Makefile cleanup, no seperate middle preprocessing steps anymore
authorAli Saidi <>
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 08:40:32 +0000 (03:40 -0500)
committerAli Saidi <>
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 08:40:32 +0000 (03:40 -0500)
system/alpha/console/dbmentry.S [new file with mode: 0644]
system/alpha/console/dbmentry.s [deleted file]
system/alpha/console/paljtokern.S [new file with mode: 0644]
system/alpha/console/paljtokern.s [deleted file]
system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.S [new file with mode: 0644]
system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.s [deleted file]

index c1d783c246fc28f1561eb41dcccddc1a4dd3e328..766cf683db610f5152a4c9697ce63788d39c6453 100644 (file)
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 DBMENTRY       = fffffc0000010000
-INCLUDES        = -I$(PALCODE) -I$(INCLUDEH) -I$(M5)/dev
-PALCODE  = ../palcode
-INCLUDEH = ../h
+CFLAGS=-I . -I ../h -I$(M5)/dev -nostdinc++ -Wa,-m21164
 ARCHNAME=$(shell uname -m)
@@ -11,10 +7,13 @@ ARCHNAME=$(shell uname -m)
 ifneq ($(ARCHNAME), alpha)
+OBJS=dbmentry.o printf.o paljtokern.o paljtoslave.o
+TLOBJS+=$(OBJS) console_tl.o
+TSOBJS+=$(OBJS) console_ts.o
 ### Make sure that the M5 variable is set ###
 ifndef M5
 $(error The M5 variable must be set)
@@ -22,37 +21,26 @@ endif
 all: console_tl console_ts
-dbmentry.o: dbmentry.s 
-       g++ -I ../h -I ../palcode -E -P -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++ dbmentry.s | \
-       $(AS) -m 21164 -o dbmentry.s.o
+%.o: %.S
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -nostdinc -o $@ -c $<
 console_ts.o: console.c
-       $(CC)  -g3 $(INCLUDES) -D _TIME_T -D TSUNAMI -nostdinc++ -o console_ts.o -c console.c
+       $(CC)  -g3 $(CFLAGS) -D _TIME_T -D TSUNAMI -o $@ -c $<
 console_tl.o: console.c
-       $(CC)  -g3 $(INCLUDES) -D _TIME_T -D TLASER  -nostdinc++ -o console_tl.o -c console.c
+       $(CC)  -g3 $(CFLAGS) -D _TIME_T -D TLASER  -o $@ -c $< 
 printf.o: printf.c 
-       $(CC)  -g3 $(INCLUDES) -nostdinc++ -o $*.o -c $*.c
-paljtokern.s.o: paljtokern.s
-       g++ -I ../h -E -P -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++ paljtokern.s | \
-       $(AS) -m 21164 -o paljtokern.s.o
-paljtoslave.s.o: paljtoslave.s
-       g++ -I ../h -E -P -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -x c++ paljtoslave.s | \
-       $(AS) -m 21164 -o paljtoslave.s.o
+       $(CC)  -g3 $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-console_ts: console_ts.o dbmentry.o printf.o paljtokern.s.o paljtoslave.s.o 
-       $(LD) -o console_ts  -N -Ttext $(DBMENTRY) -non_shared \
-       dbmentry.s.o console_ts.o printf.o paljtokern.s.o paljtoslave.s.o -lc
+console_ts: $(TSOBJS)
+       $(LD) -o console_ts  -N -Ttext $(DBMENTRY) -non_shared $(TSOBJS) -lc
-console_tl: console_tl.o dbmentry.o printf.o paljtokern.s.o paljtoslave.s.o 
-       $(LD) -o console_tl  -N -Ttext $(DBMENTRY) -non_shared \
-       dbmentry.s.o console_tl.o printf.o paljtokern.s.o paljtoslave.s.o -lc
+console_tl: $(TLOBJS)
+       $(LD) -o console_tl  -N -Ttext $(DBMENTRY) -non_shared $(TLOBJS) -lc
 install: console
        scp console
-       rm -f *.o console *.strip paljtokern.c paljtoslave.c
+       rm -f *.o console_t?
