-#if 0
- * Fetch the derivative with respect to X for the given register.
- * \return GL_TRUE if it was easily computed or GL_FALSE if we
- * need to execute another instance of the program (ugh)!
+ * Fetch the derivative with respect to X or Y for the given register.
+ * XXX this currently only works for fragment program input attribs.
-static GLboolean
+static void
fetch_vector4_deriv(GLcontext * ctx,
const struct prog_src_register *source,
- const SWspan * span,
- char xOrY, GLint column, GLfloat result[4])
+ const struct gl_program_machine *machine,
+ char xOrY, GLfloat result[4])
- GLfloat src[4];
+ if (source->File == PROGRAM_INPUT && source->Index < machine->NumDeriv) {
+ const GLint col = machine->CurElement;
+ const GLfloat w = machine->Attribs[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][col][3];
+ const GLfloat invQ = 1.0f / w;
+ GLfloat deriv[4];
- ASSERT(xOrY == 'X' || xOrY == 'Y');
- switch (source->Index) {
if (xOrY == 'X') {
- src[0] = 1.0;
- src[1] = 0.0;
- src[2] = span->attrStepX[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][2]
- / ctx->DrawBuffer->_DepthMaxF;
- src[3] = span->attrStepX[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][3];
+ deriv[0] = machine->DerivX[source->Index][0] * invQ;
+ deriv[1] = machine->DerivX[source->Index][1] * invQ;
+ deriv[2] = machine->DerivX[source->Index][2] * invQ;
+ deriv[3] = machine->DerivX[source->Index][3] * invQ;
else {
- src[0] = 0.0;
- src[1] = 1.0;
- src[2] = span->attrStepY[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][2]
- / ctx->DrawBuffer->_DepthMaxF;
- src[3] = span->attrStepY[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][3];
- }
- break;
- if (xOrY == 'X') {
- src[0] = span->attrStepX[source->Index][0] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- src[1] = span->attrStepX[source->Index][1] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- src[2] = span->attrStepX[source->Index][2] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- src[3] = span->attrStepX[source->Index][3] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- }
- else {
- src[0] = span->attrStepY[source->Index][0] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- src[1] = span->attrStepY[source->Index][1] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- src[2] = span->attrStepY[source->Index][2] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- src[3] = span->attrStepY[source->Index][3] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- }
- break;
- if (xOrY == 'X') {
- src[0] = span->attrStepX[FRAG_ATTRIB_FOGC][0] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- src[1] = 0.0;
- src[2] = 0.0;
- src[3] = 0.0;
+ deriv[0] = machine->DerivY[source->Index][0] * invQ;
+ deriv[1] = machine->DerivY[source->Index][1] * invQ;
+ deriv[2] = machine->DerivY[source->Index][2] * invQ;
+ deriv[3] = machine->DerivY[source->Index][3] * invQ;
- else {
- src[0] = span->attrStepY[FRAG_ATTRIB_FOGC][0] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- src[1] = 0.0;
- src[2] = 0.0;
- src[3] = 0.0;
+ result[0] = deriv[GET_SWZ(source->Swizzle, 0)];
+ result[1] = deriv[GET_SWZ(source->Swizzle, 1)];
+ result[2] = deriv[GET_SWZ(source->Swizzle, 2)];
+ result[3] = deriv[GET_SWZ(source->Swizzle, 3)];
+ if (source->NegateBase) {
+ result[0] = -result[0];
+ result[1] = -result[1];
+ result[2] = -result[2];
+ result[3] = -result[3];
- break;
- default:
- assert(source->Index < FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX);
- /* texcoord or varying */
- if (xOrY == 'X') {
- /* this is a little tricky - I think I've got it right */
- const GLfloat invQ = 1.0f / (span->attrStart[source->Index][3]
