| 21:27 | dststep | for dststep = 0..VL-1 |
| 28:29 | dsubstep | for substep = 0..SUBVL-1 |
| 30:31 | ssubstep | for substep = 0..SUBVL-1 |
-| 32:33 | mi0 | REMAP RA SVSHAPE0-3 |
-| 34:35 | mi1 | REMAP RB SVSHAPE0-3 |
-| 36:37 | mi2 | REMAP RC SVSHAPE0-3 |
-| 38:39 | mo0 | REMAP RT SVSHAPE0-3 |
-| 40:41 | mo1 | REMAP EA SVSHAPE0-3 |
+| 32:33 | mi0 | REMAP RA/FRA/BFA SVSHAPE0-3 |
+| 34:35 | mi1 | REMAP RB/FRB/BFB SVSHAPE0-3 |
+| 36:37 | mi2 | REMAP RC/FRT SVSHAPE0-3 |
+| 38:39 | mo0 | REMAP RT/FRT/BF SVSHAPE0-3 |
+| 40:41 | mo1 | REMAP EA/RS/FRS SVSHAPE0-3 |
| 42:46 | SVme | REMAP enable (RA-RT) |
| 47:52 | rsvd | reserved |
| 53 | pack | PACK (srcstrp reorder) |
hardware **MUST** perform this many elements in parallel
per instruction. Set to zero to indicate "no hint".
* SVme - REMAP enable bits, indicating which register is to be
- REMAPed. RA, RB, RC, RT or EA.
-* mi0-mi4 - when the corresponding SVme bit is enabled, mi0-mi4
+ REMAPed: RA, RB, RC, RT and EA are the canonical (typical) register names
+ associated with each bit, with RA being the LSB and EA being the MSB.
+ See table below for ordering. When `SVme` is zero (0b00000) REMAP
+ is **fully disabled and inactive**.
+* mi0-mi2/mo0-mo1 - when the corresponding SVme bit is enabled, these
indicate the SVSHAPE (0-3) that the corresponding register (RA etc)
- should use.
+ should use, as long as the register's corresponding SVme bit is set
Programmer's Note: when REMAP is activated it becomes necessary on any
context-switch (Interrupt or Function call) to detect (or know in advance)