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/dbmentry.S b/system/alpha/console/dbmentry.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f540d49
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+/* taken from ebfw/rom/dbmentry.s */
+#define EB164
+/*#ifndef LINT
+.asciiz "$Id: dbmentry.s,v 1997/10/30 23:27:12 verghese Exp $"
+ * Debug Monitor Entry code
+ */
+#include "ev5_impure.h"
+#include "cserve.h"
+#include "fromHudsonOsf.h"
+//#include "paldefs.h"
+#include "regdefs.h"
+#include "eb164.h"
+//#include "ledcodes.h"
+        .text
+/* return address and padding to octaword align */
+#define STARTFRM 16
+        .globl  __start
+        .ent    __start, 0
+        br      t0, 2f                 # get the current PC
+2:     ldgp    gp, 0(t0)               # init gp
+#ifdef original_xxm
+        lda    a2, CSERVE_K_RD_IMPURE
+        call_pal PAL_CSERVE_ENTRY
+        lda    v0,  CNS_Q_BASE(v0)
+        # Add KSEG offset to the impure area
+        subq   zero, 1, t0
+        sll    t0, 42, t0
+        addq   t0, v0, v0
+        lda    t0, CNS_Q_SIGNATURE(v0)
+        bic    t0, 0x07, t0            # Clear bottom 3 bits to avoid
+                                        # allignment errors if the
+                                        # impure area is total rubbish
+        ldq    t0, 0x00(t0)
+        srl    t0, 16, t0              # Shift signature into bottom 16 bits.
+        lda    t6, 0xDECB(zero)        # Load the expected valid signature.
+        zap    t6, 0xFC, t6            # Clear the upper bits.
+        cmpeq  t0, t6, t0              # Is this a valid signature?
+        beq    t0, 1f                  # Not valid, don't trust input params.
+ *     Init the stack at the first 8K boundary
+ *     below the top of memory.
+ */
+        lda    t0, CNS_Q_MEM_SIZE(v0)
+        ldq    t0, 0x00(t0)            # Load memory size.
+        subq   t0, 1, t0               # Last address in memory
+        srl    t0, 13, t0              # Align to first 8KB boundary
+        sll    t0, 13, sp              # below the top of memory.
+        br     zero, 2f
+ *     If memory size was not passed in via the
+ *     PALcode impure data use the system specific
+ *     MINIMUM_SYSTEM_MEMORY definition.
+ */
+        lda    sp, (MINIMUM_SYSTEM_MEMORY&0xffff)(zero)
+        ldah   sp, ((MINIMUM_SYSTEM_MEMORY+0x8000)>>16)(sp)
+        lda    t0, (8*1024)(zero)      # Allow for 8KB guard page.
+        subq   sp, t0, sp
+#endif /* original_xxm */
+        /*
+         * SimOS. Stack pointer is start of a valid phys or KSEG page
+         */
+        bis    sp,sp,s0 /* save sp */
+slave: lda     v0,(8*1024)(sp) /* end of page  */
+        subq   zero, 1, t0
+        sll    t0, 42, t0
+        bis    t0, v0, sp
+#ifdef original_xxm
+        # Add KSEG offset to the stack pointer
+        subq   zero, 1, t0
+        sll    t0, 42, t0
+        addq   t0, sp, sp
+        lda     sp, -STARTFRM(sp)      # Create a stack frame
+        stq     ra, 0(sp)              # Place return address on the stack
+        .mask   0x84000000, -8
+        .frame  sp, STARTFRM, ra
+ *     Enable the Floating Point Unit
+ */
+        lda    a0, 1(zero)
+        call_pal PAL_WRFEN_ENTRY
+ *     Every good C program has a main()
+ */
+        beq    s0,master
+        call_pal PAL_WHAMI_ENTRY
+        bis    v0,v0,a0
+        jsr    ra, SlaveLoop
+        jsr    ra, main
+ *     The Debug Monitor should never return.
+ *     However, just incase...
