cols[i].size() - 1) / log((double) d_card_size);
- unsigned int int_k = (unsigned int) k;
- //double c_k = pow ( (double)d_card_size, (double)lr );
- Trace("strings-card") << "Needs : " << int_k << " " << k << std::endl;
- bool allDisequal = true;
- for( std::vector< Node >::iterator itr1 = cols[i].begin();
- itr1 != cols[i].end(); ++itr1) {
- for( std::vector< Node >::iterator itr2 = itr1 + 1;
- itr2 != cols[i].end(); ++itr2) {
- if(!areDisequal( *itr1, *itr2 )) {
- allDisequal = false;
- // add split lemma
- sendSplit( *itr1, *itr2, "CARD-SP" );
- return;
- }
- }
+ unsigned card_need = 1;
+ double curr = (double)cols[i].size()-1;
+ while( curr>d_card_size ){
+ curr = curr/(double)d_card_size;
+ card_need++;
- if(allDisequal) {
- EqcInfo* ei = getOrMakeEqcInfo( lr, true );
- Trace("strings-card") << "Previous cardinality used for " << lr << " is " << ((int)ei->d_cardinality_lem_k.get()-1) << std::endl;
- if( int_k+1 > ei->d_cardinality_lem_k.get() ){
- Node k_node = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( ::CVC4::Rational( int_k ) );
- //add cardinality lemma
- Node dist = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::DISTINCT, cols[i] );
- std::vector< Node > vec_node;
- vec_node.push_back( dist );
- for( std::vector< Node >::iterator itr1 = cols[i].begin();
- itr1 != cols[i].end(); ++itr1) {
- Node len = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::STRING_LENGTH, *itr1 );
- if( len!=lr ) {
- Node len_eq_lr = len.eqNode(lr);
- vec_node.push_back( len_eq_lr );
+ Node cmp = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::GEQ, lr, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( card_need ) ) );
+ cmp = Rewriter::rewrite( cmp );
+ if( cmp!=d_true ){
+ unsigned int int_k = (unsigned int)card_need;
+ bool allDisequal = true;
+ for( std::vector< Node >::iterator itr1 = cols[i].begin();
+ itr1 != cols[i].end(); ++itr1) {
+ for( std::vector< Node >::iterator itr2 = itr1 + 1;
+ itr2 != cols[i].end(); ++itr2) {
+ if(!areDisequal( *itr1, *itr2 )) {
+ allDisequal = false;
+ // add split lemma
+ sendSplit( *itr1, *itr2, "CARD-SP" );
+ return;
- Node antc = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, vec_node );
- Node len = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::STRING_LENGTH, cols[i][0] );
- Node cons = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::GEQ, len, k_node );
- cons = Rewriter::rewrite( cons );
- ei->d_cardinality_lem_k.set( int_k+1 );
- if( cons!=d_true ){
- sendLemma( antc, cons, "CARDINALITY" );
- return;
+ }
+ if( allDisequal ){
+ EqcInfo* ei = getOrMakeEqcInfo( lr, true );
+ Trace("strings-card") << "Previous cardinality used for " << lr << " is " << ((int)ei->d_cardinality_lem_k.get()-1) << std::endl;
+ if( int_k+1 > ei->d_cardinality_lem_k.get() ){
+ Node k_node = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( ::CVC4::Rational( int_k ) );
+ //add cardinality lemma
+ Node dist = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::DISTINCT, cols[i] );
+ std::vector< Node > vec_node;
+ vec_node.push_back( dist );
+ for( std::vector< Node >::iterator itr1 = cols[i].begin();
+ itr1 != cols[i].end(); ++itr1) {
+ Node len = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::STRING_LENGTH, *itr1 );
+ if( len!=lr ) {
+ Node len_eq_lr = len.eqNode(lr);
+ vec_node.push_back( len_eq_lr );
+ }
+ }
+ Node antc = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::AND, vec_node );
+ Node len = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::STRING_LENGTH, cols[i][0] );
+ Node cons = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::GEQ, len, k_node );
+ cons = Rewriter::rewrite( cons );
+ ei->d_cardinality_lem_k.set( int_k+1 );
+ if( cons!=d_true ){
+ sendLemma( antc, cons, "CARDINALITY" );
+ return;
+ }
if(options::stringOpt1()) {
if(!x.isConst()) {
- x = getNormalString(x, rnfexp);
+ x = getNormalString( x, rnfexp);
changed = true;
if(!d_regexp_opr.checkConstRegExp(r)) {
- d_eqc.clear();
+ d_strings_eqc.clear();
std::map< Kind, unsigned > ncongruent;
std::map< Kind, unsigned > congruent;
Node eqc = (*eqcs_i);
