default, then Buildroot will use the waf executable provided in the
package source tree; if set to +YES+, then Buidlroot will download,
install waf as a host tool and use it to build the package.
+* +LIBFOO_WAF_OPTS+, to specify additional options to pass to the
+ +waf+ script at every step of the package build process: configure,
+ build and installation. By default, empty.
+* +LIBFOO_CONF_OPTS+, to specify additional options to pass to the
+ +waf+ script for the configuration step. By default, empty.
+* +LIBFOO_BUILD_OPTS+, to specify additional options to pass to the
+ +waf+ script during the build step. By default, empty.
+* +LIBFOO_INSTALL_STAGING_OPTS+, to specify additional options to pass
+ to the +waf+ script during the staging installation step. By default,
+ empty.
+* +LIBFOO_INSTALL_TARGET_OPTS+, to specify additional options to pass
+ to the +waf+ script during the target installation step. By default,
+ empty.