+ */
+        ldgp   gp, 0(ra)
+        bsr    zero, _exit
+.end   __start
+        .globl  _exit
+        .ent    _exit, 0
+        ldq     ra, 0(sp)              # restore return address
+        lda    sp, STARTFRM(sp)        # prune back the stack
+        ret    zero, (ra)              # Back from whence we came
+.end   _exit
+                .globl cServe
+        .ent   cServe 2
+        .option        O1
+        .frame sp, 0, ra
+        call_pal PAL_CSERVE_ENTRY
+        ret    zero, (ra)
+        .end   cServe
+        .globl wrfen
+        .ent   wrfen 2
+        .option        O1
+        .frame sp, 0, ra
+        call_pal PAL_WRFEN_ENTRY
+        ret    zero, (ra)
+        .end   wrfen
+        .globl consoleCallback
+        .ent   consoleCallback 2
+        br      t0, 2f                 # get the current PC
+2:     ldgp    gp, 0(t0)               # init gp
+        lda     sp,-64(sp)
+        stq     ra,0(sp)
+        jsr     CallBackDispatcher
+        ldq     ra,0(sp)
+        lda     sp,64(sp)
+        ret     zero,(ra)
+        .end    consoleCallback
+        .globl consoleFixup
+        .ent   consoleFixup 2
+        br      t0, 2f                 # get the current PC
+2:     ldgp    gp, 0(t0)               # init gp
+        lda     sp,-64(sp)
+        stq     ra,0(sp)
+        jsr     CallBackFixup
+        ldq     ra,0(sp)
+        lda     sp,64(sp)
+        ret     zero,(ra)
+        .end    consoleFixup
+        .globl SpinLock
+        .ent   SpinLock 2
+        ldq_l  a1,0(a0)                # interlock complete lock state
+        subl   ra,3,v0                 # get calling addr[31:0] + 1
+        blbs   a1,2f                   # branch if lock is busy
+        stq_c  v0,0(a0)                # attempt to acquire lock
+        beq    v0,2f                   # branch if lost atomicity
+        mb                             # ensure memory coherence
+        ret    zero,(ra)               # return to caller (v0 is 1)
+        br     zero,1b
+        .end   SpinLock
+        .globl loadContext
+        .ent   loadContext 2
+        .option        O1
+        .frame sp, 0, ra
+        call_pal PAL_SWPCTX_ENTRY
+        ret    zero, (ra)
+        .end   loadContext
+        .globl SlaveSpin          # Very carefully spin wait
+        .ent   SlaveSpin 2        # and swap context without
+SlaveSpin:                         # using any stack space
+        .option        O1
+        .frame sp, 0, ra
+        mov a0, t0                 # cpu number
+        mov a1, t1                 # cpu rpb pointer (virtual)
+        mov a2, t2                 # what to spin on
+test:   ldl  t3, 0(t2)
+        beq  t3, test
+        zapnot t1,0x1f,a0          # make rpb physical
+        call_pal PAL_SWPCTX_ENTRY  # switch to pcb
+        mov t0, a0                 # setup args for SlaveCmd
+        mov t1, a1
+        jsr SlaveCmd               # call SlaveCmd
+        ret    zero, (ra)         # Should never be reached
+        .end   SlaveSpin
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/dbmentry.s b/system/alpha/console/dbmentry.s
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7a71892..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-/* taken from ebfw/rom/dbmentry.s */
-#define EB164 
-/*#ifndef LINT
-.asciiz "$Id: dbmentry.s,v 1997/10/30 23:27:12 verghese Exp $"
- * Debug Monitor Entry code
- */
-#include "ev5_impure.h"
-#include "cserve.h"
-#include "fromHudsonOsf.h"
-//#include "paldefs.h"
-#include "regdefs.h"
-#include "eb164.h"
-//#include "ledcodes.h"
-       .text
-/* return address and padding to octaword align */
-#define STARTFRM 16
-        .globl  __start
-        .ent    __start, 0
-       br      t0, 2f                  # get the current PC
-2:     ldgp    gp, 0(t0)               # init gp
-#ifdef original_xxm    
-       lda     a2, CSERVE_K_RD_IMPURE
-       call_pal PAL_CSERVE_ENTRY
-       lda     v0,  CNS_Q_BASE(v0)
-       # Add KSEG offset to the impure area
-       subq    zero, 1, t0
-       sll     t0, 42, t0
-       addq    t0, v0, v0
-       lda     t0, CNS_Q_SIGNATURE(v0)
-       bic     t0, 0x07, t0            # Clear bottom 3 bits to avoid
-                                       # allignment errors if the
-                                       # impure area is total rubbish
-       ldq     t0, 0x00(t0)
-       srl     t0, 16, t0              # Shift signature into bottom 16 bits.