- +
- span->attrStepX[source->Index][3] *
- column);
- src[0] = span->attrStepX[source->Index][0] * invQ;
- src[1] = span->attrStepX[source->Index][1] * invQ;
- src[2] = span->attrStepX[source->Index][2] * invQ;
- src[3] = span->attrStepX[source->Index][3] * invQ;
+ if (source->Abs) {
+ result[0] = FABSF(result[0]);
+ result[1] = FABSF(result[1]);
+ result[2] = FABSF(result[2]);
+ result[3] = FABSF(result[3]);
- else {
- /* Tricky, as above, but in Y direction */
- const GLfloat invQ = 1.0f / (span->attrStart[source->Index][3]
- + span->attrStepY[source->Index][3]);
- src[0] = span->attrStepY[source->Index][0] * invQ;
- src[1] = span->attrStepY[source->Index][1] * invQ;
- src[2] = span->attrStepY[source->Index][2] * invQ;
- src[3] = span->attrStepY[source->Index][3] * invQ;
+ if (source->NegateAbs) {
+ result[0] = -result[0];
+ result[1] = -result[1];
+ result[2] = -result[2];
+ result[3] = -result[3];
- break;
- result[0] = src[GET_SWZ(source->Swizzle, 0)];
- result[1] = src[GET_SWZ(source->Swizzle, 1)];
- result[2] = src[GET_SWZ(source->Swizzle, 2)];
- result[3] = src[GET_SWZ(source->Swizzle, 3)];
- if (source->NegateBase) {
- result[0] = -result[0];
- result[1] = -result[1];
- result[2] = -result[2];
- result[3] = -result[3];
- }
- if (source->Abs) {
- result[0] = FABSF(result[0]);
- result[1] = FABSF(result[1]);
- result[2] = FABSF(result[2]);
- result[3] = FABSF(result[3]);
- }
- if (source->NegateAbs) {
- result[0] = -result[0];
- result[1] = -result[1];
- result[2] = -result[2];
- result[3] = -result[3];
+ else {
+ ASSIGN_4V(result, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- return GL_TRUE;
-#if 0
- * Initialize a new machine state instance from an existing one, adding
- * the partial derivatives onto the input registers.
- * Used to implement DDX and DDY instructions in non-trivial cases.
- */
-static void
-init_machine_deriv(GLcontext * ctx,
- const struct gl_program_machine *machine,
- const struct gl_fragment_program *program,
- const SWspan * span, char xOrY,
- struct gl_program_machine *dMachine)
- GLuint attr;
- ASSERT(xOrY == 'X' || xOrY == 'Y');
- /* copy existing machine */
- _mesa_memcpy(dMachine, machine, sizeof(struct gl_program_machine));
- if (program->Base.Target == GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_NV) {
- /* XXX also need to do this when using valgrind */
- /* Clear temporary registers (undefined for ARB_f_p) */
- _mesa_bzero((void *) machine->Temporaries,
- MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPS * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat));
- }
- /* Add derivatives */
- if (program->Base.InputsRead & FRAG_BIT_WPOS) {
- GLfloat *wpos = machine->Attribs[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][machine->CurElement];
- if (xOrY == 'X') {
- wpos[0] += 1.0F;
- wpos[1] += 0.0F;
- wpos[2] += span->attrStepX[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][2];
- wpos[3] += span->attrStepX[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][3];
- }
- else {
- wpos[0] += 0.0F;
- wpos[1] += 1.0F;
- wpos[2] += span->attrStepY[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][2];
- wpos[3] += span->attrStepY[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][3];
- }
- }
- /* primary, secondary colors */
- for (attr = FRAG_ATTRIB_COL0; attr <= FRAG_ATTRIB_COL1; attr++) {
- if (program->Base.InputsRead & (1 << attr)) {
- GLfloat *col = machine->Attribs[attr][machine->CurElement];
- if (xOrY == 'X') {
