class ECP5CRG(Elaboratable):
def __init__(self, sys_clk_freq=100e6, dram_clk_freq=None,
- pod_bits=25, sync_bits=26):
+ pod_bits=25, sync_bits=26, need_bridge=False):
"""when dram_clk_freq=None, a dramsync domain is still created
but it is an alias of sync domain. likewise the 2x
self.dram_clk_freq = dram_clk_freq
self.pod_bits = pod_bits # for init domain
self.sync_bits = sync_bits # for all other domains
+ self.need_bridge = need_bridge # insert ECLKBRIDGECS
assert pod_bits <= sync_bits, \
"power-on-delay bits %d should " \
" be less than sync_bits %d" % (pod_bits, sync_bits)
# create PLL clocks
pll.create_clkout(ClockSignal(cd2x_ub), 2*freq)
if esyncb:
- m.submodules["%s_eclksyncb" % cd] = Instance("ECLKSYNCB",
+ if self.need_bridge:
+ sys2x_clk_ecsout = Signal()
+ m.submodules["%s_eclkbridgecs" % cd] = Instance("ECLKBRIDGECS",
+ i_CLK0 = ClockSignal(cd2x_ub),
+ i_SEL = 0,
+ o_ECSOUT = sys2x_clk_ecsout)
+ m.submodules["%s_eclksyncb" % cd] = Instance("ECLKSYNCB",
+ i_ECLKI = sys2x_clk_ecsout,
+ i_STOP = 0,
+ o_ECLKO = ClockSignal(cd2x))
+ else:
+ m.submodules["%s_eclksyncb" % cd] = Instance("ECLKSYNCB",
i_ECLKI = ClockSignal(cd2x_ub),
i_STOP = 0,
o_ECLKO = ClockSignal(cd2x))