-       lda     t6, 0xDECB(zero)        # Load the expected valid signature.
-       zap     t6, 0xFC, t6            # Clear the upper bits.
-       cmpeq   t0, t6, t0              # Is this a valid signature?
-       beq     t0, 1f                  # Not valid, don't trust input params.
- *     Init the stack at the first 8K boundary
- *     below the top of memory.
- */
-       lda     t0, CNS_Q_MEM_SIZE(v0)
-       ldq     t0, 0x00(t0)            # Load memory size.
-       subq    t0, 1, t0               # Last address in memory
-       srl     t0, 13, t0              # Align to first 8KB boundary
-       sll     t0, 13, sp              # below the top of memory.
-       br      zero, 2f
- *     If memory size was not passed in via the
- *     PALcode impure data use the system specific
- *     MINIMUM_SYSTEM_MEMORY definition.
- */
-       lda     sp, (MINIMUM_SYSTEM_MEMORY&0xffff)(zero)
-       ldah    sp, ((MINIMUM_SYSTEM_MEMORY+0x8000)>>16)(sp)
-       lda     t0, (8*1024)(zero)      # Allow for 8KB guard page.
-       subq    sp, t0, sp
-#endif /* original_xxm */
-       /*
-        * SimOS. Stack pointer is start of a valid phys or KSEG page
-        */
-       bis     sp,sp,s0 /* save sp */
-slave: lda     v0,(8*1024)(sp) /* end of page  */
-       subq    zero, 1, t0
-       sll     t0, 42, t0
-       bis     t0, v0, sp
-#ifdef original_xxm            
-       # Add KSEG offset to the stack pointer
-       subq    zero, 1, t0
-       sll     t0, 42, t0
-       addq    t0, sp, sp
-       lda     sp, -STARTFRM(sp)       # Create a stack frame
-       stq     ra, 0(sp)               # Place return address on the stack
-       .mask   0x84000000, -8
-       .frame  sp, STARTFRM, ra
- *     Enable the Floating Point Unit
- */
-       lda     a0, 1(zero)
-       call_pal PAL_WRFEN_ENTRY
- *     Every good C program has a main()
- */
-       beq     s0,master
-       call_pal PAL_WHAMI_ENTRY
-       bis     v0,v0,a0
-       jsr     ra, SlaveLoop
-       jsr     ra, main
- *     The Debug Monitor should never return.
- *     However, just incase...