- col[0] += span->attrStepX[attr][0] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- col[1] += span->attrStepX[attr][1] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- col[2] += span->attrStepX[attr][2] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- col[3] += span->attrStepX[attr][3] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- }
- else {
- col[0] += span->attrStepY[attr][0] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- col[1] += span->attrStepY[attr][1] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- col[2] += span->attrStepY[attr][2] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- col[3] += span->attrStepY[attr][3] * (1.0F / CHAN_MAXF);
- }
- }
- }
- if (program->Base.InputsRead & FRAG_BIT_FOGC) {
- GLfloat *fogc = machine->Attribs[FRAG_ATTRIB_FOGC][machine->CurElement];
- if (xOrY == 'X') {
- fogc[0] += span->attrStepX[FRAG_ATTRIB_FOGC][0];
- }
- else {
- fogc[0] += span->attrStepY[FRAG_ATTRIB_FOGC][0];
- }
- }
- /* texcoord and varying vars */
- for (attr = FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0; attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX; attr++) {
- if (program->Base.InputsRead & (1 << attr)) {
- GLfloat *val = machine->Attribs[attr][machine->CurElement];
- /* XXX perspective-correct interpolation */
- if (xOrY == 'X') {
- val[0] += span->attrStepX[attr][0];
- val[1] += span->attrStepX[attr][1];
- val[2] += span->attrStepX[attr][2];
- val[3] += span->attrStepX[attr][3];
- }
- else {
- val[0] += span->attrStepY[attr][0];
- val[1] += span->attrStepY[attr][1];
- val[2] += span->attrStepY[attr][2];
- val[3] += span->attrStepY[attr][3];
- }
- }
- }
- /* init condition codes */
- dMachine->CondCodes[0] = COND_EQ;
- dMachine->CondCodes[1] = COND_EQ;
- dMachine->CondCodes[2] = COND_EQ;
- dMachine->CondCodes[3] = COND_EQ;
* Execute the given vertex/fragment program.
case OPCODE_DDX: /* Partial derivative with respect to X */
-#if 0
- GLfloat a[4], aNext[4], result[4];
- struct gl_program_machine dMachine;
- if (!fetch_vector4_deriv(ctx, &inst->SrcReg[0], span, 'X',
- column, result)) {
- /* This is tricky. Make a copy of the current machine state,
- * increment the input registers by the dx or dy partial
- * derivatives, then re-execute the program up to the
- * preceeding instruction, then fetch the source register.
- * Finally, find the difference in the register values for
- * the original and derivative runs.
- */
- fetch_vector4(&inst->SrcReg[0], machine, program, a);
- init_machine_deriv(ctx, machine, program, span,
- 'X', &dMachine);
- execute_program(ctx, program, pc, &dMachine, span, column);
- fetch_vector4(&inst->SrcReg[0], &dMachine, program,
- aNext);
- result[0] = aNext[0] - a[0];
- result[1] = aNext[1] - a[1];
- result[2] = aNext[2] - a[2];
- result[3] = aNext[3] - a[3];
- }
+ GLfloat result[4];
+ fetch_vector4_deriv(ctx, &inst->SrcReg[0], machine,
+ 'X', result);
store_vector4(inst, machine, result);
- store_vector4(inst, machine, ZeroVec);
case OPCODE_DDY: /* Partial derivative with respect to Y */
-#if 0
- GLfloat a[4], aNext[4], result[4];
- struct gl_program_machine dMachine;
- if (!fetch_vector4_deriv(ctx, &inst->SrcReg[0], span, 'Y',
- column, result)) {
- init_machine_deriv(ctx, machine, program, span,
- 'Y', &dMachine);
- fetch_vector4(&inst->SrcReg[0], machine, program, a);
- execute_program(ctx, program, pc, &dMachine, span, column);
- fetch_vector4(&inst->SrcReg[0], &dMachine, program,
- aNext);
- result[0] = aNext[0] - a[0];
- result[1] = aNext[1] - a[1];
- result[2] = aNext[2] - a[2];
- result[3] = aNext[3] - a[3];
- }
+ GLfloat result[4];
+ fetch_vector4_deriv(ctx, &inst->SrcReg[0], machine,
+ 'Y', result);
store_vector4(inst, machine, result);
- store_vector4(inst, machine, ZeroVec);
case OPCODE_DP3: