New C++ Api: Rename and move checks.h. (#6306)
authorAina Niemetz <>
Wed, 7 Apr 2021 20:18:53 +0000 (13:18 -0700)
committerGitHub <>
Wed, 7 Apr 2021 20:18:53 +0000 (13:18 -0700)
src/api/checks.h [deleted file]
src/api/cpp/cvc5_checks.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 2bcda537c155e1cc014bb0b813b04857cbaca158..4db7b202ecbfdb5215240fa4a2eac85a3b024be0 100644 (file)
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 # Collect libcvc4 source files
-  api/checks.h
+  api/cpp/cvc5_checks.h
diff --git a/src/api/checks.h b/src/api/checks.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e4505c1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@
-/*********************                                                        */
-/*! \file checks.h
- ** \verbatim
- ** Top contributors (to current version):
- **   Aina Niemetz
- ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
- ** Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
- ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
- ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
- ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
- **
- ** \brief Check macros for the cvc5 C++ API.
- **
- ** These macros implement guards for the cvc5 C++ API functions.
- **/
-#include "cvc4_public.h"
-#ifndef CVC4__API__CHECKS_H
-#define CVC4__API__CHECKS_H
-namespace cvc4 {
-namespace api {
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Basic check macros.                                                        */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * The base check macro.
- * Throws a CVC4ApiException if 'cond' is false.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK(cond) \
-  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)    \
-  ? (void)0 : OstreamVoider() & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()
- * The base check macro for throwing recoverable exceptions.
- * Throws a CVC4RecoverableApiException if 'cond' is false.
- */
-  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                \
-  ? (void)0 : OstreamVoider() & CVC4ApiRecoverableExceptionStream().ostream()
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Not null checks.                                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/** Check it 'this' is not a null object. */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK_NOT_NULL                     \
-  CVC4_API_CHECK(!isNullHelper())                   \
-      << "Invalid call to '" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ \
-      << "', expected non-null object";
-/** Check if given argument is not a null object. */
-#define CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(arg) \
-  CVC4_API_CHECK(!arg.isNull()) << "Invalid null argument for '" << #arg << "'";
-/** Check if given argument is not a null pointer. */
-  CVC4_API_CHECK(arg != nullptr)            \
-      << "Invalid null argument for '" << #arg << "'";
- * Check if given argument at given index in container 'args' is not a null
- * object.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(what, arg, args, idx)      \
-  CVC4_API_CHECK(!arg.isNull()) << "Invalid null " << (what) << " in '" \
-                                << #args << "' at index " << (idx);
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Kind checks.                                                               */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/** Check if given kind is a valid kind. */
-#define CVC4_API_KIND_CHECK(kind)     \
-  CVC4_API_CHECK(isDefinedKind(kind)) \
-      << "Invalid kind '" << kindToString(kind) << "'";
- * Check if given kind is a valid kind.
- * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what kind was expected
- * if given kind is invalid.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_KIND_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, kind) \
-  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                        \
-  ? (void)0                                      \
-  : OstreamVoider()                              \
-          & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()   \
-                << "Invalid kind '" << kindToString(kind) << "', expected "
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Argument checks.                                                           */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Check condition 'cond' for given argument 'arg'.
- * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what was expected to
- * hold if condition is false and throws a non-recoverable exception.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, arg)                      \
-  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                                           \
-  ? (void)0                                                         \
-  : OstreamVoider()                                                 \
-          & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()                      \
-                << "Invalid argument '" << arg << "' for '" << #arg \
-                << "', expected "
- * Check condition 'cond' for given argument 'arg'.
- * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what was expected to
- * hold if condition is false and throws a recoverable exception.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_RECOVERABLE_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, arg)          \
-  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                                           \
-  ? (void)0                                                         \
-  : OstreamVoider()                                                 \
-          & CVC4ApiRecoverableExceptionStream().ostream()           \
-                << "Invalid argument '" << arg << "' for '" << #arg \
-                << "', expected "
- * Check condition 'cond' for given argument 'arg'.
- * Provides a more specific error message than CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED,
- * it identifies that this check is a size check.
- * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what was expected to
- * hold if condition is false and throws a recoverable exception.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_ARG_SIZE_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, arg) \
-  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                           \
-  ? (void)0                                         \
-  : OstreamVoider()                                 \
-          & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()      \
-                << "Invalid size of argument '" << #arg << "', expected "
- * Check condition 'cond' for the argument at given index in container 'args'.
- * Argument 'what' identifies what is being checked (e.g., "term").
- * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what was expected to
- * hold if condition is false.