- */
-       ldgp    gp, 0(ra)
-       bsr     zero, _exit
-.end   __start
-        .globl  _exit
-        .ent    _exit, 0
-       ldq     ra, 0(sp)               # restore return address
-       lda     sp, STARTFRM(sp)        # prune back the stack
-       ret     zero, (ra)              # Back from whence we came
-.end   _exit
-               .globl  cServe
-       .ent    cServe 2
-       .option O1
-       .frame  sp, 0, ra
-       call_pal PAL_CSERVE_ENTRY
-       ret     zero, (ra)
-       .end    cServe
-       .globl  wrfen
-       .ent    wrfen 2
-       .option O1
-       .frame  sp, 0, ra
-       call_pal PAL_WRFEN_ENTRY
-       ret     zero, (ra)
-       .end    wrfen
-               .globl  consoleCallback
-       .ent    consoleCallback 2
-        br      t0, 2f                 # get the current PC
-2:     ldgp    gp, 0(t0)               # init gp
-        lda     sp,-64(sp)
-        stq     ra,0(sp)
-        jsr     CallBackDispatcher
-        ldq     ra,0(sp)
-        lda     sp,64(sp)
-        ret     zero,(ra)
-        .end    consoleCallback
-               .globl  consoleFixup
-       .ent    consoleFixup 2
-        br      t0, 2f                 # get the current PC
-2:     ldgp    gp, 0(t0)               # init gp
-        lda     sp,-64(sp)
-        stq     ra,0(sp)
-        jsr     CallBackFixup
-        ldq     ra,0(sp)
-        lda     sp,64(sp)
-        ret     zero,(ra)
-        .end    consoleFixup
-       .globl  SpinLock
-       .ent    SpinLock 2
-       ldq_l   a1,0(a0)                # interlock complete lock state
-       subl    ra,3,v0                 # get calling addr[31:0] + 1
-       blbs    a1,2f                   # branch if lock is busy
-       stq_c   v0,0(a0)                # attempt to acquire lock
-       beq     v0,2f                   # branch if lost atomicity
-       mb                              # ensure memory coherence
-       ret     zero,(ra)               # return to caller (v0 is 1)
-       br      zero,1b
-       .end    SpinLock
-        .globl loadContext
-       .ent    loadContext 2
-       .option O1
-       .frame  sp, 0, ra
-       call_pal PAL_SWPCTX_ENTRY
-       ret     zero, (ra)
-       .end    loadContext
-       .globl  SlaveSpin          # Very carefully spin wait 
-       .ent    SlaveSpin 2        # and swap context without
-SlaveSpin:                         # using any stack space
-       .option O1
-       .frame  sp, 0, ra
-        mov a0, t0                 # cpu number 
-        mov a1, t1                 # cpu rpb pointer (virtual)
-        mov a2, t2                 # what to spin on
-test:   ldl  t3, 0(t2)
-        beq  t3, test
-        zapnot t1,0x1f,a0          # make rpb physical 
-       call_pal PAL_SWPCTX_ENTRY  # switch to pcb
-        mov t0, a0                 # setup args for SlaveCmd
-        mov t1, a1
-        jsr SlaveCmd               # call SlaveCmd
-       ret     zero, (ra)         # Should never be reached
-       .end    SlaveSpin
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/paljtokern.S b/system/alpha/console/paljtokern.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e33177d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#include "dc21164FromGasSources.h"     // DECchip 21164 specific definitions
+#include "ev5_defs.h"
+#include "fromHudsonOsf.h"     // OSF/1 specific definitions
+#include "fromHudsonMacros.h"  // Global macro definitions
+#include "ev5_impure.h"        // Scratch & logout area data structures
+#include "platform.h"  // Platform specific definitions
+        .global        palJToKern
+        .text  3
+/* Jump to kernel
+        Kernel address - a0
+        PCBB           - a1
+        First free PFN - a3?
+        Enable kseg addressing in ICSR
+        Enable kseg addressing in MCSR
+        Set VTBR -- Set to 1GB as per SRM, or maybe 8GB??
+        Set PCBB -- pass pointer in arg
+        Set PTBR -- get it out of PCB
+        Set KSP  -- get it out of PCB
+        Jump to kernel address
+        Kernel args-
+                s0 first free PFN
+                s1 ptbr
+                s2 argc 0
+                s3 argv NULL
+                s5 osf_param (sysconfigtab) NULL
+ */
+        ldq_p  a0, 0(zero)
+        ldq_p  a1, 8(zero)
+        ldq_p  a3, 16(zero)
+#ifdef undef
+        LDLI(t0,0x200000000)           // 8GB, like the Mikasa
+        LDLI(t0,0x40000000)            // 1GB, like the SRM
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        /* Point the Vptbr at 8GB */
+        lda    t0, 0x1(zero)
+        sll    t0, 33, t0
+        mtpr   t0, mVptBr      // Load Mbox copy
+        mtpr   t0, iVptBr      // Load Ibox copy
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        /* Turn on superpage mapping in the mbox and icsr */
+        lda    t0, (2<<MCSR_V_SP)(zero) // Get a '10' (binary) in MCSR<SP>
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mtpr   t0, mcsr                // Set the super page mode enable bit
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        lda    t0, 0(zero)
+        mtpr   t0, dtbAsn
+        mtpr   t0, itbAsn
+        LDLI   (t1,0x20000000)
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mfpr   t0, icsr                // Enable superpage mapping
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        bis    t0, t1, t0
+        mtpr   t0, icsr
+        STALL                           // Required stall to update chip ...