TypeNode tn = eqc.getType();
if( !tn.isInteger() && !tn.isRegExp() ){
+ if( tn.isString() ){
+ d_strings_eqc.push_back( eqc );
+ }
eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( eqc, &d_equalityEngine );
while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ) {
Node n = *eqc_i;
d_eqc_to_const[eqc] = n;
d_eqc_to_const_base[eqc] = n;
d_eqc_to_const_exp[eqc] = Node::null();
- if( tn.isString() ){
- d_eqc[eqc].push_back( n );
- }
}else if( n.getNumChildren()>0 ){
Kind k = n.getKind();
if( k!=kind::EQUAL ){
- if( tn.isString() ){
- d_eqc[eqc].push_back( n );
- }
-void TheoryStrings::checkExtendedFuncsEval() {
+void TheoryStrings::checkExtendedFuncsEval( int effort ) {
Trace("strings-extf-debug") << "Checking " << d_ext_func_terms.size() << " extended functions." << std::endl;
for( NodeBoolMap::iterator it = d_ext_func_terms.begin(); it != d_ext_func_terms.end(); ++it ){
if( (*it).second ){
children.push_back( nc );
Assert( nc.getType()==n[i].getType() );
- Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " unresolved due to " << n[i] << std::endl;
- break;
+ if( effort>0 ){
+ //get the normalized string
+ nc = getNormalString( n[i], exp );
+ children.push_back( nc );
+ }else{
+ Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " unresolved due to " << n[i] << std::endl;
+ break;
+ }
if( children.size()==n.getNumChildren() ){
if (n.getMetaKind() == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
- Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " resolvable by evaluation..." << std::endl;
- //mark as reduced
- d_ext_func_terms[n] = false;
Node nr = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( n.getKind(), children );
Node nrc = Rewriter::rewrite( nr );
- Assert( nrc.isConst() );
- std::vector< Node > exps;
- Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " get symbolic definition..." << std::endl;
- Node nrs = getSymbolicDefinition( nr, exps );
- if( !nrs.isNull() ){
- Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " rewrite " << nrs << "..." << std::endl;
- nrs = Rewriter::rewrite( nrs );
- //ensure the symbolic form is non-trivial
- if( nrs.isConst() ){
- Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " symbolic definition is trivial..." << std::endl;
- nrs = Node::null();
- }
- }else{
- Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " could not infer symbolic definition." << std::endl;
- }
- Node conc;
- if( !nrs.isNull() ){
- Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " symbolic def : " << nrs << std::endl;
- if( !areEqual( nrs, nrc ) ){
- //infer symbolic unit
- if( n.getType().isBoolean() ){
- conc = nrc==d_true ? nrs : nrs.negate();
- }else{
- conc = nrs.eqNode( nrc );
+ if( nrc.isConst() ){
+ //mark as reduced
+ d_ext_func_terms[n] = false;
+ Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " resolvable by evaluation..." << std::endl;
+ std::vector< Node > exps;
+ Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " get symbolic definition..." << std::endl;
+ Node nrs = getSymbolicDefinition( nr, exps );
+ if( !nrs.isNull() ){
+ Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " rewrite " << nrs << "..." << std::endl;
+ nrs = Rewriter::rewrite( nrs );
+ //ensure the symbolic form is non-trivial
+ if( nrs.isConst() ){
+ Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " symbolic definition is trivial..." << std::endl;
+ nrs = Node::null();
- exp.clear();
+ }else{
+ Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " could not infer symbolic definition." << std::endl;
- }else{
- if( !areEqual( n, nrc ) ){
- if( n.getType().isBoolean() ){
- exp.push_back( nrc==d_true ? n.negate() : n );
- //exp.push_back( n );
- conc = d_false;
- }else{
- conc = n.eqNode( nrc );
+ Node conc;
+ if( !nrs.isNull() ){
+ Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " symbolic def : " << nrs << std::endl;
+ if( !areEqual( nrs, nrc ) ){
+ //infer symbolic unit
+ if( n.getType().isBoolean() ){
+ conc = nrc==d_true ? nrs : nrs.negate();
+ }else{
+ conc = nrs.eqNode( nrc );
+ }
+ exp.clear();
- }
- }
- if( !conc.isNull() ){
