becomes possible to perform in-place Transpose of Indices which
may have been costly to set up or costly to duplicate
(waste register file space).
# svshape instruction <a name="svshape"> </a>
`svshape` is a convenience instruction that reduces instruction
svshape SVxd,SVyd,SVzd,SVRM,vf
-| 0.5|6.10 |11.15 |16..20 | 21..25 | 25 | 26..31| name |
+| 0.5|6.10 |11.15 |16..20 | 21..24 | 25 | 26..31| name |
| -- | -- | --- | ----- | ------ | -- | ------| -------- |
|OPCD| SVxd | SVyd | SVzd | SVRM | vf | XO | svshape |