+        STALL
+        STALL
+        STALL
+        STALL
+        ldq_p  s0, PCB_Q_PTBR(a1)
+        sll    s0, VA_S_OFF, s0        // Shift PTBR into position
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mtpr   s0, ptPtbr              // PHYSICAL MBOX INST -> MT PT20 IN 0,1
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        ldq_p  sp, PCB_Q_KSP(a1)
+        mtpr   a0, excAddr             // Load the dispatch address.
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        bis    a3, zero, a0            // first free PFN
+        ldq_p  a1, PCB_Q_PTBR(a1)      // ptbr
+        ldq_p  a2, 24(zero)            // argc
+        ldq_p  a3, 32(zero)            // argv
+        ldq_p  a4, 40(zero)            // environ
+        lda    a5, 0(zero)             // osf_param
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mtpr   zero, dtbIa             // Flush all D-stream TB entries
+        mtpr   zero, itbIa             // Flush all I-stream TB entries
+        br     zero, 2f
+        ALIGN_BLOCK
+2:     NOP
+        mtpr   zero, icFlush           // Flush the icache.
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                            // Required NOPs ... 1-10
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 11-20
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 21-30
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 31-40
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                            // Required NOPs ... 41-44
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        hw_rei_stall                           // Dispatch to kernel
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/paljtokern.s b/system/alpha/console/paljtokern.s
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 66b5934..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#include "dc21164FromGasSources.h"     // DECchip 21164 specific definitions
-#include "ev5_defs.h" 
-#include "fromHudsonOsf.h"     // OSF/1 specific definitions
-#include "fromHudsonMacros.h"  // Global macro definitions
-#include "ev5_impure.h"        // Scratch & logout area data structures
-#include "platform.h"  // Platform specific definitions
-       .global palJToKern
-       .text   3
-/* Jump to kernel
-       Kernel address  - a0
-       PCBB            - a1
-       First free PFN  - a3?
-       Enable kseg addressing in ICSR
-       Enable kseg addressing in MCSR
-       Set VTBR -- Set to 1GB as per SRM, or maybe 8GB??
-       Set PCBB -- pass pointer in arg
-       Set PTBR -- get it out of PCB
-       Set KSP  -- get it out of PCB
-       Jump to kernel address
-       Kernel args-
-               s0 first free PFN
-               s1 ptbr
-               s2 argc 0
-               s3 argv NULL
-               s5 osf_param (sysconfigtab) NULL
- */
-       ldq_p   a0, 0(zero)
-       ldq_p   a1, 8(zero)
-       ldq_p   a3, 16(zero)
-#ifdef undef
-       LDLI(t0,0x200000000)            // 8GB, like the Mikasa
-       LDLI(t0,0x40000000)             // 1GB, like the SRM
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       /* Point the Vptbr at 8GB */
-       lda     t0, 0x1(zero)
-       sll     t0, 33, t0
-       mtpr    t0, mVptBr      // Load Mbox copy
-       mtpr    t0, iVptBr      // Load Ibox copy
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       /* Turn on superpage mapping in the mbox and icsr */
-       lda     t0, (2<<MCSR_V_SP)(zero) // Get a '10' (binary) in MCSR<SP>
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mtpr    t0, mcsr                // Set the super page mode enable bit
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       lda     t0, 0(zero)
-       mtpr    t0, dtbAsn
-       mtpr    t0, itbAsn
-       LDLI    (t1,0x20000000)
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mfpr    t0, icsr                // Enable superpage mapping
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       bis     t0, t1, t0
-       mtpr    t0, icsr
-       STALL                           // Required stall to update chip ...