- Trace("strings-extf") << " resolve extf : " << nr << " -> " << nrc << std::endl;
- if( n.getType().isInteger() || exp.empty() ){
- sendLemma( mkExplain( exp ), conc, "EXTF" );
- sendInfer( mkAnd( exp ), conc, "EXTF" );
+ if( !areEqual( n, nrc ) ){
+ if( n.getType().isBoolean() ){
+ exp.push_back( nrc==d_true ? n.negate() : n );
+ conc = d_false;
+ }else{
+ conc = n.eqNode( nrc );
+ }
+ }
- if( d_conflict ){
- Trace("strings-extf") << " conflict, return." << std::endl;
- return;
+ if( !conc.isNull() ){
+ Trace("strings-extf") << " resolve extf : " << nr << " -> " << nrc << std::endl;
+ if( n.getType().isInteger() || exp.empty() ){
+ sendLemma( mkExplain( exp ), conc, effort==0 ? "EXTF" : "EXTF-N" );
+ }else{
+ sendInfer( mkAnd( exp ), conc, effort==0 ? "EXTF" : "EXTF-N" );
+ }
+ if( d_conflict ){
+ Trace("strings-extf") << " conflict, return." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ }else{
+ Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " could not rewrite : " << nr << std::endl;
- }else{
- //Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " unresolved ext function : " << n << std::endl;
if( it==visited.end() ){
visited[nr] = Node::null();
if( nr.isConst() ){
- exp.push_back( n.eqNode( nr ) );
+ addToExplanation( n, nr, exp );
visited[nr] = nr;
return nr;
-Node TheoryStrings::getNormalString(Node x, std::vector<Node> &nf_exp) {
- Node ret = x;
- if(x.getKind() == kind::STRING_CONCAT) {
- std::vector< Node > vec_nodes;
- for(unsigned i=0; i<x.getNumChildren(); i++) {
- if(x[i].isConst()) {
- vec_nodes.push_back(x[i]);
- } else {
- Node tmp = x[i];
- if(d_normal_forms.find( tmp ) != d_normal_forms.end()) {
- Trace("regexp-debug") << "Term: " << tmp << " has a normal form." << std::endl;
- vec_nodes.insert(vec_nodes.end(), d_normal_forms[tmp].begin(), d_normal_forms[tmp].end());
- nf_exp.insert(nf_exp.end(), d_normal_forms_exp[tmp].begin(), d_normal_forms_exp[tmp].end());
- } else {
- Trace("regexp-debug") << "Term: " << tmp << " has NO normal form." << std::endl;
- vec_nodes.push_back(tmp);
+Node TheoryStrings::getNormalString( Node x, std::vector<Node> &nf_exp ){
+ if( !x.isConst() ){
+ Node xr = getRepresentative( x );
+ if( d_normal_forms.find( xr ) != d_normal_forms.end() ){
+ Node ret = mkConcat( d_normal_forms[xr] );
+ nf_exp.insert( nf_exp.end(), d_normal_forms_exp[xr].begin(), d_normal_forms_exp[xr].end() );
+ addToExplanation( x, d_normal_forms_base[xr], nf_exp );
+ Trace("strings-debug") << "Term: " << x << " has a normal form " << ret << std::endl;
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ if(x.getKind() == kind::STRING_CONCAT) {
+ std::vector< Node > vec_nodes;
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<x.getNumChildren(); i++) {
+ Node nc = getNormalString( x[i], nf_exp );
+ vec_nodes.push_back( nc );
+ return mkConcat( vec_nodes );
- ret = mkConcat(vec_nodes);
- } else {
- if(d_normal_forms.find( x ) != d_normal_forms.end()) {
- ret = mkConcat( d_normal_forms[x] );
- nf_exp.insert(nf_exp.end(), d_normal_forms_exp[x].begin(), d_normal_forms_exp[x].end());
- Trace("regexp-debug") << "Term: " << x << " has a normal form " << ret << std::endl;
- } else {
- Trace("regexp-debug") << "Term: " << x << " has NO normal form." << std::endl;
- }
- return ret;
+ return x;
Node TheoryStrings::getNormalSymRegExp(Node r, std::vector<Node> &nf_exp) {
void TheoryStrings::assertNode( Node lit ) {
-Node TheoryStrings::mkSplitEq( const char * c, const char * info, Node lhs, Node rhs, bool lgtZero ) {
- Node sk = mkSkolemS( c, (lgtZero?1:0) ); //NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( c, NodeManager::currentNM()->stringType(), info );
- Node cc = mkConcat( rhs, sk );
- Node eq = Rewriter::rewrite( lhs.eqNode( cc ) );
- /*
- if( lgtZero ) {
- Node sk_gt_zero = sk.eqNode(d_emptyString).negate();
- Trace("strings-lemma") << "Strings::Lemma SK-NON-EMPTY: " << sk_gt_zero << std::endl;
- d_lemma_cache.push_back( sk_gt_zero );
- }*/
- return eq;
void TheoryStrings::collectExtendedFuncTerms( Node n, std::map< Node, bool >& visited ) {
if( visited.find( n )==visited.end() ){
visited[n] = true;