- * Usage:
- *     <condition>, "what", <container>, <idx>) << "message";
- */
-#define CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, what, args, idx)          \
-  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                                                    \
-  ? (void)0                                                                  \
-  : OstreamVoider()                                                          \
-          & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()                               \
-                << "Invalid " << (what) << " in '" << #args << "' at index " \
-                << (idx) << ", expected "
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Solver checks.                                                             */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Solver check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if given solver matches the solver object this object is associated
- * with.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_SOLVER(what, arg)                              \
-  CVC4_API_CHECK(this->d_solver == arg.d_solver)                          \
-      << "Given " << (what) << " is not associated with the solver this " \
-      << "object is associated with";
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Sort checks.                                                               */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Sort check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if given sort is not null and associated with the solver object this
- * object is associated with.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK_SORT(sort)            \
-  do                                         \
-  {                                          \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(sort);       \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_SOLVER("sort", sort); \
-  } while (0)
- * Sort check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if each sort in the given container of sorts is not null and
- * associated with the solver object this object is associated with.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK_SORTS(sorts)                                         \
-  do                                                                        \
-  {                                                                         \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                           \
-    for (const auto& s : sorts)                                             \
-    {                                                                       \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("sort", s, sorts, i);            \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
-          this->d_solver == s.d_solver, "sort", sorts, i)                   \
-          << "a sort associated with the solver this object is associated " \
-             "with";                                                        \
-      i += 1;                                                               \
-    }                                                                       \
-  } while (0)
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Term checks.                                                               */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if given term is not null and associated with the solver object this
- * object is associated with.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK_TERM(term)            \
-  do                                         \
-  {                                          \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(term);       \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_SOLVER("term", term); \
-  } while (0)
- * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if each term in the given container of terms is not null and
- * associated with the solver object this object is associated with.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK_TERMS(terms)                                         \
-  do                                                                        \
-  {                                                                         \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                           \
-    for (const auto& s : terms)                                             \
-    {                                                                       \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", s, terms, i);            \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
-          this->d_solver == s.d_solver, "term", terms, i)                   \
-          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated " \
-             "with";                                                        \
-      i += 1;                                                               \
-    }                                                                       \
-  } while (0)
- * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if each term and sort in the given map (which maps terms to sorts) is
- * not null and associated with the solver object this object is associated
- * with.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK_TERMS_MAP(map)                                       \
-  do                                                                        \
-  {                                                                         \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                           \
-    for (const auto& p : map)                                               \
-    {                                                                       \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", p.first, map, i);        \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
-          this->d_solver == p.first.d_solver, "term", map, i)               \
-          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated " \
-             "with";                                                        \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("sort", p.second, map, i);       \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
-          this->d_solver == p.second.d_solver, "sort", map, i)              \
-          << "a sort associated with the solver this object is associated " \
-             "with";                                                        \
-      i += 1;                                                               \
-    }                                                                       \
-  } while (0)
- * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if each term in the given container is not null, associated with the
- * solver object this object is associated with, and of the given sort.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK_TERMS_WITH_SORT(terms, sort)                            \
-  do                                                                           \
-  {                                                                            \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                              \
-    for (const auto& t : terms)                                                \
-    {                                                                          \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", t, terms, i);               \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                    \
-          this->d_solver == t.d_solver, "term", terms, i)                      \
-          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated "    \
-             "with";                                                           \
-      CVC4_API_CHECK(t.getSort() == sort)                                      \
-          << "Expected term with sort " << sort << " at index " << i << " in " \
-          << #terms;                                                           \
-      i += 1;                                                                  \
-    }                                                                          \
-  } while (0)
- * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if each term in both the given container is not null, associated with
- * the solver object this object is associated with, and their sorts are
- * pairwise comparable to.
- */
-  do                                                                        \
-  {                                                                         \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                           \
-    for (const auto& t1 : terms1)                                           \
-    {                                                                       \
-      const auto& t2 = terms2[i];                                           \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", t1, terms1, i);          \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
-          this->d_solver == t1.d_solver, "term", terms1, i)                 \
-          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated " \
-             "with";                                                        \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", t2, terms2, i);          \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
-          this->d_solver == t2.d_solver, "term", terms2, i)                 \
-          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated " \
-             "with";                                                        \
-      CVC4_API_CHECK(t1.getSort().isComparableTo(t2.getSort()))             \
-          << "Expecting terms of comparable sort at index " << i;           \
-      i += 1;                                                               \
-    }                                                                       \
-  } while (0)
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* DatatypeDecl checks.                                                       */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * DatatypeDecl check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
- * Check if given datatype declaration is not null and associated with the
- * solver object this DatatypeDecl object is associated with.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_CHECK_DTDECL(decl)                          \
-  do                                                         \
-  {                                                          \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(decl);                       \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_SOLVER("datatype declaration", decl); \
-  } while (0)
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Checks for class Solver.                                                   */
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Sort checks. ------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Sort checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if given sort is not null and associated with this solver.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_SORT(sort)                    \
-  do                                                        \
-  {                                                         \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(sort);                      \
-    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == sort.d_solver)                   \
-        << "Given sort is not associated with this solver"; \
-  } while (0)
- * Sort checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if each sort in the given container of sorts is not null and
- * associated with this solver.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_SORTS(sorts)                        \
-  do                                                              \
-  {                                                               \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                 \
-    for (const auto& s : sorts)                                   \
-    {                                                             \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("sorts", s, sorts, i); \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                       \
-          this == s.d_solver, "sort", sorts, i)                   \
-          << "a sort associated with this solver";                \
-      i += 1;                                                     \
-    }                                                             \
-  } while (0)
- * Sort checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if each sort in the given container of sorts is not null, associated
- * with this solver, and not function-like.