-        STALL
-       STALL
-       STALL
-       STALL
-       ldq_p   s0, PCB_Q_PTBR(a1)
-       sll     s0, VA_S_OFF, s0        // Shift PTBR into position
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mtpr    s0, ptPtbr              // PHYSICAL MBOX INST -> MT PT20 IN 0,1
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       ldq_p   sp, PCB_Q_KSP(a1)
-       mtpr    a0, excAddr             // Load the dispatch address.
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       bis     a3, zero, a0            // first free PFN
-       ldq_p   a1, PCB_Q_PTBR(a1)      // ptbr
-       ldq_p   a2, 24(zero)            // argc
-       ldq_p   a3, 32(zero)            // argv
-       ldq_p   a4, 40(zero)            // environ
-       lda     a5, 0(zero)             // osf_param
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mtpr    zero, dtbIa             // Flush all D-stream TB entries
-       mtpr    zero, itbIa             // Flush all I-stream TB entries
-       br      zero, 2f
-2:     NOP
-       mtpr    zero, icFlush           // Flush the icache.
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                             // Required NOPs ... 1-10
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 11-20
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 21-30
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 31-40
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                             // Required NOPs ... 41-44
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       hw_rei_stall                            // Dispatch to kernel
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.S b/system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ebf3029
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#include       "dc21164FromGasSources.h"       // DECchip 21164 specific definitions
+#include    "ev5_defs.h"
+#include       "fromHudsonOsf.h"               // OSF/1 specific definitions
+#include       "fromHudsonMacros.h"    // Global macro definitions
+#include       "ev5_impure.h"  // Scratch & logout area data structures
+#include       "platform.h"    // Platform specific definitions
+        .global        palJToSlave
+        .text  3
+        /*
+         * args:
+            a0:         here
+            a1:         boot location
+            a2:         CSERVE_J_KTOPAL
+            a3:         restrart_pv
+            a4:         vptb
+            a5:  my_rpb
+         */
+        /*
+         * SRM Console Architecture III 3-26
+         */
+        bis    a3, zero, pv
+        bis    zero, zero, t11
+        bis    zero, zero, ra
+        /* Point the Vptbr to a2 */
+        mtpr   a4, mVptBr      // Load Mbox copy
+        mtpr   a4, iVptBr      // Load Ibox copy
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        /* Turn on superpage mapping in the mbox and icsr */
+        lda    t0, (2<<MCSR_V_SP)(zero) // Get a '10' (binary) in MCSR<SP>
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mtpr   t0, mcsr                // Set the super page mode enable bit
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        lda    t0, 0(zero)
+        mtpr   t0, dtbAsn
+        mtpr   t0, itbAsn
+        LDLI   (t1,0x20000000)
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mfpr   t0, icsr                // Enable superpage mapping
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        bis    t0, t1, t0
+        mtpr   t0, icsr
+        STALL                           // Required stall to update chip ...
+        STALL
+        STALL
+        STALL
+        STALL
+        ldq_p  s0, PCB_Q_PTBR(a5)
+        sll    s0, VA_S_OFF, s0        // Shift PTBR into position
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mtpr   s0, ptPtbr              // PHYSICAL MBOX INST -> MT PT20 IN 0,1
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        ldq_p  sp, PCB_Q_KSP(a5)
+        //mtpr a0, excAddr             // Load the dispatch address.
+        //STALL                        // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        //bis  a3, zero, a0            // first free PFN
+        // ldq_p       a1, PCB_Q_PTBR(a5)      // ptbr
+        //ldq_p        a2, 24(zero)            // argc
+        //ldq_p        a3, 32(zero)            // argv
+        //ldq_p        a4, 40(zero)            // environ
+        //lda  a5, 0(zero)             // osf_param
+        //STALL                        // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mtpr   zero, dtbIa             // Flush all D-stream TB entries
+        mtpr   zero, itbIa             // Flush all I-stream TB entries
+        mtpr   a1, excAddr             // Load the dispatch address.
