s.SurfaceFormat = info->view->format;
#if GEN_GEN >= 12
- s.DepthStencilResource =
- isl_surf_usage_is_depth_or_stencil(info->surf->usage);
+ /* The BSpec description of this field says:
+ *
+ * "This bit field, when set, indicates if the resource is created as
+ * Depth/Stencil resource."
+ *
+ * "SW must set this bit for any resource that was created with
+ * Depth/Stencil resource flag. Setting this bit allows HW to properly
+ * interpret the data-layout for various cases. For any resource that's
+ * created without Depth/Stencil resource flag, it must be reset."
+ *
+ * Even though the docs for this bit seem to imply that it's required for
+ * anything which might have been used for depth/stencil, empirical
+ * evidence suggests that it only affects CCS compression usage. There are
+ * a few things which back this up:
+ *
+ * 1. The docs are also pretty clear that this bit was added as part
+ * of enabling Gen12 depth/stencil lossless compression.
+ *
+ * 2. The only new difference between depth/stencil and color images on
+ * Gen12 (where the bit was added) is how they treat CCS compression.
+ * All other differences such as alignment requirements and MSAA layout
+ * are already covered by other bits.
+ *
+ * Under these assumptions, it makes sense for ISL to model this bit as
+ * being an extension of AuxiliarySurfaceMode where STC_CCS and HIZ_CCS_WT
+ * are indicated by AuxiliarySurfaceMode == CCS_E and DepthStencilResource
+ * == true.
+ */
+ s.DepthStencilResource = info->aux_usage == ISL_AUX_USAGE_HIZ_CCS_WT ||
+ info->aux_usage == ISL_AUX_USAGE_STC_CCS;
#if GEN_GEN <= 5