random_seed = Param.Int(1234, "random seed used by the simulation");
randomization = Param.Bool(False,
"insert random delays on message enqueue times");
- tech_nm = Param.Int(45,
- "device size used to calculate latency and area information");
clock = Param.Clock('1GHz', "")
block_size_bytes = Param.Int(64,
"default cache block size; must be a power of two");
int RubySystem::m_random_seed;
bool RubySystem::m_randomization;
-int RubySystem::m_tech_nm;
Tick RubySystem::m_clock;
int RubySystem::m_block_size_bytes;
int RubySystem::m_block_size_bits;
m_random_seed = p->random_seed;
m_randomization = p->randomization;
- m_tech_nm = p->tech_nm;
m_clock = p->clock;
m_block_size_bytes = p->block_size_bytes;
out << "RubySystem config:" << endl;
out << " random_seed: " << m_random_seed << endl;
out << " randomization: " << m_randomization << endl;
- out << " tech_nm: " << m_tech_nm << endl;
out << " cycle_period: " << m_clock << endl;
out << " block_size_bytes: " << m_block_size_bytes << endl;
out << " block_size_bits: " << m_block_size_bits << endl;
// config accessors
static int getRandomSeed() { return m_random_seed; }
static int getRandomization() { return m_randomization; }
- static int getTechNm() { return m_tech_nm; }
static int getBlockSizeBytes() { return m_block_size_bytes; }
static int getBlockSizeBits() { return m_block_size_bits; }
static uint64 getMemorySizeBytes() { return m_memory_size_bytes; }
// configuration parameters
static int m_random_seed;
static bool m_randomization;
- static int m_tech_nm;
static Tick m_clock;
static int m_block_size_bytes;
static int m_block_size_bits;