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        STALL                  // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
+        mtpr   zero, dtbIa             // Flush all D-stream TB entries
+        mtpr   zero, itbIa             // Flush all I-stream TB entries
+        br     zero, 2f
+        ALIGN_BLOCK
+2:     NOP
+        mtpr   zero, icFlush           // Flush the icache.
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                            // Required NOPs ... 1-10
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 11-20
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 21-30
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 31-40
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP                            // Required NOPs ... 41-44
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        NOP
+        hw_rei_stall                           // Dispatch to kernel
diff --git a/system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.s b/system/alpha/console/paljtoslave.s
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3c3abd0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#include       "dc21164FromGasSources.h"       // DECchip 21164 specific definitions
-#include    "ev5_defs.h"
-#include       "fromHudsonOsf.h"               // OSF/1 specific definitions
-#include       "fromHudsonMacros.h"    // Global macro definitions
-#include       "ev5_impure.h"  // Scratch & logout area data structures
-#include       "platform.h"    // Platform specific definitions
-       .global palJToSlave
-       .text   3
-       /*
-        * args:         
-           a0:  here
-           a1:  boot location
-           a2:  CSERVE_J_KTOPAL
-           a3:  restrart_pv
-           a4:  vptb
-            a5:  my_rpb
-        */     
-       /*
-         * SRM Console Architecture III 3-26
-        */
-       bis     a3, zero, pv
-       bis     zero, zero, t11
-       bis     zero, zero, ra
-       /* Point the Vptbr to a2 */
-       mtpr    a4, mVptBr      // Load Mbox copy
-       mtpr    a4, iVptBr      // Load Ibox copy
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       /* Turn on superpage mapping in the mbox and icsr */
-       lda     t0, (2<<MCSR_V_SP)(zero) // Get a '10' (binary) in MCSR<SP>
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mtpr    t0, mcsr                // Set the super page mode enable bit
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       lda     t0, 0(zero)
-       mtpr    t0, dtbAsn
-       mtpr    t0, itbAsn
-       LDLI    (t1,0x20000000)
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mfpr    t0, icsr                // Enable superpage mapping
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       bis     t0, t1, t0
-       mtpr    t0, icsr
-       STALL                           // Required stall to update chip ...
-        STALL
-       STALL
-       STALL
-       STALL
-       ldq_p   s0, PCB_Q_PTBR(a5)
-       sll     s0, VA_S_OFF, s0        // Shift PTBR into position
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mtpr    s0, ptPtbr              // PHYSICAL MBOX INST -> MT PT20 IN 0,1
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       ldq_p   sp, PCB_Q_KSP(a5)
-       //mtpr  a0, excAddr             // Load the dispatch address.
-       //STALL                 // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       //bis   a3, zero, a0            // first free PFN
-       // ldq_p        a1, PCB_Q_PTBR(a5)      // ptbr
-       //ldq_p a2, 24(zero)            // argc
-       //ldq_p a3, 32(zero)            // argv
-       //ldq_p a4, 40(zero)            // environ
-       //lda   a5, 0(zero)             // osf_param
-       //STALL                 // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mtpr    zero, dtbIa             // Flush all D-stream TB entries
-       mtpr    zero, itbIa             // Flush all I-stream TB entries
-       mtpr    a1, excAddr             // Load the dispatch address.
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       STALL                   // don't dual issue the load with mtpr -pb
-       mtpr    zero, dtbIa             // Flush all D-stream TB entries
-       mtpr    zero, itbIa             // Flush all I-stream TB entries
-       br      zero, 2f
-2:     NOP
-       mtpr    zero, icFlush           // Flush the icache.
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                             // Required NOPs ... 1-10
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 11-20
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 21-30
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                           // Required NOPs ... 31-40
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP                             // Required NOPs ... 41-44
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       NOP
-       hw_rei_stall                            // Dispatch to kernel