- */
-  do                                                              \
-  {                                                               \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                 \
-    for (const auto& s : sorts)                                   \
-    {                                                             \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("sorts", s, sorts, i); \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                       \
-          this == s.d_solver, "sort", sorts, i)                   \
-          << "a sorts associated with this solver";               \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                       \
-          !s.isFunctionLike(), "sort", sorts, i)                  \
-          << "non-function-like sort";                            \
-      i += 1;                                                     \
-    }                                                             \
-  } while (0)
- * Domain sort check for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if domain sort is not null, associated with this solver, and a
- * first-class sort.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DOMAIN_SORT(sort)                           \
-  do                                                                      \
-  {                                                                       \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(sort);                                    \
-    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == sort.d_solver)                                 \
-        << "Given sort is not associated with this solver";               \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(sort.isFirstClass(), sort)                \
-        << "first-class sort as domain sort";                             \
-  } while (0)
- * Domain sort checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if each domain sort in the given container of sorts is not null,
- * associated with this solver, and a first-class sort.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DOMAIN_SORTS(sorts)                        \
-  do                                                                     \
-  {                                                                      \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                        \
-    for (const auto& s : sorts)                                          \
-    {                                                                    \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("domain sort", s, sorts, i);  \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                              \
-          this == s.d_solver, "domain sort", sorts, i)                   \
-          << "a sort associated with this solver object";                \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                              \
-          s.isFirstClass(), "domain sort", sorts, i)                     \
-          << "first-class sort as domain sort";                          \
-      i += 1;                                                            \
-    }                                                                    \
-  } while (0)
- * Codomain sort check for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if codomain sort is not null, associated with this solver, and a
- * first-class, non-function sort.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_CODOMAIN_SORT(sort)           \
-  do                                                        \
-  {                                                         \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(sort);                      \
-    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == sort.d_solver)                   \
-        << "Given sort is not associated with this solver"; \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(sort.isFirstClass(), sort)  \
-        << "first-class sort as codomain sort";             \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(!sort.isFunction(), sort)   \
-        << "function sort as codomain sort";                \
-  } while (0)
-/* Term checks. ------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Term checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if given term is not null and associated with this solver.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERM(term)                    \
-  do                                                        \
-  {                                                         \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(term);                      \
-    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == term.d_solver)                   \
-        << "Given term is not associated with this solver"; \
-  } while (0)
- * Term checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if each term in the given container of terms is not null and
- * associated with this solver.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERMS(terms)                        \
-  do                                                              \
-  {                                                               \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                 \
-    for (const auto& t : terms)                                   \
-    {                                                             \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("terms", t, terms, i); \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                       \
-          this == t.d_solver, "term", terms, i)                   \
-          << "a term associated with this solver";                \
-      i += 1;                                                     \
-    }                                                             \
-  } while (0)
- * Term checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if given term is not null, associated with this solver, and of given
- * sort.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERM_WITH_SORT(term, sort) \
-  do                                                     \
-  {                                                      \
-    CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERM(term);                    \
-    CVC4_API_CHECK(term.getSort() == sort)               \
-        << "Expected term with sort " << sort;           \
-  } while (0)
- * Term checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if each term in the given container is not null, associated with this
- * solver, and of the given sort.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERMS_WITH_SORT(terms, sort)                     \
-  do                                                                           \
-  {                                                                            \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                              \
-    for (const auto& t : terms)                                                \
-    {                                                                          \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", t, terms, i);               \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                    \
-          this == t.d_solver, "term", terms, i)                                \
-          << "a term associated with this solver";                             \
-      CVC4_API_CHECK(t.getSort() == sort)                                      \
-          << "Expected term with sort " << sort << " at index " << i << " in " \
-          << #terms;                                                           \
-      i += 1;                                                                  \
-    }                                                                          \
-  } while (0)
- * Bound variable checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if each term in the given container is not null, associated with this
- * solver, and a bound variable.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_BOUND_VARS(bound_vars)            \
-  do                                                            \
-  {                                                             \
-    size_t i = 0;                                               \
-    for (const auto& bv : bound_vars)                           \
-    {                                                           \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(                     \
-          "bound variable", bv, bound_vars, i);                 \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                     \
-          this == bv.d_solver, "bound variable", bound_vars, i) \
-          << "a term associated with this solver object";       \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                     \
-          bv.d_node->getKind() == cvc5::Kind::BOUND_VARIABLE,   \
-          "bound variable",                                     \
-          bound_vars,                                           \
-          i)                                                    \
-          << "a bound variable";                                \
-      i += 1;                                                   \
-    }                                                           \
-  } while (0)
- * Bound variable checks for member functions of class Solver that define
- * functions.
