the src CR Field when the predicate bit is zero. otherwise the element
is ignored or skipped, depending on context.
* **ALL** when set, all branch conditional tests must pass in order for
- the branch to succeed.
-* **VLI** Identical to Data-dependent Fail-First mode.
+ the branch to succeed. When clear, it is the first sequentially
+ encountered successful test that causes the branch to succeed.
+* **VLI** VLSET is identical to Data-dependent Fail-First mode.
In VLSET mode, VL is set equal (truncated) to the first point
- where, assuming Conditions are tested sequentially, the branch succeeds
+ where, assuming Conditions are tested sequentially, the branch succeeds
*or fails* depending if VSb is set.
If VLI (Vector Length Inclusive) is clear,
VL is truncated to *exclude* the current element, otherwise it is