struct panfrost_job *job = panfrost_get_job_for_fbo(ctx);
+ /* The passed tile coords can be out of range in some cases, so we need
+ * to clamp them to the framebuffer size to avoid a TILE_RANGE_FAULT.
+ * Theoretically we also need to clamp the coordinates positive, but we
+ * avoid that edge case as all four values are unsigned. Also,
+ * theoretically we could clamp the minima, but if that has to happen
+ * the asserts would fail anyway (since the maxima would get clamped
+ * and then be smaller than the minima). An edge case of sorts occurs
+ * when no scissors are added to draw, so by default min=~0 and max=0.
+ * But that can't happen if any actual drawing occurs (beyond a
+ * wallpaper reload), so this is again irrelevant in practice. */
+ job->maxx = MIN2(job->maxx, fb->width);
+ job->maxy = MIN2(job->maxy, fb->height);
+ /* Rendering region must be at least 1x1; otherwise, there is nothing
+ * to do and the whole job chain should have been discarded. */
+ assert(job->maxx > job->minx);
+ assert(job->maxy > job->miny);
struct mali_payload_fragment payload = {
.min_tile_coord = MALI_COORDINATE_TO_TILE_MIN(job->minx, job->miny),
.max_tile_coord = MALI_COORDINATE_TO_TILE_MAX(job->maxx, job->maxy),