- * Check if each term in the given container is not null, associated with this
- * solver, a bound variable, matches theh corresponding sort in 'domain_sorts',
- * and is a first-class term.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_BOUND_VARS_DEF_FUN(                             \
-    fun, bound_vars, domain_sorts)                                            \
-  do                                                                          \
-  {                                                                           \
-    size_t size = bound_vars.size();                                          \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_SIZE_CHECK_EXPECTED(size == domain_sorts.size(), bound_vars) \
-        << "'" << domain_sorts.size() << "'";                                 \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                             \
-    for (const auto& bv : bound_vars)                                         \
-    {                                                                         \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(                                   \
-          "bound variable", bv, bound_vars, i);                               \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                   \
-          this == bv.d_solver, "bound variable", bound_vars, i)               \
-          << "a term associated with this solver object";                     \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                   \
-          bv.d_node->getKind() == cvc5::Kind::BOUND_VARIABLE,                 \
-          "bound variable",                                                   \
-          bound_vars,                                                         \
-          i)                                                                  \
-          << "a bound variable";                                              \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                   \
-          domain_sorts[i] == bound_vars[i].getSort(),                         \
-          "sort of parameter",                                                \
-          bound_vars,                                                         \
-          i);                                                                 \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                   \
-          domain_sorts[i].isFirstClass(), "domain sort", domain_sorts, i)     \
-          << "first-class sort of parameter of defined function";             \
-      i += 1;                                                                 \
-    }                                                                         \
-  } while (0)
-/* Op checks. --------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Op checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if given operator is not null and associated with this solver.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_OP(op)                            \
-  do                                                            \
-  {                                                             \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(op);                            \
-    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == op.d_solver)                         \
-        << "Given operator is not associated with this solver"; \
-  } while (0)
-/* Datatype checks. --------------------------------------------------------- */
- * DatatypeDecl checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if given datatype declaration is not null and associated with this
- * solver.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DTDECL(decl)                                     \
-  do                                                                           \
-  {                                                                            \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(decl);                                         \
-    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == decl.d_solver)                                      \
-        << "Given datatype declaration is not associated with this solver";    \
-    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(dtypedecl.getNumConstructors() > 0, dtypedecl) \
-        << "a datatype declaration with at least one constructor";             \
-  } while (0)
- * DatatypeDecl checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if each datatype declaration in the given container of declarations is
- * not null and associated with this solver.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DTDECLS(decls)                            \
-  do                                                                    \
-  {                                                                     \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                       \
-    for (const auto& d : decls)                                         \
-    {                                                                   \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(                             \
-          "datatype declaration", d, decls, i);                         \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                             \
-          this == d.d_solver, "datatype declaration", decls, i)         \
-          << "a datatype declaration associated with this solver";      \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                             \
-          d.getNumConstructors() > 0, "datatype declaration", decls, i) \
-          << "a datatype declaration with at least one constructor";    \
-      i += 1;                                                           \
-    }                                                                   \
-  } while (0)
- * DatatypeConstructorDecl checks for member functions of class Solver.
- * Check if each datatype constructor declaration in the given container of
- * declarations is not null and associated with this solver.
- */
-#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DTCTORDECLS(decls)                               \
-  do                                                                           \
-  {                                                                            \
-    size_t i = 0;                                                              \
-    for (const auto& d : decls)                                                \
-    {                                                                          \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(                                    \
-          "datatype constructor declaration", d, decls, i);                    \
-      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                    \
-          this == d.d_solver, "datatype constructor declaration", decls, i)    \
-          << "a datatype constructor declaration associated with this solver " \
-             "object";                                                         \
-      i += 1;                                                                  \
-    }                                                                          \
-  } while (0)
-}  // namespace api
-}  // namespace cvc4
index 310ff31285b012a579ad19ff0ce83be66408d8ca..232c32b4375ac2d18c7a72854e02b3086f415a35 100644 (file)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include <cstring>
 #include <sstream>
-#include "api/checks.h"
+#include "api/cpp/cvc5_checks.h"
 #include "base/check.h"
 #include "base/configuration.h"
 #include "expr/dtype.h"
diff --git a/src/api/cpp/cvc5_checks.h b/src/api/cpp/cvc5_checks.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e4505c1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+/*********************                                                        */
+/*! \file checks.h
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ **   Aina Niemetz
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2021 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Check macros for the cvc5 C++ API.
+ **
+ ** These macros implement guards for the cvc5 C++ API functions.
+ **/
+#include "cvc4_public.h"
+#ifndef CVC4__API__CHECKS_H
+#define CVC4__API__CHECKS_H
+namespace cvc4 {
+namespace api {
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Basic check macros.                                                        */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * The base check macro.
+ * Throws a CVC4ApiException if 'cond' is false.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK(cond) \
+  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)    \
+  ? (void)0 : OstreamVoider() & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()
+ * The base check macro for throwing recoverable exceptions.
+ * Throws a CVC4RecoverableApiException if 'cond' is false.
+ */
+  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                \
+  ? (void)0 : OstreamVoider() & CVC4ApiRecoverableExceptionStream().ostream()
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Not null checks.                                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** Check it 'this' is not a null object. */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK_NOT_NULL                     \
+  CVC4_API_CHECK(!isNullHelper())                   \
+      << "Invalid call to '" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ \
+      << "', expected non-null object";
+/** Check if given argument is not a null object. */
+#define CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(arg) \
+  CVC4_API_CHECK(!arg.isNull()) << "Invalid null argument for '" << #arg << "'";
+/** Check if given argument is not a null pointer. */
+  CVC4_API_CHECK(arg != nullptr)            \
+      << "Invalid null argument for '" << #arg << "'";
+ * Check if given argument at given index in container 'args' is not a null
+ * object.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(what, arg, args, idx)      \
+  CVC4_API_CHECK(!arg.isNull()) << "Invalid null " << (what) << " in '" \
+                                << #args << "' at index " << (idx);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Kind checks.                                                               */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** Check if given kind is a valid kind. */
+#define CVC4_API_KIND_CHECK(kind)     \
+  CVC4_API_CHECK(isDefinedKind(kind)) \
+      << "Invalid kind '" << kindToString(kind) << "'";
+ * Check if given kind is a valid kind.
+ * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what kind was expected
+ * if given kind is invalid.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_KIND_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, kind) \
+  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                        \
+  ? (void)0                                      \
+  : OstreamVoider()                              \
+          & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()   \
+                << "Invalid kind '" << kindToString(kind) << "', expected "
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Argument checks.                                                           */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Check condition 'cond' for given argument 'arg'.
+ * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what was expected to
+ * hold if condition is false and throws a non-recoverable exception.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, arg)                      \
+  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                                           \
+  ? (void)0                                                         \
+  : OstreamVoider()                                                 \
+          & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()                      \
+                << "Invalid argument '" << arg << "' for '" << #arg \
+                << "', expected "
+ * Check condition 'cond' for given argument 'arg'.
+ * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what was expected to
+ * hold if condition is false and throws a recoverable exception.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_RECOVERABLE_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, arg)          \
+  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                                           \
+  ? (void)0                                                         \
+  : OstreamVoider()                                                 \
+          & CVC4ApiRecoverableExceptionStream().ostream()           \
+                << "Invalid argument '" << arg << "' for '" << #arg \
+                << "', expected "
+ * Check condition 'cond' for given argument 'arg'.
+ * Provides a more specific error message than CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED,
+ * it identifies that this check is a size check.
+ * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what was expected to
+ * hold if condition is false and throws a recoverable exception.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_ARG_SIZE_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, arg) \
+  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                           \
+  ? (void)0                                         \
+  : OstreamVoider()                                 \
+          & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()      \
+                << "Invalid size of argument '" << #arg << "', expected "
+ * Check condition 'cond' for the argument at given index in container 'args'.
+ * Argument 'what' identifies what is being checked (e.g., "term").
+ * Creates a stream to provide a message that identifies what was expected to
+ * hold if condition is false.
+ * Usage:
+ *     <condition>, "what", <container>, <idx>) << "message";
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(cond, what, args, idx)          \
+  CVC4_PREDICT_TRUE(cond)                                                    \
+  ? (void)0                                                                  \
+  : OstreamVoider()                                                          \
+          & CVC4ApiExceptionStream().ostream()                               \
+                << "Invalid " << (what) << " in '" << #args << "' at index " \
+                << (idx) << ", expected "
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Solver checks.                                                             */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Solver check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if given solver matches the solver object this object is associated
+ * with.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_SOLVER(what, arg)                              \
+  CVC4_API_CHECK(this->d_solver == arg.d_solver)                          \
+      << "Given " << (what) << " is not associated with the solver this " \
+      << "object is associated with";
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Sort checks.                                                               */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Sort check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if given sort is not null and associated with the solver object this
+ * object is associated with.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK_SORT(sort)            \
+  do                                         \
+  {                                          \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(sort);       \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_SOLVER("sort", sort); \
+  } while (0)
+ * Sort check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if each sort in the given container of sorts is not null and
+ * associated with the solver object this object is associated with.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK_SORTS(sorts)                                         \
+  do                                                                        \
+  {                                                                         \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                           \
+    for (const auto& s : sorts)                                             \
+    {                                                                       \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("sort", s, sorts, i);            \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
+          this->d_solver == s.d_solver, "sort", sorts, i)                   \
+          << "a sort associated with the solver this object is associated " \
+             "with";                                                        \
+      i += 1;                                                               \
+    }                                                                       \
+  } while (0)
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Term checks.                                                               */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if given term is not null and associated with the solver object this
+ * object is associated with.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK_TERM(term)            \
+  do                                         \
+  {                                          \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(term);       \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_SOLVER("term", term); \
+  } while (0)
+ * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if each term in the given container of terms is not null and
+ * associated with the solver object this object is associated with.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK_TERMS(terms)                                         \
+  do                                                                        \
+  {                                                                         \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                           \
+    for (const auto& s : terms)                                             \
+    {                                                                       \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", s, terms, i);            \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
+          this->d_solver == s.d_solver, "term", terms, i)                   \
+          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated " \
+             "with";                                                        \
+      i += 1;                                                               \
+    }                                                                       \
+  } while (0)
+ * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if each term and sort in the given map (which maps terms to sorts) is
+ * not null and associated with the solver object this object is associated
+ * with.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK_TERMS_MAP(map)                                       \
+  do                                                                        \
+  {                                                                         \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                           \
+    for (const auto& p : map)                                               \
+    {                                                                       \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", p.first, map, i);        \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
+          this->d_solver == p.first.d_solver, "term", map, i)               \
+          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated " \
+             "with";                                                        \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("sort", p.second, map, i);       \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
+          this->d_solver == p.second.d_solver, "sort", map, i)              \
+          << "a sort associated with the solver this object is associated " \
+             "with";                                                        \
+      i += 1;                                                               \
+    }                                                                       \
+  } while (0)
+ * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if each term in the given container is not null, associated with the
+ * solver object this object is associated with, and of the given sort.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK_TERMS_WITH_SORT(terms, sort)                            \
+  do                                                                           \
+  {                                                                            \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                              \
+    for (const auto& t : terms)                                                \
+    {                                                                          \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", t, terms, i);               \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                    \
+          this->d_solver == t.d_solver, "term", terms, i)                      \
+          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated "    \
+             "with";                                                           \
+      CVC4_API_CHECK(t.getSort() == sort)                                      \
+          << "Expected term with sort " << sort << " at index " << i << " in " \
+          << #terms;                                                           \
+      i += 1;                                                                  \
+    }                                                                          \
+  } while (0)
+ * Term check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if each term in both the given container is not null, associated with
+ * the solver object this object is associated with, and their sorts are
+ * pairwise comparable to.
+ */
+  do                                                                        \
+  {                                                                         \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                           \
+    for (const auto& t1 : terms1)                                           \
+    {                                                                       \
+      const auto& t2 = terms2[i];                                           \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", t1, terms1, i);          \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
+          this->d_solver == t1.d_solver, "term", terms1, i)                 \
+          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated " \
+             "with";                                                        \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", t2, terms2, i);          \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                 \
+          this->d_solver == t2.d_solver, "term", terms2, i)                 \
+          << "a term associated with the solver this object is associated " \
+             "with";                                                        \
+      CVC4_API_CHECK(t1.getSort().isComparableTo(t2.getSort()))             \
+          << "Expecting terms of comparable sort at index " << i;           \
+      i += 1;                                                               \
+    }                                                                       \
+  } while (0)
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* DatatypeDecl checks.                                                       */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * DatatypeDecl check for member functions of classes other than class Solver.
+ * Check if given datatype declaration is not null and associated with the
+ * solver object this DatatypeDecl object is associated with.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_CHECK_DTDECL(decl)                          \
+  do                                                         \
+  {                                                          \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(decl);                       \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_SOLVER("datatype declaration", decl); \
+  } while (0)
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Checks for class Solver.                                                   */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Sort checks. ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Sort checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if given sort is not null and associated with this solver.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_SORT(sort)                    \
+  do                                                        \
+  {                                                         \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(sort);                      \
+    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == sort.d_solver)                   \
+        << "Given sort is not associated with this solver"; \
+  } while (0)
+ * Sort checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if each sort in the given container of sorts is not null and
+ * associated with this solver.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_SORTS(sorts)                        \
+  do                                                              \
+  {                                                               \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                 \
+    for (const auto& s : sorts)                                   \
+    {                                                             \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("sorts", s, sorts, i); \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                       \
+          this == s.d_solver, "sort", sorts, i)                   \
+          << "a sort associated with this solver";                \
+      i += 1;                                                     \
+    }                                                             \
+  } while (0)
+ * Sort checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if each sort in the given container of sorts is not null, associated
+ * with this solver, and not function-like.
+ */
+  do                                                              \
+  {                                                               \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                 \
+    for (const auto& s : sorts)                                   \
+    {                                                             \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("sorts", s, sorts, i); \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                       \
+          this == s.d_solver, "sort", sorts, i)                   \
+          << "a sorts associated with this solver";               \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                       \
+          !s.isFunctionLike(), "sort", sorts, i)                  \
+          << "non-function-like sort";                            \
+      i += 1;                                                     \
+    }                                                             \
+  } while (0)
+ * Domain sort check for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if domain sort is not null, associated with this solver, and a
+ * first-class sort.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DOMAIN_SORT(sort)                           \
+  do                                                                      \
+  {                                                                       \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(sort);                                    \
+    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == sort.d_solver)                                 \
+        << "Given sort is not associated with this solver";               \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(sort.isFirstClass(), sort)                \
+        << "first-class sort as domain sort";                             \
+  } while (0)
+ * Domain sort checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if each domain sort in the given container of sorts is not null,
+ * associated with this solver, and a first-class sort.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DOMAIN_SORTS(sorts)                        \
+  do                                                                     \
+  {                                                                      \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                        \
+    for (const auto& s : sorts)                                          \
+    {                                                                    \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("domain sort", s, sorts, i);  \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                              \
+          this == s.d_solver, "domain sort", sorts, i)                   \
+          << "a sort associated with this solver object";                \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                              \
+          s.isFirstClass(), "domain sort", sorts, i)                     \
+          << "first-class sort as domain sort";                          \
+      i += 1;                                                            \
+    }                                                                    \
+  } while (0)
+ * Codomain sort check for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if codomain sort is not null, associated with this solver, and a
+ * first-class, non-function sort.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_CODOMAIN_SORT(sort)           \
+  do                                                        \
+  {                                                         \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(sort);                      \
+    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == sort.d_solver)                   \
+        << "Given sort is not associated with this solver"; \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(sort.isFirstClass(), sort)  \
+        << "first-class sort as codomain sort";             \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(!sort.isFunction(), sort)   \
+        << "function sort as codomain sort";                \
+  } while (0)
+/* Term checks. ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Term checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if given term is not null and associated with this solver.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERM(term)                    \
+  do                                                        \
+  {                                                         \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(term);                      \
+    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == term.d_solver)                   \
+        << "Given term is not associated with this solver"; \
+  } while (0)
+ * Term checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if each term in the given container of terms is not null and
+ * associated with this solver.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERMS(terms)                        \
+  do                                                              \
+  {                                                               \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                 \
+    for (const auto& t : terms)                                   \
+    {                                                             \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("terms", t, terms, i); \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                       \
+          this == t.d_solver, "term", terms, i)                   \
+          << "a term associated with this solver";                \
+      i += 1;                                                     \
+    }                                                             \
+  } while (0)
+ * Term checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if given term is not null, associated with this solver, and of given
+ * sort.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERM_WITH_SORT(term, sort) \
+  do                                                     \
+  {                                                      \
+    CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERM(term);                    \
+    CVC4_API_CHECK(term.getSort() == sort)               \
+        << "Expected term with sort " << sort;           \
+  } while (0)
+ * Term checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if each term in the given container is not null, associated with this
+ * solver, and of the given sort.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_TERMS_WITH_SORT(terms, sort)                     \
+  do                                                                           \
+  {                                                                            \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                              \
+    for (const auto& t : terms)                                                \
+    {                                                                          \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL("term", t, terms, i);               \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                    \
+          this == t.d_solver, "term", terms, i)                                \
+          << "a term associated with this solver";                             \
+      CVC4_API_CHECK(t.getSort() == sort)                                      \
+          << "Expected term with sort " << sort << " at index " << i << " in " \
+          << #terms;                                                           \
+      i += 1;                                                                  \
+    }                                                                          \
+  } while (0)
+ * Bound variable checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if each term in the given container is not null, associated with this
+ * solver, and a bound variable.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_BOUND_VARS(bound_vars)            \
+  do                                                            \
+  {                                                             \
+    size_t i = 0;                                               \
+    for (const auto& bv : bound_vars)                           \
+    {                                                           \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(                     \
+          "bound variable", bv, bound_vars, i);                 \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                     \
+          this == bv.d_solver, "bound variable", bound_vars, i) \
+          << "a term associated with this solver object";       \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                     \
+          bv.d_node->getKind() == cvc5::Kind::BOUND_VARIABLE,   \
+          "bound variable",                                     \
+          bound_vars,                                           \
+          i)                                                    \
+          << "a bound variable";                                \
+      i += 1;                                                   \
+    }                                                           \
+  } while (0)
+ * Bound variable checks for member functions of class Solver that define
+ * functions.
+ * Check if each term in the given container is not null, associated with this
+ * solver, a bound variable, matches theh corresponding sort in 'domain_sorts',
+ * and is a first-class term.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_BOUND_VARS_DEF_FUN(                             \
+    fun, bound_vars, domain_sorts)                                            \
+  do                                                                          \
+  {                                                                           \
+    size_t size = bound_vars.size();                                          \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_SIZE_CHECK_EXPECTED(size == domain_sorts.size(), bound_vars) \
+        << "'" << domain_sorts.size() << "'";                                 \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                             \
+    for (const auto& bv : bound_vars)                                         \
+    {                                                                         \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(                                   \
+          "bound variable", bv, bound_vars, i);                               \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                   \
+          this == bv.d_solver, "bound variable", bound_vars, i)               \
+          << "a term associated with this solver object";                     \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                   \
+          bv.d_node->getKind() == cvc5::Kind::BOUND_VARIABLE,                 \
+          "bound variable",                                                   \
+          bound_vars,                                                         \
+          i)                                                                  \
+          << "a bound variable";                                              \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                   \
+          domain_sorts[i] == bound_vars[i].getSort(),                         \
+          "sort of parameter",                                                \
+          bound_vars,                                                         \
+          i);                                                                 \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                   \
+          domain_sorts[i].isFirstClass(), "domain sort", domain_sorts, i)     \
+          << "first-class sort of parameter of defined function";             \
+      i += 1;                                                                 \
+    }                                                                         \
+  } while (0)
+/* Op checks. --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Op checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if given operator is not null and associated with this solver.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_OP(op)                            \
+  do                                                            \
+  {                                                             \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(op);                            \
+    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == op.d_solver)                         \
+        << "Given operator is not associated with this solver"; \
+  } while (0)
+/* Datatype checks. --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * DatatypeDecl checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if given datatype declaration is not null and associated with this
+ * solver.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DTDECL(decl)                                     \
+  do                                                                           \
+  {                                                                            \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_NOT_NULL(decl);                                         \
+    CVC4_API_CHECK(this == decl.d_solver)                                      \
+        << "Given datatype declaration is not associated with this solver";    \
+    CVC4_API_ARG_CHECK_EXPECTED(dtypedecl.getNumConstructors() > 0, dtypedecl) \
+        << "a datatype declaration with at least one constructor";             \
+  } while (0)
+ * DatatypeDecl checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if each datatype declaration in the given container of declarations is
+ * not null and associated with this solver.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DTDECLS(decls)                            \
+  do                                                                    \
+  {                                                                     \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                       \
+    for (const auto& d : decls)                                         \
+    {                                                                   \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(                             \
+          "datatype declaration", d, decls, i);                         \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                             \
+          this == d.d_solver, "datatype declaration", decls, i)         \
+          << "a datatype declaration associated with this solver";      \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                             \
+          d.getNumConstructors() > 0, "datatype declaration", decls, i) \
+          << "a datatype declaration with at least one constructor";    \
+      i += 1;                                                           \
+    }                                                                   \
+  } while (0)
+ * DatatypeConstructorDecl checks for member functions of class Solver.
+ * Check if each datatype constructor declaration in the given container of
+ * declarations is not null and associated with this solver.
+ */
+#define CVC4_API_SOLVER_CHECK_DTCTORDECLS(decls)                               \
+  do                                                                           \
+  {                                                                            \
+    size_t i = 0;                                                              \
+    for (const auto& d : decls)                                                \
+    {                                                                          \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_NOT_NULL(                                    \
+          "datatype constructor declaration", d, decls, i);                    \
+      CVC4_API_ARG_AT_INDEX_CHECK_EXPECTED(                                    \
+          this == d.d_solver, "datatype constructor declaration", decls, i)    \
+          << "a datatype constructor declaration associated with this solver " \
+             "object";                                                         \
+      i += 1;                                                                  \
+    }                                                                          \
+  } while (0)
+}  // namespace api
+}  // namespace cvc4